The WildLife War - Is It For Real?


Long Time Member
Here are some questions I continually ask myself.

Do I or my children want to hunt and fish in the future?

Do I still believe there are many and diverse people and groups that want to see hunting and fishing activities end?

Do l believe there are groups that want to ban gun ownership?

Do I believe there are animal?s rights groups that want to ban hunting and fishing?

Do I believe these groups will use what ever means they can to accomplish their goals?

Do I believe the gun ban groups and the animal?s rights groups will work together if they believe their goals can be achieved?

Do I believe these groups are in fact working in harmony with each other to that end?

Are my beliefs regarding these groups and their objectives real or are they unfounded personal paranoia?

Do I believe they are dedicated, highly motivated and have large funding sources to see that their objectives are met?

Are these groups passive or are they highly engaged and well organized with powerful and skillful attorneys working with aggressive and committed judges to see that their objectives come to fruition?

Do I believe the State Wildlife Agencies will fight for my hunting and fishing interests or attempt to compromise away our outdoor activities because they either agree with the groups, they are fearful of them, or they lack the resources (money) to stop them legally.

Do I believe the Federal Government will fight for hunting and fishing interests?

I'm going to assume I know your answers to these questions and I believe you know mine. So now what?

I ask myself some more questions, such as:

Do I care?

If I care, is there anything that can be done about it, or, is it too late, if it's not too late, is the effort worth it?

Can I personally do any thing about it?

Do I have the time, the intellectual ability, the determination, the leadership kind of personality and finally to I have the monetary resources to do it by myself?

Can any ?lone wolf? (rugged individual) stop these gun ban, anti-hunting groups?

Do I need help from other like minded individuals?

Are there any like mind individuals and like minded groups?

Can I lead them?

Will they trust me and join with me in my efforts, will they give me their time, their intellect, and their money? Can I unify them in a common cause?

Is there an established group of like minded individuals already established?

Are they effective?

Are their core beliefs similar or the same as mine?

Recognizing that no organization is perfect, is there an organization that is like minded enough and effective enough to help me meet my goals or can I help them reach their goals, which include most or many of my goals but most likely not all of them? (That's a mouthful, sorry.)

I have tired for 35 years to move wildlife issues forward in Utah. I started in 1975. I joined wildlife groups, both local, State-wide groups, national and international groups. I've networked with whom I believed where influential outdoorsmens from business, government and the private sector. I've been naturalyl drawn to friends (whom I love and respect), men and women that are employed by government agencies (State and Federal), members of wildlife boards, non-profit wildlife groups, RACs, etc. I have been elected and appointed to a number non-profit boards of directors, wildlife committees, study groups, etc. All associated with hunting and fishing issues. I believe I earned the respect of some and the loathing and contempt of others. I have been a passive or active member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Mule Deer Foundation, the Ducks Unlimited, the Sevier Valley Wildlife Federation, the Utah Muzzleloader Association, the Utah State Wildlife Federation and the Southern Utah RAC. For some of these organizations I have served as an officer, others I have just been a vocal member, I have traveled thousand of miles, spent thousands of hours, attend hundreds of meeting and hearing and collectively donated thousands of dollars for which I have truly come to believe have been a total waste of time, effort and my limited resources until I reluctantly became a member of SFW.

In my thirty five years of effort, the only organization that has been effective in battling for hunting and fishing has been SFW. Every other organization I have been associated with has wanted to but lacked the talent, intellect, the guts and the resources to do anything more than complain. That is not to say that some of these organizations haven't done some wildlife projects, created some hope and had some fun but as far as hunting and fishing and the improvement of hunting and fishing species, SFW stands alone. Head an shoulders above the rest. I'm not suggesting the NRA, the Sheep Foundation, SCI and a small handful of others haven't been at work but so far as any other group that I've personally been associated with, it's been SFW, and I believe they are more specifically focused on hunting and fishing while the others focus on other things besides the hunting/fishing lifestyle.

