the Single Greatest Thing...


Long Time Member
...that happened to ME in 2009 was??

In My case, having no wife or kids, was probably about the 3 week Wyoming outa state Antelope-Muley hunting trip i took with my longtime hunting partner and good friend.

The animals co-operated, the weather was good enough, the time around the campfires was excellent, the memories and the whole experience was down right priceless!

Could be the new addition to your family, the new tractor you were able to get the bank to buy, a special hunting experience, or perhaps someone special that has really impacted your life. What was your own special thing that happened to YOU, made the year special, personally, in 2009?

Happy New Years Everybody!!
I'd have to say just enjoying time with my kids, they are at such a fun age right now!


Success is failure that tried one more time
My youngest daughter (13) completely recovering from surgery in August after giving us all quite a scare.

She's doing great now and something like that puts everything in its proper perspective...
The addition of 5 new guns to the stable. I hope that 2010 treats me better than 09 with tags. I have not had a tag since 03 and went 0 for 70 this last year(that included Expo tags). 2010 will be the year. All joking aside, I have had a successful year with the wife and have had a healthy family this year with no major may-days, so that has to be the Single Greatest Thing. Wish all you MM members the best this year!! (except for in the draws):)
Well not sure this counts cuz it hasn't happened yet but I think so. My daughter and son-in-law giving me my first grandchild within the next week or so. She is gonna be my little buddy just like her mama was.

beautiful little girls there complete.
After having a tough year, seeing dad make it to 2010 is pretty special.

Yep cute little kids complete. Are they yours :)
I didn't want to bring it up, Feleno....but it looks like I might owe a few years of back child support!! J/K, Complete. Good looking kids!!

I'll forward the address the checks should be mailed to! :D

Success is failure that tried one more time
It's been a great year for me, probably the best ever. My wife and I welcomed our first child into the world (boy) in October, he's the light of my life, and my future huntin buddy. That's the #1 thing, but there have been a few others that aren't far behind on my list. I drew my first LE tag (archery elk) and killed a monster bull, by far my biggest big game animal. To finish off a great year, I finally graduated from college after about 5 1/2 years.

It's going to be tough to beat 2009 for me, but I'll die trying!!

Nocked N Loaded
JACO- congrats on the kid. The nice thing about him being born in October is that, if you play your cards right and bring him up as a hunter, he'll always want a hunting trip for his B-day.

You should be proud of them two cute little gals and what surprises me most is that no one ask to see a picture of the I am asking, how about a pic of the Mrs.


The Single Greatest Thing that happened to me in 2009......not being there to watch Ransom do his chumming act in Kona.
But I will be there in 2010 for a REPEAT....hell I might be right next to him giving a double dose...LOL
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 03:53PM (MST)[p]If I can make past midnight, getting though another year alive will be the best thing that happened to me this year. I'll let you know if I see my shadow in the morning. ;-)


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Wow guys! Great reply's.

Some of you have been incredibly blessed! I can understand the Kids, I could understand a loving woman, maybe even understand how a trip to Kona could be a years high point... But perfecting a chumming Technique for Big Game fishing..., man that's Awesome!!! :)

For me it was spending time in Canada with my family at our cabin and the CFL football game we attended on the way up.




"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Lets quit all the religion debating and tell about the things we are thankful for in 2009!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Thanks!! Here's a pic of a buck that my Uncle Phil Sanders of Lamoil Nv, Spring Creek and later Wy, took near Secret Pass in the late 70's. 34" X plenty heavy and high, this buck hung in my Grandparents living room for many years and i thought at the time, that "it" was the Single Greatest Thing!! :)


Joey that is sweet.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
"Joey that is sweet."

That wife of yours ain't to shabby either!! :)

I was with him when he killed another one just as big but a completely different kinda rack. That was one guy that really loved to hunt big bucks and he had the place to do it!!

I had THREE, can anyone beat 3 grandchildren born in '09? Not to mention a moose hunt and a ML deer hunt with my son, plus an Elk hunt and LE deer hunt with my dad and 3 brothers.
WINNER WINNER!!! Trix4me is at least a semi finalist!!!

Just kidding, there's no prizes, just looking back at things, now at the years end, that made this last year so special.

Trix, Thanks for sharing with us, your incredible good fortune!

