I Guess Hunting them wouldn't be PC?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Hey Bess, are you allowed to post this kind of stuff on the anti-SFW General Forum???

Just curious...
Absolutely. This is the general hunting forum. Feel free to post anything that is generally related to hunting. Post away.

>Hey Bess, are you allowed to
>post this kind of stuff
>on the anti-SFW General Forum???
>Just curious...

Hey Tikka?

I'll be Lucky to Hit 4 Posts!

I'm Half way there & Half the Posts are My Own!:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Me & rutnbuck was seriously Planning a JellyStone Buff Hunt!

Doesn't look like they're gonna let that Happen?

Can You Imagine Me & Rut being HUNG here on MM for Shooting Pet Buffalo near Jellystone Park?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Now with the buff slaughter what will the wolves eat??? Cattle??? The elk are almost gone...

Gawd forbid hunters harvest them, that would be a travesty...
> Now with the buff slaughter
>what will the wolves eat???
>Cattle??? The elk are almost
> Gawd forbid hunters harvest them,
>that would be a travesty...

Hey Tikka?

It's OK for the Wolves to eat the Cattle!

Our Government has Money to Buy the Ranchers more Cows!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Its to bad they wont eat the environmentalists... But that would just leave a bad taste in their mouth...
ruts a little Gun Shy of My 2,000 Yard Gun!

But We were Planning on 'BRAGGING' about some Extra Long Range Shootin!

Guess We Won't be BRAGGIN!:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
> ruts a little Gun Shy
>of My 2,000 Yard Gun!
>But We were Planning on 'BRAGGING'
>about some Extra Long Range
>Guess We Won't be BRAGGIN!:D
>[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the
>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

Well I've tried 3 different times to reply to this post... Apparently what I have to say must not be allowed...
JUDAS Tikka!

What you trying to Post?:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
> JUDAS Tikka!
>What you trying to Post?:D
>[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the
>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

I'm building a long range gun right now... But I would not be able to hang with the 2,000 yard crowd...

But I used different words and none of them were four letter ones... It was all in a joking manner but apparently not ALLOWED...
Be careful Bess about disparaging the Park cops! No doubt they'll be voting for Billary to keep the gravy flowing and you'll get audited by another arm of "big bro".
It makes perfect sense that the "professionals" handle the bison population because they are "professional" after all!
This reminds me of the "professionals" on "Man on Fire".
Nincompoops all!
Bess I have been doing a ton of research on this. My pay scale won't cover the bribe. Eel is suppose to send me funds to cover his permit Cash $500. If you see or hear from Eel tell him we got the ok for him to start hunting next week. But he needs to call us after the kill and we can take the permit up to him and help pack it out.

> The original plan
>was to let hunters take
>them. This sucks.


Our Way wouldn't of been PC though!

Somebody woulda Hung Us Rut!

It's Called 'Thinning a Herd without anybody be able to see them Shot'!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

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