The official Score Desert Sheep


Long Time Member
Hey Guys,

I had my sheep officially scored.

He ended up scoring BC Net 173 1/8.

This photo is NOT at the time of Measurement, but the night after I shot him.

Here is a side photo.

Thanks for looking! Mike

Nice ram that should put him right up close to the state record.

Shoot em till their dead
Congratulations again Mike!
I was just wondering this morning if he shrunk much over the drying period. Sounds like he didn't shrink at all!
Anyway way to go!

I was privileged to hold that ram head and I can tell you it is every inch of the score.
Great to see that all desert sheep in Utah aren't dinks!
Thanks bro for the update.
Congratulations again on a record book ram!
I appreciate that you gave me a chance to put my hands on your ram. It was my pleasure for sure. Cool to meet Tanner too!
Best to you and yours,
That is a beautiful ram, my hunt starts in a little more than a week. I can only dream of seeing his younger brother. Congrats on a great harvest!
Oh ya, an AZ tag! Good for you!
You will love the meat too but the horns are the magic part!

Good luck man and keep us posted.

Good memory Zeke, thanks for the pics! You and a couple others on here and a couple AZ guides have sent me a lot of pics to help with my field judging. I feel very confident on my judging a sub 150 class ram and that is my minimun so I should be good to go. All I need is for the sheep to cooperate and a lot of luck! I have seen a pic of a class 4 ram seen in my unit last year but only that 1 time so I am hopeful. I am sending you a PM

I really enjoyed seeing your sheep last night at UFNAWS. What an amazing Ram. The taxidermy was phenominal. You don't see too many turned around that quick.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-10 AT 10:42AM (MST)[p]Hey FEVER!
Congratulations on drawing another Dall sheep hunt! What a bonus for you. Is your bother going to join you again?

I too also enjoyed seeing your great ram after he was "put together". No offense to your beautiful ram Mike, but I think Paul Pennie made him look even better than your pictures!
What a gorgeous animal!

Thanks. I'm still in shock. I can't wait to get back up to Arctic Red. My brother said he's saving up for a Stone Sheep. I might try and take my son with me this time. He isn't really interested in hard core hunting, but he loves the outdoors and hiking. If he doesn't want to shoot anything I'll just take him up to pack. The slide show on Saturday really got me itching get back up there. I was speachless when they drew my name five minutes later.

Contrats again on the sheep and caribou. I can't believe the mass on your caribou. It makes mine look like a baby. What an incredible trophy.

Thanks Paul and Rick.
Mr. Penne, he demands I call him that, did a GREAT JOB.
It looks perfect, I am thrilled. I will be taking everything to Paul.

I wish I would have been at the banquet to say hello and to watch you win BIG. I was returning from a little hunt and ran out of time to attend.

Congratulations. Have a great hunt!

I will be going up to ARRO with my daughter in a year or two. She won a hunt last year at FULL CURL! Maybe we'll be there at the same time.... who knows?


Thank you. They say the shock I'm having will wear off in 6 to 12 months, but I'm thinking it might take a bit longer. Sorry you couldn't make it Saturday. It was a great evening as usual. I don't think I've missed one for about 10 years.

I'll be going up to ARRO in 2012. That would be great if you and your daughter ended up on the same trip. My daughter loves to go hunting with me (she's 10). I hope that I can get her into sheep hunting as you have done with your daughter.

It will be fun to go to the FULL CURL meeting in February to see some fellow sheep hunters see their dreams come true.

Good lookin ram BH. Is it true? Once you get the bug it never goes away? I really can't afford to get that bug!!!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
For what it is worth, I have seen Bowhunt at every sheep hunter gathering I have been to since he drew his tag, and I have not missed one. IMHO the fever causes a pretty sad addiction that just doesn't go away without an occasional sheep hunt. My advice is, don't get started man unless you are prepared to deal with the side affects!
30+ years and I still have all the afflictions. Pleasant as they may be, there are serious side affects. I went into the whole sheep-fever thing with my eyes wide open yet I really didn't know what I was in for.

The best part is the association with the people I've met!
Rick, Paul, Mike, Tanner, Spence, Cole, Bob, Jeff, Jessica, Rob, Scott, Larry, Travis, Randy, Brad, Don, Brent, Dan, Carl, Keele, Kurt, Blake, Zac, Lanae, Ben, Will, Marty, Pat, Murray, John, Alan, Blaine, Vern, Troy, Brent, Tom, Craig, Steve, Todd, Rusty, Shawn, Lynn, Nick, Matt, Lloyd, Todd, Jake, Ray, Brian, Dennis, Kevin, Justin, Kelly, Jim, and on and on....... These are the one who just popped into my head so don't be disappointed if you're not listed.

Every person evokes good memories!

Yup, sheep hunting is a great sport.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-10 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]Oh Yes you didn't forget me! Hahaha

Even though I have slim to no chance of drawing a sheep tag within the next 17 years. I will think about sheep every single day till I draw a tag. Then it will get worse.
Don't wait to draw only. Put some money aside every week until you have enough to hunt the beautiful Dall or Stone sheep. It might take years.... but so what? It's worth the wait.

Get on some outfitter's cancellation lists and wait for a deal. That's how I hunted Stone sheep. It might save you a ton if you can be flexible.

Good luck young bro!

Hey thanks for the advice. That is how my grandpa got his Dall a cancelation.

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