The Next President!



It's all about who will be President of the USA in 2009. Seems to me the debate is which Democrat will win? It really doesn't matter what our particular obsession is. What matters is who will be the elected leader of this Nation in November.

My gut feeling is that all this posturing is for naught. John McCain is fighting a battle that was lost 7 years ago and the American people simply will not consider extending the misery. Once again, why get your panties in a knot? This election was decided by the policies of the current administration. So get a grip!

?Course I've been wrong before ? many times ?.. Probably not this time.

McCain is running as George Bush III, and Bush II has an approval rating of 29%, it's like McCain wants to lose. the republicans have handed the dems the election on a silver platter, if they lose it they deserve to lose.
I think you guys are going to see some big differences on how McCain is going to come across and it will not be as Bush Jr. I think he will project some changes that are needed to change things for the better, as the voters see it, and drop a bomb on the Dems. In the meantime he is sitting back and planning his strategy and not letting the dems have any inkling what it is in order for them to defuse him and his plans for the various subjects that need to be addressed to the voters.
I do not like to make perdictions on elections or jury trials, but if McCain just plays this half right, he has a very good chance of getting into the white house. I also believe the choice of VP, where Bush Screwed up big time, will have a major role in getting the votes. And for you Dems, I think Hillary will go the limits and really p!ss off Obama to the point he will never accept her running as his VP or vice versa.

"I do not like to make perdictions on elections or jury trials, but if McCain just plays this half right, he has a very good chance of getting into the white house."

yea, with an invitation from Obama. . . .

I hope obama's not the man, i dont think he's up to the job. . . Hillary could do it, but I'm not sure year if I will support her.

I'd support Mcain first, unless something drastically changes in the next few months. . .
White America is going to bury Obama with Reverand Wright officiating at the funeral.

Hillary will burn for her lies about ducking snipers in Bosnia.

McCain simply needs to keep his mouth shut and stay on the high ground about "blacks and cracks".

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