The Popular Dead


Long Time Member
So we saw all the coverage the death of Michael Jackson received. Which person(s) would receive as much or more coverage if they died? a few come to mind:
Muhammad Ali

Who else?
I would have to say any of the remaining living presidents but other than that I am not really sure. I do know if I died I would be lucky to get a sentance or two in the local paper's obituaries.

I'm NOT a soccer fan, but most of the world is, so maybe Beckham?

Madonna wouldn't....too white for today's celebrity worship.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

"Madonna wouldn't....too white for today's celebrity worship."
But Jacko was as white as they come.... or can get over time.
I think Oprah would get the most press. She's like God, but African American and female. I don't see what the fuss is all about when it comes to her but a lot of others do.

Maybe Obama. Maybe. Not many have the kind of love/hate, worship/despise, curiousity/disdain following that Jacko had.
>I think NV is right and
>I hope to find out

That's a big +1
>I think Oprah would get the
>most press. She's like God,
>but African American and female.
>I don't see what the
>fuss is all about when
>it comes to her but
>a lot of others do.

Well that is the fuss Steve - she is an African-American woman who is very very very rich - makes nearly 500 million per and wields tremendous influence because of her success. Women listen to her - it is not even racial when they do. But, African-American men do to, including a lot of other men too, so that is why. You and I don't get her, but lots and lots and lots and lots of people do. She would be heavily mourned.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Al Sharpten.....He was every where the camera was during the Jacko fiasco..... He's also a very accomplished black guy with straight hair.
That is a cool question. I think only Obama and Oprah would stop everything down like Jacko did.

(One could argue that his death influenced world events on a huge scale-took coverage off the Iran uprising and crackdown for over a week which may have been time enough for the current hardliners to consolidate their power.)
I hate to say this, but Simon Cowell would have quite the circus. I cant believe no one has mentioned Randy the Macho Man Savage or the Hulkster.
All the above people posted don't sing annoying crappy songs....I would mourn their death! Roy is right about Oprah. Here is some food for thought, if she passed the economy would come back and America would become one of the LEAST obese countries of the world because for an hour more in the day people would get off the couch and do something. JK this is a weird thread
I think Michael Jackson was the only person in the world, who was known by people of all ages and from anywhere in the world. I really can't think of anyone who was more widely known. Not even Elvis was that well known. JMO. What a shame all these stars wind up dying of taking too many drugs, and many are prescribed drugs. Maybe if more doctors were prosecuted, they'd be more careful. But on the other hand, the star goes and gets another doctor or pays them more. Although I think we need to complete our master criminal database before our master drug prescription database. Michael was oh so talented. RIP

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