Get in here gang! Everyone outght to be able to contribute or attribute something to this past year!! :)

I love to hunt big racks too but haven't had much luck.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
The single greatest thing in 09 for me was putting myself in a postition to take off the entire scouting and hunting season from work and literally live in the hills for 4 1/2 months straight...and had my 5 year old boy with me most of the time :) 2009 was by far the most fun in a single year I've ever had!!

After almost three years of fighting I recieved split custody (both physical and legal) of my son Wyatte. It cost me alot of money and it was very stressfull but he is laying in his crib sleeping as I type this and words can't describe what that means to me. Great post and it looks like there was alot of us that had a great year despite this little recession I hear everyone talking about:)

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
Great to hear N_C!!

I pretty much had the last 4 months off too but it wasn't by plan and certainly not hoped for. I'm getting in enough work though, getting by is about it, but signs of more work are showing...

btw, Haven't heard how you were doing in that series of poker tournys that might get you in that big live game. Kinda off topic but WTH, are you still doing that?

Way to go JACO!! Looks like you hit a Home Run on that guy!!

Proud PaPa and rightly so! I only hope you get to hunt and fish with him as much as i got to with my Dad! GBHS!!

Work imo is a means to get what I want and in late May early June all I wanted to do was go scout for bucks so I quit and went and did just that. Luckily my boss is my older bro so he let me come back once I was done being a mountain man. He made me shave my beard though :-( lol but as long as I can connect my laptop to my cell phone browser I'll probably do the same thing this next summer. Just gotta be able to get on the net to complete my homework since I started school again...

I played that series 6 times until eliminated and made it to Step 8 twice and Step 9 once. In the step 9 tourney, first hand I got dealt pocket aces and called an all in bluff against J4 suited and they hit a 4 flush...haven't played much online since but it's probably about time to get at it again. Hmmm that gives me an idea...think enough people would be down for a live poker game after the hunt expo one night?? Are you coming down to Salt Lake for that??

accubond, I have had friends that have gone thru what you must have to get done what you did. I feel for you dude!! Glad to hear that you have some peace going into the new year.

I'm a optimist, can't say though that this year hasn't scared the heck outa me financial wise. I'm a small time Licensed Contractor and we're feeling the pinch here, everybody! I've had to cut back plenty but it's just me and i'm up current or ahead on everything. So i'm thankful, that i got to hunt and fish as much as i did, that i made a great bunch of new customer friends by treating them right, and that i seem healthy enough though there are signs telling me otherwise.

Here's looking ahead to an outstanding hunting partner in your Son and a great 2010!!!

Ah, No! :)

I'm not much of a fan of hunting in Utah. Been there, done that, wasn't fun. If fact, i couldn't hardly wait until i could justify getting on to Colo or Wyoming for the rest of my hunts. Now, i load up on gas before the state border lines so i can buzz right thru and across there without having to stop. I have a Utahphobia

It can't be you guys! It must be me :)

accubond, I'm going thru a custody battle right now too and they straight up suck to say the least!! Lots of time, money, and stress go into these battles but when you get your child it's all worth it :) Congrats to you!!

If you plan to go after full custody later on WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN from now on...everytime you have him, receipts for every child support payment, everytime you hear her yell at him, anything a judge will look at, will benefit you greatly in the future to pay attention and keep record of everything!! Hopefully you already are doing all this but worth mentioning if not :)

LOL no worries I hear ya...Utah definately isn't the same place with the same folks as it once was though!! I live here because my whole family is here but if not I'd live elsewhere...probably Idaho or Wyoming. Hell I can't even buy a real beer in this state without making a trip to the liquor store...

...that happened to ME in 2009 was??

I'm still trying to think. I guess the best thing was my stock portfolio rebounded to a degree. I have no idea why though. It's not like the economy is booming. I think people are investing because there is nothing else out there right now?

Sorry Joey. Boring, I know.:)

This year will be better....if all goes well.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Thanks and same to you sage. Never catch I hope you get what you are fighting for. You can't put a price tag on time spent with your child as you already know. I would never try to get full custody unless I felt my son was in a bad situation. She is a good mom, she just wanted ( and still does) my money more than anything.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
staying employed (seeing my 401k shooting back ups not bad either!)
accubond..don't ever stop fighting for more time with your kid!
I been though that want was worth every penny since he was 6 hes soon 16 and we have great times together! mother never cared about the $754.00 plus $350 in day care til he was 12 a month for support she just banked evey dime for his college!! however I have friends who ex wants the money more than the kid...what a shame!


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