the Way it Was...


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]Going back to the Early Eighties, i was about outa cash on my way home from a couple State muley hunt. I'd been hunting hard, putting in long days, quality miles, and though i'd passed on dozens of decent bucks, i'd not seen one that floated my boat so had not shot a buck. Headed West on I-80, as i neared Elko, i thought what better place to rest up for a couple days and have some fun...apparently those same thoughts run in the family!

The first obstacle to overcome was the thin money clip in my cleanest pair of pants pocket. I pulled into the Stockman Hotel's parking lot, made sure my camper rig was as secure as it was gonna get, and headed inside. Try as i did, i wasn't able to triple my funds playing blackjack while sipping on a iced whiskey n water. The pit Boss was hanging around our table so i asked him if a guy could cash a check in this joint. He smiled and asked to see my check. "Are you related to the Cardoza's outa Livermore" was his question to me after looking over my paper.

uh oh, i thought, but, "yes Sir, i am" was my answer and i listed off my Dad, the Uncles, and family friends who i knew had hunted and passed through this way many times years ago. What he told me next took me by surprise, "see that Bar-keep behind us over there", he was pointing, "go tell her to fix you up with what you're drinking until i get my break, i'll be over".

What the hay, that gal tending the bar took a interest in me right off, before i knew what to say, she'd made the offer that i could shower up at her place if i had a mind to. She was not at all hard to look at and right friendly. So, The pit Boss gets his break and grabs himself up a bar stool next to me, he starts telling me of all the wonderful times that were had back in the old days when my families crew was in town. He said it didn't matter if they were coming or going, there was talk of some serious drinking, wild woman, a fist fight or two, but mostly just of young men playing hard at the game of having a good time in the good time town of Elko, Nevada.

I found myself filling him in on about 10 members of the old crew. Most of the guys that he wanted to know about were either family or close friends, all older now as he was, and none of them still chasen big muley bucks, at least not like they used to. A couple had passed on, heart attacks, i was sad to tell him. Some others were fixen to retire, most all still hunted but they hunted on their own places for Blacktail and even then, they rarely took a buck unless it was really a nice one.

Wish i could remember that fellers name, he was right nice to me. He signed his name to my blank check, said it was good for any amount that i cared to write it for. We talked a bit more of the old days, the hunters, the game, the way it was, things that seemed were important to him that i know. As he left to go back to work, there was a moment of hesitation on both our parts. Seemed like two worlds had momentarily crossed paths and were now about to head their own way again.

Wish i could remember that fellers name. As that goes, i can't remember the Bar-keeps name either and i should be able to cause i darn near didn't go home because of her. I always was one not much for remembering names. Funny though how i remember where and how i hunted the country on that trip. I remember some of the bucks i passed on and a remember the great times i had in Elko on the way home that year. Mostly though, i remember the firm handshake and the warm look in that Pit Boss's eyes as he was about to go back to work.

Great story Sage. I have fond memories of our stops in Elko to and from out of state hunts over the past 30 yrs. Love the Star for dinner and drink. Pecon Punch with the locals.
Great story as usual Joey. All the side stories of a hunting trip are sometimes the best memories. Thanks.

That was well told and brought some nostalgia to my soul...even though I'm not one to met the pit boss or the lady. I DO love the camaraderie of chasing antlers.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
You've got a hell of a talent Joey! Always love reading your stuff!

Very nice story. I too started traveling that treck back in the late 70's and it brought back lots of fond memories of traveling though with family and friends on all those out of state hunts. Haven't been every year like it used to be but hopefully have a few more in me... if I can draw some dang tags... Thanks again for the memories.
Thanks Much guys! Hoped you wouldn't mind reading the rambling on thoughts of a, getting to be older man.

ASB asked, "Was his first name Pete?"

Sure could have been, does kinda ring a bell. He was and had been "The Man" in there far as i could tell but maybe not back in the days when my "family" would come thru. I asked of him and was told that he'd moved on to another Club not too many years later. Not a tall guy, 5-9" or 10 maybe, nice suit, no doubt that he come from Western stock...

note; That group i wrote of used to hunt a big ranch, owned by a friend, in the "Diamonds", not too far from Elko. They took some tremendous bucks outa that country. I was just a very young kid when i'd be watching those guys unload and line up their huge racked bucks for pic's when they got home. Even way back then, i just knew that i'd be going after them big muley bucks too when i grew up!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]Aren't there some Cardozas on the rez up there? Might even be one named Joey. ;-)

This is a joke.

Nice story sage
NVB said, "Aren't there some Cardozas on the rez up there?"

No, no Cardoza's on the rez NVB (least not that i know of) we was all beef and corn fed hayseed boys from the foothills. Good thing there wasn't any, this place would still be owned by the Indians!! :)

Cowboy57, Thanks,.. i think. Lots of room in the Cali forum for a few little ol baseball threads...

ASB, who was Pete? Does it sound like him?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 07:47PM (MST)[p]I think the Cardozas and the Joeys at the rez showed up AFTER your kin were partyin' in Elko. About nine months after.

This is also a joke.
NVB, You sound like you're drunk on your a$$. i know that you think quite highly of yourself but please don't make fun of my family. They are/were some of the finest people to ever exist in this State and jokes aside, i'm very proud to come from such a wonderful family.

You want to go to war, fine. Step right up!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]ah geez.

This is pure wonderment at how some people can't take a joke.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]Maybe so, in that case i apologize. I do take my family serious. As i said they're good people!

BTW, nice the use of the "edit" feature after your original posts. Also, just because they're jokes doesn't mean that they're funny!


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