The "V" word...


Long Time Member
Alright kinda weird question but like we don't hear a thousand of em a day on here so here goes...I'm thinking a vasectomy needs to be in my immediate future. Who's had one?? I don't know much about it other than getting cut up!! Cost?? Procedure?? Recovery time?? Gotta be well worth it all right??

Well ~Z~!

Pay attention to this Song:

When you see a deer you see Bambi and I see antlers up on the wall. When you see a lake you think picnics and I see a large
mouth up under that log. You're probably thinkin' that you're gonna change me. In some ways well maybe you might. Scrub me
down, dress me up, oh but no matter what remember I'm still a guy.

When you see a priceless French painting and I see a drunk naked girl. You think that riding a wild bull sounds crazy and
I'd like to give it a whirl. Well love makes a man do some things he ain't proud of and in weak moment I might walk your sissy
dog, hold your purse at the mall but remember I'm still a guy.

I'll pour out my heart, hold your hand in the car, write a love song that makes you cry. Then turn right around knock some
jerk to the ground 'cause he copped feel as you walk by.

I can hear you now talkin' to your friends sayin', "Yeah girls he's come a long way from draggin' his knuckles and carryin'
a club and buildin' a fire in a cave." But when you say a back rub means only a back rub then you swat my hand when I try.
Well now what can I say at the end of the day,"Honey, I'm still a guy."

And I'll pour out my heart, hold your hand in the car, write a love song that makes you cry. Then turn right around knock
some jerk to the ground 'cause he copped feel as you walk by.

These days there's dudes gettin' facials, manicured, waxed and botoxed. With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands you
can't grip a tackle box.

***Pay close attention to this next verse ~Z~!

Yeah, with all of these men linein' up to get neutered it's hip now to be feminized. I don't highlight my hair, I've still
got a pair.Yeah, honey I'm still a guy.

Oh my eyebrows ain't plucked there's a gun in my truck. Oh thank god, I'm still a guy.

So you're gettin Neutered huh Z?
LMFAO!! Funny stuff Catman!! Yea I guess if you wanna call it that lol :D All I know is I'm stressin right now for damn sure...not stressin about the gettin cut part either!!

Here Z. This might get you in the spirit of things.

When you see a guy walking towards you with a razor in one hand and shaving cream in the other wearing a smile just never mind that cuz it gets worse.....
And the long.... really long numbing needle not a big deal ....
And the scalpel just forget about it. And the time they finally get about finished and you look down while the coterIze it And you see smoke coming up off your family tree ..... don't worry cuz they will give you an ice pack to hold on your self for the bumpy ride home
I guess you could look at the bright side?
A couple weeks later maybe a female nurse instead of the shaving cream guy will take you in with the cup to see if it worked. Lol. Good luck soldier
I have had the operation.

The numbing shots had a little pain but worked fast and well.

Only thing I did wrong was look down as I could feel nothing in that area and was curious---so I looked down there......during the surgery...

Something about the 'Boys' and blood didn't sit well with me and I passed out......

Recovery was tender for a day or two------

No 'camando style' for a couple weeks and boxers kinda didn't do much for about a month....

I had to buy 2 packs of those white bum huggers and wear them for the first month....

Everything else is 100% normal as far as the gush.....ya know.

1911 that there is one catchy tune!! I'll probably be singing it to myself in my head all morning while I wait for her to get the morning after pill lol!!

This is night stands are supposed to be over in the morning!!

Robb thanks for the info!! I elected not to be knocked out for my first knee surgery and made the mistake of looking down during that...yup I passed out too!!

I'm sold...going to get the V done soon!!

