The Pacific


Long Time Member
How many of you guys have been watching this mini series on HBO? Sunday nights at 9. I think we are up through part 6 of 10.

I had an Uncle who was in the Amry and was severely injured on Okinawa in WWII and therefore I have always had a fascination for stories about the war in the Pacific theatre. I have to admit it's very graphic at times and makes me very thankful I have not personally had to experience that type of horror. It also reminds me to be so thankful to all vets who have served to keep us free.
I wouldn't miss it it the Best on HBO since Big Love and Deadwood

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I seen the first show and then forgot about it.


Some very tough and Patriotic men depicted on that series. Doubt I could hold their empties, in the world they lived in. God bless them.
I wish I had HBO...My grandpa was in the Pacific theater but didn't like to talk much about it..


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I just started reading "With The Old Breed" by Eugene B. Sledge. His book is partially what "The Pacific" is based on.

What's HBO? Something the rich folks have I guess.:)


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
I have been watching it and it's good. Same for me as others as my dad was in the Pacific during the war (Navy) so I have always been interested in that part of the war. I have his old photos he took from some of the different islands and he told me that he was amazed that any of the Japanese could survive the devastation of non-stop day and night shelling and bombing prior to the landings but there were always plenty that did survive waiting for the U.S. troops to land.

That show, is amazing, it leaves me speachless, every time.

All those young men who went thru he!!, minute by minute, has my respect.

I don't know what the young men and women of today go thru, but you know they have their own he!! to see and deal with also.

I say with all respect. I salute you !

Steve Cheuvront

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