The National Anthem



Do you guys and gals feel like the National Anthem should be sung the way it was written? In my opinion, all of these "artists" who take "artistic freedom" with our National Anthem are ruining a beautiful song that represents our country. The girl who sang on the Monday Night Football game last night totally butchered the song, and I wasn't sure if she was actually singing the right song or not. This is not something that happens only on the national level; I have heard horrible renditions at high school football games. I feel that our anthem should be sung the way it was written and no other way and legislation should be put in place to ensure this. Do you agree or disagree?
I definitely believe that the National Anthem should be sung as originally intended. I can't stand the way that so many butcher it in the name of 'creativity'.

The standard was set some years ago when Whitney Houston sang it at the Super Bowl. I don't think it's ever been sung better, and she was very true to the original version.
I didn't see/hear the Monday night performance. Did she change the lyrics, or just the tune???

If she changed the lyrics, then shame on her.... If she changed the tune (eg; 'jazzed it up a bit'....), then I don't have quite as much of a problem with it. My $.02....

Best one I ever heard was at the start of the Sonoma NASCAR race a few years back.

Joe Satriani did an electric guitar version of it (no lyrics.)

Needless to say - IT ROCKED!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-08 AT 10:43AM (MST)[p]Well boys there in lies a great dilema - one of the very symbols of our freedom and you are asking that no one who sings it has any freedom to sing it as they see fit. I agree that there are some who take it too far but that is what the song is all about is it not? Now changing the lyrics, well there are some copywright issues with that but the performance has always been subjective. Remember Hendrix's electric guitar rendition? Boys it brings tears to my eyes. You can feel the passion in it. And it is very different from the way Whitney did it!

Now don't get me wrong, what Roseanne Barr did was downright disgraceful but that is her right as an artist to interpret it as she sees fit. She has definitely paid the consequences.

Personally, my favorite rendition is one by LeeAnn Rimes that one of the local radio stations plays frequently during its daily 12PM playing of the anthem (followed as well by "The Eyes of Texas" - it's a Longhorns thing)), followed by Garth Brooks singing it at the '92 Superbowl. I did not see any of that game but did hear him sing the anthem as I watched the sun sink down in to Florida Bay (really the Gulf of Mexico but it is the body of water that separtes the Florida Keys from the mainland) from Key Largo. Let me tell you, that was a truly spiritual experience. But his version was different from Whitney's - can't say I always want everyone to sing it exactly the same. It kind of defeats the purpose IMHO.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I don't think they have to, or should always, sing it as originally intended. However, I do think that way too many people buthcer this song in the name of creativity or individualism. I'm just tired of everyone trying to 'out-soul' each other when signing it, some truly bastardize the song.

I've heard electric guitar versions, and while they're ok as an instrumental, I'll still stick with Whitney Houston being the best I've ever heard the National Anthem sung.

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