The Wolves Have Arrived!



From a pretty reliable source, I heard that a female wolf and 4 of her pups was killed in the Monte Cristo area of Utah on 6/8/2011. Two calves were found killed in the area. "Government hunter" was going back on the 6/9 as he didn't think he got all of the pups.
Any pics or further information on this???

I talked to a friend who has a cabin and property up around Causey res that they have seen "large coyote" (His opinion wolf) tracks and "larger than normal" amount of kills this past winter and spring... so it will be interesting if this is true!!!

No pics that I know of and I am certain they will try to keep it quiet if possible. My source is a landowner who owns property next to the property the wolf was taken on. As a side note, there is a new story developing that a man was chased by wolves while hiking in Yellowstone National Park's Hayden Valley. Park sources are saying the man "was escorted by a female wolf from the densite." The other story is that he tried bear spray to no affect and was forced to float a mile downstream in the river while being watched from the shore by the wolves. Others are trying to get the YNP officials to come clean on the real story.
Friend in Cody, Wyoming was sharing it with me. There are a few people in the area working on the YNP officials to come clean with the "rest of the story".
My first note:

A man was attacked this past Wednesday or Thursday by a pack of 5 wolves in the Hayden Valley YNP . He tried bear spray and it didn't work and had to jump in the river as they chased him down stream for a mile. YNP is surpressing the story.

The "other version":

(Yellowstone is Dead) has interviewed xxxxx. xxxx has acknowledged an incident but with a much different story line. Here is the quoted info from xxxx's post: "xxxx is claiming that A female wolf escorted a man away from the den site. My source said that 5 wolves moved on the man until he retreated to the river, where the man floated a mile with wolves following. More to come." Will keep you all informed.

(I have x'd out the name so that the source does not dry up until the proper officials come forward with the story. If they will.)
That is crazy!!!! With stories like this coming surfacing it wont be to long till the day a wolf kills someone... Where will the Defenders of Wildlife be then??? Can the family of that victim get paid for there loss????

When you get more info please let us know!

Received an update this afternoon concerning the wolves on Monte. There were no wolves killed but two confirmed wolf kills of calves. Guess they are still there and on the roam. Don't know if Utah can kill the wolves or not. Does Utah have an approved plan for wolf management?
The wolves did kill a guy, last year (I think)in Canada or Alaska. Followed him after dark and killed him.
>The wolves did kill a guy,
>last year (I think)in Canada
>or Alaska. Followed him after
>dark and killed him.

Wonder if they'll make a movie about it?
I heard from a few different people last year that there was a wolf killed on Deseret by a sheep herder. This was just up on Baldy ridge near the public land and just a ways up from Causey.
I never realized wolves were so polite! She "escorted" the man away from the den. How neighborly, I am sure the man was lost and the wolf was just trying to help out!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
>That is crazy!!!! With stories
>like this coming surfacing it
>wont be to long till
>the day a wolf kills
>someone... Where will the
>Defenders of Wildlife be then???
> Can the family of
>that victim get paid for
>there loss????
>When you get more info please
>let us know!

They will cheer for the wolves! They outlawed hunting of mountain lions in CA and I remember a woman out jogging that was killed by a mt lion since then. Did they do anything? NO


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
There has been several joggers killed, now they are trying to outlaw hunting bears with dogs. And once something is off the list in Cali it never gets put back on. Anyway I just got an e mail saying that wolves were delisted so hopefully this will allow Utah to do something about them.
utah probably won't do anything about wolves until they make it down to the hikers in the salt lake area, i hope not....but that's my guess.
Probably not. Mountain lions kill joggers in Cali and you still can't hunt them there.
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