As I've said many time on this outstanding MM Forum, I have not agreed with everything they do, nor how they have gone about it. I am not in the inner circle of SFW, I only see what the rest of you do, from the outside. I do know this from personal experience, some times you have to fold?em so you can live to fight another day. What other organization has done anything of significance for wildlife or hunters or fisherman in Utah or for that matter the Mountain West.


No one can get everyone to agree on every issue, it is humanly impossible. To suggest otherwise is na?ve and dangerously foolhardy and the anti are taking advantage of us at every turn when we do that, they can see we are divided and weak. Why do we all understand so clearly the statement made when this country was getting started: ?We have got to hang together or we shall surely hang alone?. As sure as there is a sun in the sky we will not be hunting or fishing very very soon if we don't give up some of our personal teddy bears and, for the sake of this way of life, agree to move together, as a single unified group. If we can't have everything we want from SFW, WE CAN"T PICK UP OUR BALL AND GO HOME. To do so is to surrender your culture and your lifestyle.

We are literally at war over this outdoor culture, there are ONLY TWO SIDES, one side wants our guns and our wildlife. The other side want us to keep our guns and fishing poles and to preserve the hunting and fishing lifestyle. You are one or the other, THERE IS NOT THIRD TEAM. THIS NOT NOT A THIRD TEAM. We have to know that to be a fact.

I truly and deeply believe SFW represents the hunting and fishing life style and I truly, deeply believe if you are fighting against SFW every minute you might as well be on the other side. The griping, complaining, fault finding is absolutely playing into the hands of the enemy. It weakens the group fighting for our lifestyle. You have got to believe it. Re-read the questions I ask myself everyday. Who, if not SFW?

If the effort to ban our guns and clear our forest of the large mammals cost the anti?s a 100 millions dollars a year, what kind of money do you imagine it will take us to defect them. This is WAR man, wars cost money. If you don't believe it call the anti?s and see what their budget is this year, their budget is aimed right at us, right straight at our culture.

How much can you donate to the cause? Can you give SFW a few million? How about a few thousand? No? Maybe a couple hundred? Can?t do it? Me either! I do not have that kind of money, if I had it I would gladly give it. So what do we do for money, how do we get the ammunition to fight these bastards off our life style and win this Wildlife War?

If sacrificing 300 or 400 animals a year so the wealthy can fund the Wildlife War is what it takes, so be it. I'm darn grateful for them. Do you have any problems with big business or wealth landowners paying for our war with Al-Qaeda? Have you bought any Stealth Bombers lately? How about an armor plated Humvee? Bought any of those and donated them to the Marines this year? Who?s paying of it, the rich do! How come we're not all upset that the rich are paying for that war? What's wrong with allowing the rich to help preserve this way of life too. If we win the war with Al-Qaeda does that mean the rich get all of America? That seems to be the logic some of us are stuck on when it come to the wealthy helping preserve hunting and fishing.

If you can't come up with the money to fund our Wildlife War how is it you suggest we fight it. You don't want the rich to do it, who is going to do it? Or do you really want to win the War? Who?s side are you really on, remember folks, there are darn sure only TWO SIDES, it's THEM or US.

If you have tolerated my rant again you may wish to read a couple more of Don Peays e-mails from this week asking for our support by attending and supporting the Wildlife War at this weeks Western Hunting Expo in Salt Lake City. The post are under General Hunting and are titled:

4-400 Plus Bulls

Kent Hobson?s ?Hunts For Heros?

Don asked me to post them because he can't figure out how to upload pictures to the MM site, go figure!

Sad thing is that the third team won't read this.
See you at the Expo!

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
You're numbers are a bit misleading and intellectually dishonest, Mr 2lumpy. If, and that is a big if, we were 'just' talking about 300-400 tags I would be less concerned about the actual costs that the average hunters is having to pay. In order to get the quality of animals on the LE units that will bring in the "big money" for conservation tags, SFW and the rest of the Elk Committee voted in favor of a proposal that further rations the tags available to the average hunter. Raising age objectives may help raise funds through the conservation tag/convention tag programs, but it takes a hell of a lot more than 300-400 tags from the public to get to those age objectives.

