The Verdict is in!


Founder Since 1999
Well, the verdict is in and it's looking like the Public Forum will be history soon. Please, those of you who have not registered, please do so and begin using the other forums.

This forum will be removed soon.

After hearing the opinions of many people, the consensus is that it's not that difficult to register and use the other forums, and the original purpose of the Public Forum has been lost.

My goal in doing this is to rid ourselves of the posts that do nothing but cause trouble.

In addition, I think it's time to add a couple new forums, maybe a gear talk forum? What do you guys think? I'd like to add a couple new forums, but no more. Not sure if Fish or Bird forums is what we need, what do you all think?

Brian Latturner

The Gear forum might be a good idea and I do think that a Fish & Bird Forum would be good as there are a lot of hunters here that do birds too.
I'm sure that most of us here fish as well, usually take the pole along to break up the boredome some years.
That's my opinon but maybe not others.


I think you have made a wise choice. Thanks for all your hard work, this is the best site around and I hope we all can keep it that way.

Fred Judson
Hunting the Mountains of North Carolina and Regions West
You only go thru life once- so get it right!!

just borrowed these topics from another forum-

Hogs, Warthogs, Wild Boars, Javalenas Hunting
The Most Beautiful Animals - In Their Mother's Eyes

Varmint Hunting
Varmint Hunting Topics

Small Game Hunting (1 viewing)
Any Small Game You Love To Hunt

Handgun Hunting
For our friends who prefer to bag their game the hard way

Product Reviews
Any Hunting And Shooting Related Products That You Have Reviewed
i'm sure gonna miss the bigfoot believers. dangit, now i'm gonna hafta study up on stuff so's i won't be the iggernutest guy here. brian, does this mean nobody can start any trouble? i mean, it's like the only thing i'm good at.......
I wood like 2 see a spell chexer. Off topic posts should get deleted or moved. The mule deer forum should not be the dumping ground for crap that people know won't be seen by many in other forums. Also, move it(the mule deer forum) to the top of the message board main page if you would. Pretty please.
I would also like to see a forum pertaining to hunting gear, such as knives, scopes, binos, backpacks. If possible even fishing ifro in the west-mid west area. I do alot of fishing while hunting and if this is true of more members on this site, give it some consideration.

It was nice to meet you at the show. Goodbye public forum!!!
How about bird and varmint forums? Even though the site is primarily for mulie info, alot of us enjoy other outdoor pursuits and like to talk about them here with the same group of guys and gals that share our love of mule deer. Nothing wrong with growth!
i'd also like to see a gear forum and a fish/bird forum. and maybe an african hunting forum

There are three reasons to own a gun. To protect yourself and your family, to hunt dangerous and delicious animals, and to keep the King of England out of your face. -- Krusty the Clown
Good job Brian!
I also would like to see a gear forum. Hey, birds and fishin' go hand and hand with hunting. I would imagine that most of us either carry a fishing rod and or a shotgun when we go out for big game.
I would like to see a bird forum or small game forum, i have been asking for it for about three years now and it was frowned on, but now its looking like a good deal. I am for it.

RE: Score one for the cyber piss-babys


Here lies the discarded carcass of what used to be,
a fun & entertaining forum.

However, do to certain "Whiners" that could not take it;
when someone heckled them or made fun of thier plight,
& would then go postal, while sobbing hopelessly & E-mail Daddy "Brian"
about how another insensitive cyber bully kicked sand in
thier face or called them a "really bad" name.

My God have mercy on her soul.

Born 1997
Died, circa. March 2004
A Gear Forum would be great. That way the same question about binos and spotters doesn't have to be asked a zillion times on other forums. LOL!
Spell check and hunt swap forum.

