The older I get

"Comes with a towel so it looks like you are just checking out your club!"

Well DUH! What is is supposed to look like!

I wonder if they have one in camo and that looks like a rifle - especially for hunters?!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I think you may get arrested for "checking your club" in a public place? Buy one of these and it will get you an automatic spot on the child molester list in most states. I can see that not being Public friendly! I want to see the first guy try and use it on the Pro-Tour. John Daly probably "gos" in an old whiskey bottle rolling around in his bag.
Will this put an end to your 10-15 pee brakes at work???

"If it moves shoot it again"

"Will this put an end to your 10-15 pee brakes at work???"

No way! Now that I have you to cover for me.

i wonder if any drunk bastard has accidentally taken a shot with it. oh well, whats a little urine explosion all over you if it puts you on the green. and dont forget to empty it. that sucker might be a little rank in the middle of the summer the next time you "check your club". :)

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