The Ultimate Fighter #7


Well - what to you think? Can you believe that Jesse Taylor is that big of a dumbass to throw away his shot? What a mope. I didn't think he was one of the better fighters anyway. If Tim Credeur would have fought him like he fought CB Dalloway it wouldn't have even been close! The fight between Amir and CB was great! The tap-out happened so fast I blinked and them Amir was running around celebrating. I think CB would have won if it had went to the cards.

Then CB and Tim had a knock-down-drag-out too! Good stuff to see. I can't wait for the finale on Saturday. I am going with CB - I think he will have a better game plan for Amir then, though I like Amir and he is tough.

I think Rampage and Forrest is going to be epic! I think Rampage will win but Forrest will let him know he was there for sure.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
the ultimate fighter series turns out some great fighters but every season they also have the guys who throw away there shot our should not be there in the first place.still one of the best shows on tv.i think amir is gonna pull it off and forrest is gonna shock the mma world.
Ammir and CB is going to be a good fight, CB better get some cardio. But I think CB will win,

Rampage and Forest. That is going to be good fight, BUT I think Forrest is gonna whoop that A**
Well - it was kind of a disappointing finale. The fight between Matt Riddle and Dante Rivera was good - Riddle is tough! He sure had an answer for Dante last night. I was wanting to see more fights from guys in the house. Guess they fought before the televised fights. Amir and CB started good and Amir caught him in the arm bar again. I think CB pussed out a little bit when he tapped so early and so half-heartedly but he tapped for sure and it was probably inevitable anyway at that point. Kind of anitclimatic.

The rest of the fights were pretty solid. Now just gotta wait to see Rampage and Forrest.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I deon't like how CB complained afterwards acting like he didnt tap. It was obvious. Be a man and admit you screwed up by tapping so early. Im sure he'll be fine since he was the favorite to win the show. How about McFedries all over Eastman? McFedries is a lot like a Houston Alexander. They get on their opponents and push and push til they catch them. Evan Tanner looked weak. If this was going to be his last fight if he lost, he shouldnt have fought a guy 6 inches taller with such a huge reach advantage. Those fights rarely pan out for the smaller guys. Look at Tim Silvia/Jeff Monson. That fight was a joke.

Yeah Tanner was definitely a disappointment. His skills are not what they used to be and that beard just made him look old, which made his fighting look a lot worse than it was. I was very suprised by the split decision, I thought "Spider" won every second of every round despite the takedown, he was landing some great defensive kicks and those knees to the thighs took the spark out of Tanner.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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