Good riddance to the public forum. Never had a problem with it myself, but obviously it caused a lot of unecessary bother to Brian. Just not worth it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I'm guessing this one is gonna draw some public forum fire, but how about a "Western Whitetail" forum? I'm not talking about sitin in a treestand over the bait pile. Many of us live with Muley's and Whitetails both in our back yards, and as prolific as they are, many more of you will be soon. Just a thought. You have the other deer represented. Okay commence firing!
Hell yes, a western whitie forum. There are some dandys out here in the west, especially the farther north you go. Some of our western whities make those southern ones look like tiny little weiner dogs.
Oh, and I am also glad to see the public forum axed!
How about a forum dedicated to Alaskan hunting and fishing? I'll probably never make it there but it is something I can dream about. First a 4 X 4, then north to Alaska. My holy grail.

Searchin' for a 4 X 4
You know that old saying don't let the door hit in in the a$$ on the way out,see ya public forum Would like to see a bird and fishing forum and maybe add gear forum to Campfire/gear report forum. HEY SPELL CHECKER ISN'T A BAD IDEA EITHER. How much more time do you have on your hands,that would answer how many more forum we will be getting or using. LOL
The public forum will not be missed at lease by me!
I think you made a good decision for the overall health of your forum. Never did respect folks hiding behind "guest" for the most part. Good riddance is right.

A gear forum would be the first on my list of ones to add, then a maybe one on survival (that might get old fast, though). If there's a lot of trout fishermen out there who want to share flyfishing tips, etc, that sounds like a good thing, same goes for a bird hunting forum. Just keep in mind that the one single thing I love about this forum is that this is THE place of choice for mule hunters to swap stories and barbs....

I like your decision. I would like a gear forum, there is a lot of new stuff that comes out all the time. This would be a great place to test it and talk about it. Also, i know when its not hunting season i am fishing. I fish a lot here in washington, tournements stuff like that. If not to many people would mind maybe it would not be a bad idea. But like a lot of other people i come here to this site to get my fix of MULE DEER!!!! I am sure what ever you do will work out for the best.

great idea,
this probably means i won't be posted much,
you know my bad attitude and such.
but it will be worth the time to eliminate some of them.
spell check a must if you could acchieve this.
I spell as it sounds, and get my keeeys messed up now and then,
thanks for your efforts.
means that I'm still in school (freshman course ) on hunting that crafty old mountion king.
I'll Kinda miss the ole' sht disturber forum!
I'd like to see a misc. forum that could include fishing as I am a steelhead and salmon freak and I know others here share that passion along with their big game adventures!
What?! The public forum is the best one! PLEASE reconsider this. I think it would be a shame to lose this forum. There are a lot of people that post here that will leave if it goes away!

I think a gear forum would be great also. And "spillchicker" would be a super addition if it's possible.
Since I'm more of a fisherman than a hunter I think the Fishing Forum would be great. A bird/small game forum would be a good idea too.
Keep up the good work.

First off, glad to see the decision made to eliminate the public forum. Awiksmaul, (and other unregistered "guests")if you like it so much, keep your posts real and register and join the rest of us inside the door.

As I was reading through the suggestions on what to add I was going to be a smart axx and ask for an ATV forum, maybe we could have bobcatbess be the moderator? Whaddya all think of that? But then I saw that Red Rocket beat me to it. I still think that bess should be the ATV forum moderator. Or maybe we could have an all caps all the time forum, if you dont use all capital letters all the time your post will be nuked? I would go ahead and vote bess in as the mod there as well.

I'm all for a gear forum, small game would be good as well. But if you look at the lobby, you can see that the Mule Deer forum followed by General and Elk are the top traffic getters, always will be.

And for all you 4th grade graduates that want a spell checker added to the forums, Ill give you this link:

Its a plug in that you download and it lands on your explorer browser bar. Works great for us losers that cant spell. The beauty of it is that it stays with you. No matter which web site you visit and participate in the forums at, its always on your browser.


Thanks for carefully considering your choices and making a decision that will hopefully better the site.