It's one of the best things I have ever done in my life!! No kidding... Do what they tell you to do and you will be fine. My ex-brother in law thought he was a tough guy and he had some major issues...There is nothing better then firing a shot that you know you won't regret!!!! It's awesome standing in the rain without a rain coat!! (wink)
Before having this done just search your heart about having any more little ones running around. They say it's a difficult surgery for reversal and and very painful.
Often thought about this since I had it done
But only til the mouthy teenagers get home lol
Z, I thought that all of you UT guys had three wives and twelve kids? Are you trying to be different? Heavenly father is not going to like that.
A guy I work with had it done, wasn't quite numb when they began to cut, he bit down so hard it shattered his tooth! Yeah, that's almost the worst experience I've heard.
Had it done a few years back. Insurace covered it completely - only a $5 co-pay. Was sore for a couple of days but had it done on a Friday, rested up over the weekend and that Monday (was MLK day) but was back to work on Tuesday. I think the worst part was smelling the burning flesh when the doc cauterized the wound.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The only downside was we had to open the door to let the smoke from the Chainsaw clear out, then back to work. John
I have had several buddies of mine in the Air Force that had it done. They usually scheduled them for surgery on Tuesday and gave them 3 days of R&R to recover, couple that with the weekend they had 5 days off to lay around the house with an ice pack on their crotch and several cases of beer lined up in a row beside them on the couch. I think they also put them on weight lifting restriction for a couple of weeks afterwards. In fact I have a buddy that is going in for one today, so the wife and I maybe going out both days this weekend to help out with around his place. Him and his wife have 3 kids (twins just turned 1) so they may need a hand.
No Biggy!

You will especially like the part where it feels like they're pulling your tonsils out through your sack! Seriously there is a pulling sensation that is hard to describe in print but just take the recovery advice a friend of mine didn't and his nads swelled to tennis ball proportions and hurt for days. I took the advice and recovered nicely.

Oh by the way I thought we were going to be talking about Vagina ( you know the good "V" word) when I opened this thread. Imagine my DISAPPOINTMENT!!!

Yep, I had it done too and this is no bullshyt. Insurance covered it 100% seeing that I already have 4 kids so money isn't an issue if you have insurance. So everything went fine until a couple/few weeks later when I decided it was time to fire off a round of blanks. I empty the "clip" so to speak and immediately feel pain in my right nut. This was first thing in the morning (I love getting laid before work) so I was a little stressed about walking around all day in jeans with ball pain but headed out anyway. By the time I got to my first jobsite I was literally crying in pain and I hobbled to the porta-potty, opened up my pants and my nut was swollen the size of a fricken grapefruit.

I left immediately and went back to the doctor's office that performed the procedure and dude looked at it and told me I had an infection. He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and pain pills and I headed straight for Walmart to get it filled. By now the pain was unbearable and I almost passed out in Walmart as simply moving, sitting, farting or basically anything was EXTREMELY painful. I finally got my prescription and headed home. When I got home, the wifey looked at it and was horrified at how huge my sack was. I didn't care, I just wanted to take the pain meds and go to sleep. Two days later I was no better so she took me to the ER where a female nurse had to do an ultrasound. I remember the nurse's eyeballs pop out when she saw the size of my nut but she did the ultrasound and sure enough, it was just an infection. I received som IV antibiotics at the hospital and a couple of days later things were doing much better.

Now would I go through all that all over again just to not have to suit up? Hell yes I would! Twice!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Save yourself some money and go to a good vet...Who knows maybe they will give you a deal if pair up with your pooch!!! Just don't lick your balls when your done....
When the Dr. tell you to keep them high and tight, listen to him. Tighty whiteys will be your friend for atleast a couple weeks to a month. Let them dangle and you will wish you hadn't.
Funny how you work all your life to protect the boys. During the procedure all you can think is just not right...
The REVERSAL PROCEDURE is the one that hurts the make sure you want it done. The wife should have had her tubes "tied" after the last birth while she is still under sedation...that won't hurt you at all. LOL

" simply moving, sitting, farting or basically anything was EXTREMELY painful"

I've never had a "V", but this still happens on occasion...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]do you think the " duke " would get snipped ? i will take my chances with the withdraw techniche. however when i only have to withdraw on valintines, anniversery and birthday the chance of pregnancy is slim !!
Man up!

