The Texans Lost

Yep.. and San Diego lost also or I guess they beat themselves. They should have tossed the Seahawks but mistakes and turn overs killed them..
I give a sh!t. Tolbert killed me in Fantasy Football! Should have started P. Hillis! Congrats on the damn Cowboys though!
This cracks me up. Four posts and no bashers. If I would have titled the thread "The Cowboys Kicked Ass", there would be a bunch of bozos going on and on and blah, blah, blah. Guess most of the bozos aren't smart enough to figure out the Cowboys won by the title of the thread anyway. mtmuley
>This cracks me up. Four posts
>and no bashers. If I
>would have titled the thread
>"The Cowboys Kicked Ass", there
>would be a bunch of
>bozos going on and on
>and blah, blah, blah. Guess
>most of the bozos aren't
>smart enough to figure out
>the Cowboys won by the
>title of the thread anyway.

Or maybe everybody realizes that the Cowboys are at best a 7-9 team this year and mediocrity like that doesn't need as many comments as you think they warrant.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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