The Real Debate


Long Time Member
2 weeks of a little well earned vacation time for me and the family has provided me with a fresh perspective on the Real Debate that divides our country.

Both sides of the debate seem to be holding steady to their guns and find it impossible to either agree or disagree, or at least agree to disagree.

So when it comes to coffee which is it going to be Perk or Drip?

Now for years I was a dedicated Perk kind of guy and nobody could convince me that Drip was better. However I have gotten older and now find myself to be more of a Drip guy and don't even own a Perculator anymore.

I think if we could at least discuss the differences perhaps we could unify and find some middle ground. Now, I don't have a problem with those that prefer Perk, hell I sure wouldn't turn down Perk, yet I find myself faithfully loading up my Drip every morning.

So gentlemen let's cast away our differences in search of some middle ground afterall in the end we are all coffee drinkers!
>2 weeks of a little well
>earned vacation time for me
>and the family has provided
>me with a fresh perspective
>on the Real Debate that
>divides our country.
>Both sides of the debate seem
>to be holding steady to
>their guns and find it
>impossible to either agree or
>disagree, or at least agree
>to disagree.
>So when it comes to coffee
>which is it going to
>be Perk or Drip?
>Now for years I was a
>dedicated Perk kind of guy
>and nobody could convince me
>that Drip was better. However
>I have gotten older and
>now find myself to be
>more of a Drip guy
>and don't even own a
>Perculator anymore.
>I think if we could at
>least discuss the differences perhaps
>we could unify and find
>some middle ground. Now, I
>don't have a problem with
>those that prefer Perk, hell
>I sure wouldn't turn down
>Perk, yet I find myself
>faithfully loading up my Drip
>every morning.
>So gentlemen let's cast away our
>differences in search of some
>middle ground afterall in the
>end we are all coffee

I agree with you. Let me cast away my differences and tell you what coffee I prefer. Hot and black. Drip or perk makes no difference. BUT the coffee must not come from "lefty or green" coffee shops. Coffee must not be grown in a commie or islamo country. Ships must be American flagged and be crewed by American patriots. I prefer paper cups to styrofoam as styrofoam comes from raghead oil.
Any female waiter at said coffee shop shall not have underarm hair. If Al Gores photo is hung on the wall I'll leave immediately.
Is this what you had in mind? Trying to cooperate.


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