Lumping (oh the irony) hunters into 3-4 different classifications is NOT how you go about uniting hunters to your cause. This is what professional politicians do, and how has that been working out for the common man for the last 100 or so years? Go ahead and put calluses on your back while you sign your own praises, but you are further alienating a growing number of hunters by doing so.
Regardless of the management plan and the number of tags it represents we can always make the argument that a different plan would generate a different number of tags, couldn't we. Unlimited tag numbers could even be made to look like a dishonest representation if you ask, " what could be generated from a different management plan". Right?

I could never successfully argue specific numbers with anyone. Wouldn't want to. I believe most folks understand where I'm coming from. If your going to go to war, you need a leader and if a third of the troops want to fight a different battle plan, your toast. Both the general and the dissenters loose and the bastards win.

If there is a more successful, influential hunting/fishing organization out there, share your knowledge. Lone wolfs haven't been winning many wars lately, so far as the big picture hunting issues are concerned. Find us a different group that's willing to get in down in the trenches, take on the other side in an aggressive way, raise the money to do it and win some big battle. If you are able to identify such an organization you might find there are a large number of recruits. I can't identify one.

I could go on for days about what I hate about past decisions regarding mule deer. What would that accomplish other than discourage even further those that have left our lifestyle and those that will leave it if we can't some how find a way to get united. For myself, I'll going to do all can, regardless of my personal disappointments with SFW, DWR, MDF, WLF, RMEF. Are you willing to just keep complaining and degrading until those that are at less trying to do something call for a tee time?

There are only two sides my friend.

I take no offense regarding my recognizing the efforts of SWF or anyone else I believe is fighting a fight I want to see won. Praising positive efforts have a way of encouraging continued commitment, wouldn't you agree?

Well, we'll most likely get to do this again based on our previous behavior patterns. I know your passionate about your opinions, me too, I'd sure like your tenacity in our camp. Good fighters are hard to come by.

Have a good evening my bow hunting friend. Come on down to the Expo and have a little fun with the folks, I'll bet you'll have a good time in spite of your frustration.

Up until this last year I was a SFW member. I have come to believe SFW has lost it's soul and lost it's direction of helping ALL hunters. A general going into war needs to make sure the soldiers are behind him, telling those who disagree they either get in line or they are the enemy is a sure fire to get fragged. I will no longer blindly follow ANYONE into battles I don't no the clear objective of, the clear enemy, and the clear costs. I'm not afraid to fight when I believe in the cause, and I am 100% in line with SFW on the wolf issue, but that doesn't mean I am 100% in line with SFW on the conservation tags and SFW pushing to take from the average hunter via raising harvest age objectives on 93% of the units, and reducing hunting season lengths for general season deer just so SFW can have a bigger war chest. Harvest age objectives is rationing, NOT managing elk. Having the most effective weapon hunt during the two most vulnerable times for big bulls is good for conservation tag prices, but it robs from the average hunter. I am fine with the wealthy picking up the bulk of the costs for habitat and wildlife related issues if they are willing to pony up for a FEW tags. I am not, however okay with that cost in reality being placed on average hunters through lost opportunity. It's a hidden tax similar to taxing the wealthy or businesses, it is the little guy that ends up with the tab when it's all said and done. The end does NOT justify the means, at least not for me.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-10 AT 01:05AM (MST)[p]I personally am a staunch conservative. (My finance degree & the business I own force me that direction.) But, unlike some conservatives I honestly believe that the liberals who are controlling our federal government are not purposefully attempting to destroy America. I honestly believe that they are doing what they think is right. However, even though they think that what they are doing is good, the consequences of their actions will destroy the America that was once great. I personally look at SFW in the same light. I believe the direction they are pushing hunting (even though they don't see it) will do more to destroy hunting then the good you claim. No amount of spin you put on it changes that.

In my opinion SFW does not represent even close to the majority of hunters any more than our President represents the ideas of most US citizens.

You think we need to worry about the enemy outside our house, but I'm a little more concerned about the one that's already in the hallway.
+1 Nontypical.

Just like the NRA. You may not agree with them 100%, but, if you own a gun you better be a member and not let others carry the load for you.

