The NRA....and Harry Reid


I recently sent an email to the NRA, expressing my displeasure with their rumored endorsement that may be coming for Harry Reid in his re-election bid. I just got a response from them, and given the length and degree to which it responded to specific points I made, I do believe it was written by someone who actually took the time to send more than a canned response. Here is what they told me.

Thank you for contacting the NRA-ILA regarding recent reports that the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has endorsed U.S. Senator Harry Reid for reelection.

For the record, the NRA-PVF has not yet made an endorsement in the Nevada U.S. Senate race. In fact, there have been no announced endorsements for any U.S. Senate seat for the November general elections-period.

For several reasons, we generally do not announce ratings or endorsements until closer to the elections. There are still votes to be graded and other information to be evaluated prior to issuing an accurate grade as Election Day nears.

The NRA-PVF looks at the entirety of a candidate's record. We start with the candidate's voting record (if any), along with answers to questionnaires, statements and floor speeches the candidate makes on Second Amendment issues, as well as any action the candidate may have taken as a committee member or leader.

Our endorsements are not given lightly, nor are they issued in every race. An NRA-PVF endorsement is something that has to be earned. As we do every election year, we wait until all the votes are taken and evaluate a candidate's entire record. Making a decision prematurely, before votes are taken, risks giving politicians a "free pass"-something we can't and won't allow.

It is important to note that the NRA is a single-issue organization. Our ratings and endorsements are based solely on a candidate's support for, or opposition to, our Second Amendment rights. Other issues, as important as they may be to many people, do not and cannot play any role in those decisions. NRA represents a broad coalition of American gun owners, who are bound together by their support for the right to keep and bear arms.

For us to factor non-gun-related issues into our ratings would foolishly divide our unified base of support on the Second Amendment. This policy has served NRA and gun owners well over the past three-plus decades, making us the nation's pre-eminent pro-Second Amendment advocacy group.

We fully understand that voters must take into account a variety of issues when deciding for whom to vote. We respect that. It is our responsibility, however, to provide voters with information solely on a candidate's position on gun-related issues so that they may factor that consideration in addition to other issues.

Admittedly, Senator Reid's record is not perfect; few politicians' records are. For a number of years (primarily in the 1990s) Sen. Reid had some problematic votes on our issue. But in the last five years, he has dramatically improved his record on our issue, so the NRA-PVF would be irresponsible if it did not give due consideration to those recent votes and actions. There is no doubt that, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid has supported efforts to protect Americans' gun rights, both by voting FOR pro-gun measures AND preventing anti-gun legislation from reaching the Senate floor.

In 2004, Sen. Reid voted against efforts to reauthorize the Clinton ban on "assault weapons" and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, which are standard equipment for many rifles and for most modern semi-automatic pistols designed for defensive use. Early last year, he flatly stated he would oppose any effort to reinstate an "assault weapon" and magazine ban if the Senate were to vote on it in the future. In 2005, Sen. Reid was instrumental in Senate passage (and eventual enactment into law) of the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (PLCAA). That law shut down reckless lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers, which attempted to hold them liable for the misuse of firearms by criminals. Sen. Reid also cosponsored the PLCAA in the previous Congress and voted against the Feinstein Amendment to ban "assault weapons" and "large" magazines, and the Kennedy Amendment that would have banned most hunting ammunition.

Sen. Reid voted for legislation, which became law in 2006, to prohibit gun confiscation during states of emergency. He also voted for legislation to allow commercial airline pilots to be armed in the cockpit to protect their passengers and crews .

In the last two years, Sen. Reid voted for the Ensign Amendment to repeal the Washington D.C. gun ban and restore self-defense rights in our nation's capital. He cosponsored similar legislation -- S.1414 -- in the 108th Congress. He also voted for an amendment to allow law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for self-defense in national parks and wildlife refuges. This federal policy change took effect on February 22. In addition, Sen. Reid voted last year for the Thune-Vitter Amendment to provide national reciprocity for state Right-to-Carry permits. Sen. Reid also voted twice for the Wicker Amendment allowing Amtrak passengers to include firearms in their checked luggage. In his capacity as Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid made votes on all of these amendments procedurally possible. And these are but a few examples of Senator Reid's support and leadership on Second Amendment issues.