We dont need a spell check just as long as you can tell what people are tring to say. I got no problem with this forem but a gear forem would sure be nice.
i think we oughta have a javelina forum. so guys that ain't smart enough to catch up with deer or elk on a regular basis will have some place to chat. trade recipes, tactics, strategy, etc. site is dead is offline.
If the 7 guys that regular (and by regular I mean at least once a week) this site want to carry conversations with each other go ahead.
I'd like to say, I don't we should lose much by dumping the public forum, other than maybe a few troublemakers as the 2 above. It will be much easier to make it difficult for them to continue stirring trouble.

Also, keep in mind that I will not be stopping anyone from having fun with each other. This is just a measure to try to rid ourselves of people we don't want around anyway.

Not much will change, you just need to register and login. No big deal, atleast for now.

I still need help policing it though, so if you see something, let me know.


Brian Latturner
Fishing and bird hunting sure would be nice during the off season. Besides that we all fish and hunt birds. As would poaching. We could gang up on the slobs.
I think I hear the sound of this website emploding!!!!!!
And it all started when some of you bigots went over to Realtree and started that crap.You lost all credibilty as well as this site has as well. Brian I am truly sorry to see it I have been around off and on since the beginning.
I say wipe it all away and restart it with a different every thing.
This site and I dont mean you Brian alienates good folks everyday. I have seen many regular users quit coming here.
As was said above there is only afew elitest left and if they want to stick around and wait three days to hear back on a post go ahead . pages for me as well as a couple other user freindly sites as well. There the elk forums are actually busy and the deer forums are open and freindly.
I will email you Brian.
dunno about the rest of ya, but i'd just as soon not know who most o' these annonymous wierdos are. be sorta spooky to know ya lived close to one of em.
Youhoo!!! Hi guys and guys I love guys oh I can just smell the testosterone!! Eric why dont you call me back?
You are not worth any more of my time b!tch! Idiots like you are why this forum meeds to be eliminated. I cant wait until these pansy a$$ coward "guests" are out of here.
Help me understand, why all the members that dislike this forum,
can't go away,
Just let it go !!!!!

Never mind, Brian will make it go away since you can't help yourself.
don't you think three is better than two?
you need to cool it a little bit!
this is america,I will speak my mind,rather you like it or not!
quit calling me names!
do you feel big and bad now?
pansy ass,whats that?

I like the idea of an optics section, but actually there are other areas that cover this subject. The survival idea is pretty good. I think a chat room would be awesome. Would love to see some of the arguments going on in chat. Some of these people keep me laughing constantly. FATROOSTER.

This site alredy has a chat room. Come join it sometiome. The discussion in there is rarely arguments.

fatrooster, this site has a bunch about horses and mules on it. anyway, horses @$$es and jackasses that is. all them bigfooters. askemall, tomlinsob, redrocket. dang what a buncha wierdos.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-04 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]OK It may be a good thing that the public forum is zapped, the evidence is in this thread alone! I have to tell Ya that there are more Whinners on this Forum then other forums I am a part of.

I think we should have a forum dedicated to my Hero Hound Dawg, or Better Yet a Comedy one Dedicated to my other Hero Moosie ;) What do ya think about that????

A Hunting we will go!
I am all for a "bird" forum and also a "fishing" forum. Regardless of what happens, this is still the best hunting site I have found.

The problem is not with the trouble makers. It's with the people that are arguing and cat-fighting with the troublemakers. If you didn't answer them or their posts, they would not bother making trouble.

Dr. Phil
Why don't you come on my show and I'll show you in front of the world.

Dr. Phil
I am my kids mom!
You guys need some therapy!
Why dont you get my new book 10 stupid things guys do to mess up a good Muley website.
Come see me first thing in the morning!
I'll take care of all your problems!
Brian I am here to help police this site, so everyone load up partys over, Im locking this dead site down. There is nothing to see here, just keep moving. You are in direct violation of contributing to the stupidity of idiots (registered members).

"Every move you make, Ill be watching you"
By God there is a chat room. Thanks dakotakid. Somehow I missed it. You're right too RLH. There is horses in other areas. Actually I've found almost every hunting subject there is in one place or another on this site. Pretty informative place. I'm likin' it. FATROOSTER.

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