The silver lining?


Long Time Member
I hate to see hard working folks lose their homes, but maybe there is some good to come from it?

Some Homeless People Turn to Empty Houses for Shelter Amid Nation's Foreclosure Crisis.

"Many homeless people see the foreclosure crisis as an opportunity to find low-cost housing (FREE!) with some privacy,"

Bertan, who doesn't like shelters because of the rules, said he has been homeless or in prison for drugs and other charges for the past nine years. He has noticed the increased availability of boarded-up homes amid the foreclosure crisis.

He said a "fresh building" -- recently foreclosed -- offered the best prospects to squatters.

"You can be pretty comfortable for a little bit until it gets burned out," he said as he made the rounds of the annual "stand down" where homeless in Cleveland were offered medical checkups, haircuts, a hot meal and self-help information.

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