These are political organizations that are fighting for what we love to do.
They need to be effective. They cant be everything to everybody.

If there is something you dont like about them, better hold your nose and contribute what you can any how.

However, if you have a better organization that is just as effective let us know.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
prn, some good analogies, but, where do you send your money to support hunting?

Serious question. I would be interested in a group that is more aligned with my way of thinking that is effective as well?


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Send money to any group that is aligned with your values. For me, it is no different than politics. I was a registered Republican for years, but no longer. Why? Because the GOP has drifted away from me and from their own stated principles. I now support ISSUES not groups/parties. If SFW is behind an issue that I agree with I will throw my support behind that issue, but I won't give a blanket endorsement to the group on all issues. Groups/parties become monsters that are out of control and destroy what they started out to protect/restore. Wildlife Boards, state legislatures, Governors, federal Representatives, will start playing by the same rules as the rest of us have to when we the people (we the hunters) stand up and demand it from them. It's far easier to donate $100.00 and trust others to do the fighting and hope they fight for you all along the way, than it is to get involved/educated on the issues and get in the fight yourself that way ensuring your interests are being looked out for. Individuals CAN make a difference and have major impacts on issues w/o joining a group. Look at how powerful the Tea Party movement is, it isn't a group that asks for membership fees, or tells its 'members' how to think/stand on issues. Yet, they have turned D.C. on it's head by INDIVIDUALS uniting for a common cause. Sheep need to belong to groups because they are unsure which direction to go, I'm not a sheep. That doesn't mean that everyone who belongs to a group(s) is a sheep, my point is things can get done w/o groups.
Hoytme, after all that is said what exactly are you doing? Specifically what are you personally doing?
I hope if your going to disparage what other people are doing by calling them sheep that your doing something very significant and worthy.

Lots of cliches there, and I agree that an individual can do much, but, lets hear what your doing and maybe it will enlighten some of us.

Myself, besides contributing to NRA, RMEF, SWFA I also make a effort to get kids involved in hunting.

Besides my own kids in the last 2 years have taken 4 other kids hunting that have either never hunted before or almost never before. These were all completely different hunts and un related kids. Some of these kids I have taken hunting several times.

I offer to apply for hunts for local kids because the process can be daunting if their parents do not hunt.

I think that getting kids involved is the absolute most important thing we can do. And not just our own kids.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Since you asked, and to be clear this is not me tooting my own horn. I attended a meeting just two days ago on the the new elk proposal being voted on next month here in Utah. There were around 25 hunters in attendance. We are drafting our own proposal that we feel represents the average hunter more than the one coming from the committee that was lead by SFW. For the last 3 years I have donated time helping mobility impaired hunters go after turkeys, I have helped get the archery in school program started in 5 school districts, I take my kids, and any kid that is willing to go, fishing and hunting whenever I can get out in the hills, I have attended numerous RAC meetings and Wildlife Board meetings, I have sat on committees at the DWR ranging from OHV use on public land to archery equipment/tackle. I have sat down with the current Big Game Coordinator numerous times to discuss ideas and to gather data to support/rebut my views on different topics, I also had a good relationship with Anis Aoude's predecessor Craig. I helped with two different bighorn sheep transplants, and helped release turkeys when they were just getting started in Utah. I have done plenty, but I could do a lot more. I am also very involved locally in politics, and attend weekly Tea Party planning meetings in my community.

For the record, you need to reread my last sentence, I am NOT saying all who join a group are sheep, I am saying one does not need a group to do their fighting unless they choose to put full trust in that group. I have given money to many orgs/groups as donations, but I don't belong to any of them. I will even continue to donate to SFW when/if I see a cause I am willing to donate to them for, but I will not just give them money and a green light to then use MY funds to take hunter opportunity away from the average hunter, which is what I see happening more and more. Same goes for RMEF, I was once a Chapter Chair for the local RMEF Chapter, but I ended my membership 4 years ago. I am staring at my Sponsor Member plaque as I type, that has a full five tracks attached to it.