All of which leads to a very serious question for all NRA members and gun owners who oppose Sen. Reid to contemplate: who would take Reid's place if he loses his race-and his critically important position as Senate Majority Leader? Remember, the Senate Majority Leader is the gatekeeper who decides which legislation will be considered on the Senate floor. If Sen. Reid loses, the next candidate for Majority Leader is very likely to be Charles Schumer of New York or ##### Durbin of Illinois -two of the most anti-gun U.S. Senators in history!

It is critical to the defense of the Second Amendment that we have pro-gun majorities in the U.S. Congress.

While no endorsement has yet been issued in this race, nor any other U.S. Senate race for the November general election, rest assured that we will make all of these announcements at the appropriate time and in light of our election policy.

Thank you for contacting us and please keep an eye out for our grades and endorsements as the election nears.

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division

While I appreciated the well reasoned explanation of the NRA's position at this time, and of Senator Reid's record on 2nd amendment issues, I am seriously troubled by the extent to which the writer seemed to justify a pending endorsement of Reid. I'm one of those who believe that Harry Reid is one of the greatest malignancies our society has ever suffered from, and my gun rights support dollars will go to other organizations in the future should the NRA endorse this extremist liberal. What do the rest of you think?
I for one do not like Reid and would like to see him defeated. On the other hand, NRA's stance is only on the issue of our firearm rights and Reid's election lost will most likly result in schumer or Durbin taking his post.

I have enough common sense to know if that happens, you will see more of a flood of anti gun bills hitting the Senate floor with them pushing it. Durbin is bad enough, but from what I have seen, Schumer is probably THE worse anti gun member in Congress. He very strongly would love to see any and all anti gun bills passed and is on record for total gun control.

The Supreme Court decision will limit what he can do, but you can bet your bottom dollar he will find ways to get around the Heller decision to make laws to limit our gun rights or die trying.

We have a case of we are damned either way.

While it might be too much to hope for, turning the house, and possibly Senate, over to Republican control would be the best way to get rid of Reid and this anti-gun nonsense at the same time.

I understand where the NRA is coming from too, but not endorsing either candidate (as opposed to not endorsing either candidate) would seem to be a more appropriate course of action to me.
Quite a nuanced response. Welcome to politics

Even though Obama and many of the democrats would like to go after guns there has been some pretty clear direction from leadership that now is not the time. American just won't stand for it. A recent poll showed 86% of americans believe Obama's policies have either hurt or not helped them. Going after guns would put a good percentage of the population in the category of "furious"

Now whether they will get up the guts to do it after the Nov elections or if heaven forbid Obama gets a second term is another question.

I'd vote against Reid if I lived in NV at this point. I'm cynical enough to believe his recent support of guns is a political calculation. That guy is the ULTIMATE political survivor.
I don't see how the NRA can "not" endorse Reid. I despise him...but the NRA isn't a "partisan" organization. Reid has done what they ask. He has earned his grade....albeit by being able to because in the scheme of things his vote hasn't been needed by his team....

Just the way the world the POS out even if they endorse him. Take our chnces with Schumer. There is a chance that one of those worthless Republicans will be majority leader come January 2011...

I can understand NRA's reasoning. but I also look at the bigger picture. There is a remote possibility that the DEMs will cose the Senate. That won't happen if Reid is reelected. That is one reason I donatated to S. Engles campaign.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I am not a Reid fan either but he saved Arizona's butt a few years back when George Taulman (USO outfitters) and his male lover were trying to sue for more NR tags in our state. For that I am eternally greatful. Our own polititians left us high and dry. Other than what he did for us back then I don't care for his politics.

I don't have a horse in this race so my point of view matters not.

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