The New EelMobile!

I'm sorry but it off road and it needs a tune-up Bessy

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Be carefull driving that eel if roy is around. That will be worse than driving around in southern cali.

Nice eye Gator!

Eel best be careful getting it off road like that!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
This is just another one of Eel's less than ethical attempts at turtle hunting. This "decoy" rig even has a built in gun turret and 360 degree turtle cam. You should have heard all the snickering by all the real turtle hunters when he pulled up in it to the annual WTTTHCF (Western Turtle,Terrapin, and Tortoise Hunters and Conservationists Federation) banquet last weekend. Well, we all just kind of grinned and smiled our best "whatever gets you through the night" smile as Eel walked up bragging about how he was going to bag a Booner this next year with this "little cherry sweetheart" as he put it.

This is just something we have come to expect from Eel though, and because he does contribute the minnimum financial consideration each year, we still continue to include him.

Although, this year I was sure I had made sure the tickets he received were marked with the wrong date. Curious how he got the right tickets though, may have something to do with the recent Craigslist ticket scalping scandal where someone sold their tickets for 60 times the value then turned around and bought another pair for half their original value from a crippled kid who couldn't go because he was having a bone marrow transplant that day.

Turns out the kid had originally asked for just enough to pay for the transplant, but this particular individual who bought the tickets promised to pay the asking price but at the time of delivery, grabbed the tickets, pushed the kid's wheelchair over and threw $50 at him as he lay there trying to pick himself back up.

Don't worry though, we did hold a silent auction that was able to earn enough money to pay for the bone-marrow transplant and make some repairs to the damaged wheelchair.

I am not saying it was Eel who did this, but the kid did say he thought he saw a large turtle driving away. The cops just thought he bumped his head.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Wow.. Eel that's the new limited edition "Terrapin" model.

I heard they are powered by a turbocharged Testudine..

Your rollin' in style now Eel.. I is impressed
>This is just another one of
>Eel's less than ethical attempts
>at turtle hunting. This "decoy"
>rig even has a built
may have something

>I am not saying it was
>Eel who did this, but
>the kid did say he
>thought he saw a large
>turtle driving away. The cops
>just thought he bumped his

Roy.. I is SHOCKED!! And to think I was just giving Eel some Kudo's on his new ride and as always the truth rears it's ugly head... What some people will do..

Please wish the little boy a Merry Christmas for me and the Mrs. and try to assure him that there are some good folks here.
Well, DOCTOR Roy, that's a new low. Even for you.

I want to show everyone what kind of rig DOCTOR Roy showed up to the WTTTHCF driving. It was filled up with all of his new "spot and stalk only" friends too. Roy wouldn't even........excuse me......DOCTOR Roy wouldn't even acknowledge any of his old hunting buddies. They sat at their own table during the banquet along with the president of SWF, Byron Bateman. I saw Dr Roy hand Byron an envelope full of cash when he thought no one was looking.

Enjoy your new friends Roy. Just try not to forget where you came from, and throw us peons a crumb or two along the way.


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