The Surplus Fallacy

Take the founding history test on the site if you score 37 out of 37 honestly. Then I might listen to you guys even if you are wrong. But only if you can explain the final question. Why does Ann Coulter have an Adams Apple? I bet most on here will be in the lower half. Take it tell us your score don't cheat now. ( I got all correct not bragging just the way it is) Notice what most Americans score. That is scarier than the economy when you know that little about your country. As far as the article Ransom I'm pretty suspicious of that guys number crunching.

Ok I get the point you don't like Ann Coulter but I equally don't trust democrat numbers. As far as Clintons record he did, please check this information it is hid in federal documents, run up the debt 37% in his 8 years. Might only be half of Bush's debt but I do get tired of hearing about Clintons Surpluses.
Again please check debt on Clintons first day and then debt on his last day. Surprise no surplus, only bigger debt.

Corn, I missed #18 on the date, #19, #21 a trick question.
Great quiz.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I figured you would do well 202. I almost wrote that earlier. We may disagree on most things but you do know a lot about America and for that I congragulate you. We do need differences of opinion like you and I usually have as much as we need people that are concerned about this country.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-08 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]I only missed the first supreme court justice 19 and that damn trick question 21

I agree with 21 being a trick question I actually got lucky and had just read something that gave me that question otherwise I miss it as well.

Nice job of hijacking my post. Just for that I'm going hunting and fishing the next 4 days.

I only missed one, the trick question #21. Stupid question.

As for Clinton Surplus it was a surplus in the sense that in those years there was a budget surplus but no debt was really retired because much of it was simply refinanced. The national debt is so large that even if we cut spending to the bone the interest owed will continue to make the debt grow.

The Clinton years are viewed by liberal as the golden era of this country. If one look at the reality of those years you will see the seeds of what is happening now.

I wish for a brighter future then what either Clinton or Bush has provided to us.

I missed #21 as well. Although, technically GW was the first president ONLY, he was just re-elected. I believe the answer they give is wrong, but so be it.

What was it you wanted explained again cornhusker? I am not sure what you are asking. Help me out.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I am sorry Ransom. really. Let's see you"re going fishing and hunting while I'm sitting here in a blizzard with 55 mile an hour winds and a foot of snow as of now. I accept my punishment for hijjacking your post.

Sorry about your weather. I'm not really complaining but... I had to wear sun protection this weekend. If this is any consulation I blew the trim pump on my boat.

I mean ? her neck does kinda look like a phallic symbol ? right?


LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-08 AT 01:42AM (MST)[p]Rus;

If your mind lets you see a phallic object while looking at a woman's neck, you need more couch time with your shrink. You do have serious problems relating to the real world.

P.S. Take Dude with you, he needs Dr. Phil also or he has made too many trips to North Beach for fun and relaxation.

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