The Ultimate Fighter Finale


CONGRATS TO COURT MCGEE!! Utah boy comes through in a big way. Put a whooping on last night for sure. Great fight and an amazing and truly inspirational story.

Does anybody bleed worse than Keith Jardine??

Loved how Yeager got owned by Attonito, had a good first round but he gassed quick in the second and got hit with a solid shot and it took the fire out of him.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i was hoping court would win. but it's not quite the same, to me anyways, when both fighters were eliminated and the brought back. but i do think court deserved to come back, he was one of the better fighters. that guy who got eliminated by the illegal kick got hosed a little. the guy who had to quit because he broke his hand kinda got hosed- with just bad luck. cool show though, spencer fisher is getting a little older. i couldn't see him climbing through the ranks and ever being the champion. still one of my favorite fighters to watch though.
and i do really like Matt Hammel. that guy is a great story, and was a bad ass wrestler!

anyone have an update on Chael Sonnen? last i heard he was supposed to fight Anderson Silva next? is it still on?
Glad to see Yager get beat. That guy is a plick! Attonito is the guy that broke his hand so,m in my opinion, he got redemption. It looked like Yager was gonna take care of business but Attonito hung in there and weathered the storm.

Matt hammill is one of my favorites but I'm not sure he should have won that decision last night. I do agree with taking a point if you poke your opponent in the eye. Kind of a bad way to lose for Jardine. If they hadn't taken the point, that fight goes to jardine.

Court....nice to see he changed his life around. He trained with Liddell and Hackleman just 40 minutes north of me at the Pit. I didn't know that until last nights show. Kinda cool.

Cant wait for Lesnar-Carwin. On the poll shows Carwin is a 50% favorite to beat Lesnar. That seems a bit nuts to me. I think at best it is a 50/50 shot to take Lesnars belt. Carwins got gorilla power but Lesnar has.....retard power!! :)

>Cant wait for Lesnar-Carwin. On
>the poll shows Carwin is
>a 50% favorite to beat
>Lesnar. That seems a bit
>nuts to me. I think
>at best it is a
>50/50 shot to take Lesnars
>belt. Carwins got gorilla power
>but Lesnar has.....retard power!! :)

So by retard power you mean, that if you get hit by one of those massive fists he has the power to turn you into a retard for the rest of your natural life?? Yeah - I agree! LOL

KB - I kind of agree with what you say with Court having to be brought back, but he really should have had a third round against Nick Ring, no telling what would have happened then. Court took advantage of every opportunity he had and made it through. You can't really begrudge him that fact at all.

There were a lot of injuries this season to some good fighters. I think the two best were probably Nick Ring and Rich Atonito but since they got hurt, they couldn't play. That sucks but it is the fight biz. About 50 years ago, my mother's cousin was the highest ranked fighter in Utah and was in line to fight Sugar Ray Robinson but he broke his hand so they guy he last beat got to go instead. You might have heard of that guy, his name was Gene Fullmer.

When you enter the ring or cage talent and promise means nothing anymore, it is all about who is left standing, and last night, that was Court McGee.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Pretty good fights, I'm glad McGee won, glad Yager got beat!

Jardine bleeds like Forrest Griffin.

I am really looking forward to the Lesnar/Carwin fight and the Sonnen/Silva fight. I want to see Lesnar and Silva both get a beating! I know a lot people don't like Sonnen but I am a fan of his and have been for a long time.
I didn't like this years ultimate fighter. I just didn't see guys with the killer instinct. the instinct to smash, elbow, ect.

i however did like the outcome and it was a good fight card!!


Nets are for fish!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-10 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]I am glad Cort won. He should have never lost by decision in the first place. I like The Ultimate fighter but if they don't tone it down with the F bomb I am going to quit watching.
Hey Wiz...did you know even Rain Man was a Ratard...

Court needs to learn to be mean on the ground, but I will always root for a guy like him.

Yeegar is a quiter.

Carwin will have his hands full, but my $$ is on Shane. Can't see him losing.

Gunna be a great fight. On a side note. Are you guys seeing some really crappy scores from one judge and realistic scores from the other two?? Just curious, 'cause it seems like one judge is always watching a different fight to me.

The retard comment was a joke. Obviously didn't mean it. I hope you all know that. :)

HK- Ya, your point about one judge being way off is getting to be the norm. That was a problem in the Penn-Edgar fight as well.

Gawd I hope UFC doesn't turn into Boxing and it's mystical scores.

I think the most obvious fix was Shogun and Machida 1st fight. That was stupid.

I agree with Penn-Edgar too.

Evan Dunham beat Griffin although not pretty and one judge scored 30-27 Griffin and the other two 29-27 Dunham. WTH? What was the other judge watching?

I love UFC, but man Dana needs to get ahold of this before it turns into boxing and NGC fixing every fight.


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