the real truth of the fly fishing trip




As its still contraversial i thought i'd hide it, but now i dont care who knows! I'm proud to fish for turtles
I believe they are running up-stream to spawn, hard to hook, as they aren't eating. You just upset them into biting.
I've caught those before. Usually I'll be fighting a nice big steelhead and a turtle will come along and grab it. Then the fight's really on!

Way to keep that rod tip up. I can tell you've done that before!

Try nothing....i got him half way to the truck. Thats when he realized he'd been caught.

It got real ugly after that, and after discussing it with him, i decided he was right( after about 8 flippers to the jaw), and away he went.
I wish you would have killed that sob they are killing every dam@ Salmon in the river. Any way I am glad you made it out alive.
I give props to the camera man for sticken around. The good ones are sure hard to find. I hope you pay him well!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-07 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]That was the original plan, to kill him, and use him to bait in a few more.
Had he not used such a convincing "words" (his right flipper), we'd probably gotten 3 more that day.

The camera "man" is my sis in law. She aint scared of chit.

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