The "OLD" new Madonna


Long Time Member
She scares me! back in the day she was sometimes attractive and a bit seductive (looked easy) but she is skanksville now! What the heck is A-Rod thinking?

+1. Way back when she was young I didn't like her. Then a few years ago she started looking better. Now? Scary.
I'll sum it up for ya...
....Rode hard, put away wet.

Hell F-dude, she's twice your age !
Don'know why your pining over her ?
GILF issues possibly ?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-08 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]Give her a break......she's been living in England.
and that would explain the bad teeth.

I aint in to grannies but there would be a plus side to having dentures :)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-08 AT 07:29PM (MST)[p]Look at those thighs.

Just noticed... she's kinda got that Michael Jackson faded look.
That's a troubling image, F'dude pushing a wheel chair around for granny with her dentures in his pocket, whilst sportin a chubby. :-(
Kate is the kind of gal you bring home to show mom.......
Madonna is the type you bring home to show dad ;-)


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