DIY.....this is what all these guys always stress ain't it? You ain't a real hunter, or a real man, if you do it any other way!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]thats true nickman can't be any tougher than gutting a trout. but i will say you must have " balls " to do it !
Just turn the the microwave on high for an hour and sit on top of it. You're done.
Thanks for all the great advice guys!! I'm going to get it scheduled as soon as possible. If the wait is too long I might ask 1911 to borrow his tazer and fry my boys...

Had it done! The second best procedure I have had done behind lasics. I had about an hour drive after so bought a ice cold diet coke held it between my legs while riding home felt great the next day.
When your standing in front of the mirror playing Helicopter Helicopter as you twirls it around you will know it is not firing on all its cylinders.

Had it done the same day my wife had our last child 22 years ago. My new baby and wife were in one room and I was in the next. I do remember the "tugging" sensation. Reminded me of all the casterations I did on our little pigs over the years.
Recovery was easy. I would do it again.
>Alright kinda weird question but like
>we don't hear a thousand
>of em a day on
>here so here goes...I'm thinking
>a vasectomy needs to be
>in my immediate future. Who's
>had one?? I don't know
>much about it other than
>getting cut up!! Cost?? Procedure??
>Recovery time?? Gotta be well
>worth it all right??

Take a look here:

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Well Hell Yeah! It would seem that there is a need to be filled here!

Tell you what, for $159.95, plus pain meds, I'll pull that cord, snip it and tie the ends. 30 second proceedure, guaranteed success!

I have, conservatively, performed this operation about 4,000 times on various farm animals.....under horrendous working conditions.

I promise to use a "soft lay" rope, thereby reducing the risk of permanent rope burn scars. You have to promise not to kick me or the horses.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
nickman, that's great of you to offer but I think I'll pass lol!!

Just waiting for the VA to call me back with an appt date to get the V done...happy to hear they'll knock me out for the procedure...hoping they'll schedule it for this Friday so I can sit home and watch sports all weekend :)

ooouuuuccchhh! Had one done. I was the Last patient on a friday, NOT GOOD. The pain killer shot felt like they were raming a 6" long framing nail in each testicle. Then the Dr. started cuting before they were numb. I jumped and he said did you feel that, Thats ok it will feel better soon and he kept cutting. Then it felt like he pulled them about 2 feet out of the sack before he cut. The only good part was the good locking young nurse who took pleasure in saving my nuts.:)

Have fun, at least you never have to worry about hereing HONEY I'M LATE again.
No worries, get yourself two bags of frozen peas so you can rotate them out, tighty whitey's for sure, don't try out your new gun until you are supposed to, and last but not least don't let the nurse use duct tape when they tape your schlong to your belly button!
If you're honestly thinking of having one DONT ASK THE MMers, they will have you talked out of it for sure. Best of luck =-)
don't do it,in these tough economic times you never know when you will have to sell sperm to make ends meet.there are other methods that work like (when in doubt always pull out) and i intend to pass these tried and true methods down to my 11 sons and 3 daughters.
Gotta tell you a story...but first do it before hunting season. so here we go when i was 13 my dad had it done a couple days before opening morning well we had plan to go up a pretty rough but not to bad of a road. well dad got it done and as planned we headed up he canyon road... well we got to the top i shot a little buck and we were on our way back down. We had our friends with us a father and son. My dad stops the truck grimising in pain and we are wondering what the hell is wrong he can barley talk to us he crawls out of the drivers seat out to the ground, stands up and starts checking things out when he says oh sh*t!!! Ben (his friend) says what is wrong? dad says they didnt sew the SOB up. apparently they left the wound open and he saw one of the fellers...but i never saw my dad in that much pain...good trails to ya!!! :)

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