I have no doubt that after I post this I will be attacked for boasting, but let it be clear that I only did so at your request.
No way I would attack you for boasting. I think what your doing is awesome and way more than the average guy.

Keep in mind there are varying degrees of hunters out there. From casual once a year types to those of us that obsess over it.

These guys will most likely not be volunteering much time to do the things your doing. What they can do is contribute to either SWFA or RMEF.

Hunting is now politic. Unfortunately, we need lobbyist to succeed in politics in this country. We are such a small minority now that our individual votes are lost in the mix. We need political muscle.

Again I congratulate you on what your doing. Those are some really significant things you have done. You must know you are the exception to the rule.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I do know that, and that is what I find sad. But, the best way to overcome this is by educating the average hunter on issues. I think lobbyists are the biggest cause of lost freedoms in this country, by far, than any other single entity.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-10 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]Someone with the SFW needs to tell me why I should support them because I just read the PDF document titled "About SFW" on their website and NOWHERE does it state the majority of the things you claim. They "Manage hunters"? Isn't that the job of the Game & Fish department?

SFW Mission Statement:
The mission of SFW is to promote the protection
and enhancement of wildlife habitat, assist in providing
quality wildlife management programs, educating
the public about the role hunters play in
wildlife conservation, and perpetuating the family
tradition of hunting and fishing.
Sounds good... I'm listening...

1. What are their success stories?
2. What is currently in process?
3. What is planned for the future?
4. What % of money collected/raised ends up in the pockets of it's members either as a salary or other personal gain? Also, what % of this money is used to pay for vehicles, fuel, meals, lodging, booth space rental at shows, advertising & promotional products, etc.
5. How are vendors chosen? Has there ever been a conflict of interest? (i.e. - person who has the authority to choose a vendor for promotional products, such as basebal caps, gives that business to an immediate family member who so happens to own an advertising agency.)
6. How is the money collected at the St. Lake City show dispursed to the 5 states that have chapters for "increasing healthy populations of wildlife"?

Please be short & to the point and provide documentation to the data presented. These questions are important to me and I feel they are fair questions to ask. I am only willing to donate my time and money to causes and orginazations who put integrity as their first priortiy.

I only know two things that are factual about the SFW and these two things are strikes. They still get one more pitch before I choose to support them or fight them. I honestly hope they knock it out of the park rather than strike out.

Thank you in advance for you input.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
I used to be an SFW supporter. I was a huge fan.

They have become to big. They have too much say. It is just like big government you want a balance or the one party will shove all there BS down your throat.

If you SFW supporters are so happy why dont you let them have more of your tags. Just think how much good they could do if we gave them all our tags!

I say cut their tags back make all our hunting groups more balanced so we manage our wildlife for the majority and not the minority!!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
+1 swbuckmaster. Does anyone remember all the promises SFW made about improving our deer herd back when they first started? I remember them. How long has it been again? Deer herd still crap!And the elk herd great, but once in a lifetime maybe? And for the rich every year. What a joke. At this rate my kids will never get a good tag in Utah. Oh, but they can go hunt the leftover crap, right? and get pumped up for that antlerless or spike because that is all that is left, right? Whooo hooo
Didn't SFW lobby the Elk Committee to reduce LE bull tags this year?

I was looking at the lists of conservation permits from 2009 and 2010 and noticed that in 2009 there were 88 LE bull permits, while in 2010 there are 114 LE bull permits. I noticed that SFW got 33 in 2009 and 41 in 2010. Sounds like SFW does not practice what they preach.
Gee - thanks for all the SFW propaganda 2Lumpy. You have convinced me. I will be sending in my check immediately or can I just have it direct deposited straight from my employer to your cofers?

Give me a freaking break.
ColoradoOak, in fairness the tag reduction SFW is asking for won't go into effect until 2011 if passed by the Wildlife Board.
>ColoradoOak, in fairness the tag reduction
>SFW is asking for won't
>go into effect until 2011
>if passed by the Wildlife

who give's a rip they take our tags and increase their tags. how can this not piss a regular hunter off is beyond me!


Archery is a year round commitment!!

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