The Most Hated Industries For 2010


Long Time Member
Per the Better Business Bureau, based on the number of consumer filed complaints.

1) Cable and Satellite Services
2) Cellphone Service and Equipment
3) New Auto Dealers
4) Banks
5) Collection Agencies
6) Used Car Dealers
7) Auto Repair and Services

Which one have you been upset with?

#2 yesterday in fact. I had a Garmin Smartphone through AT&T, it worked great for everything except a phone. Well back in Feburary I upgraded to an iPhone. Well when the stupid twit at the kiosk at the mall did the upgrade on my phone plan she took off my unlimited talk, text, and data plan (which is no longer availiable to new customers of AT&T). I got a text message from AT&T yesterday morning stating that I was at 65% of my data usage, which I thought was odd since we have the unlimited plan. So I went to our local ATT&T store and low and behold found out what that stupid woman did when I did my upgrade. Luckily they were able to fix the problem by yesterday evening, but still yet AAAHHHHH GRRRRR!! This isn't the first problem we have had with this same woman, took her close to 30 minutes to process a payment when my wife dealt with her once. There needs to be a lifeguard over the genepool, but I think this woman has reproduced, lets hope her childrens father is a god damn rocket scientist or otherwise she just put a few more idiots out there to cause havoc in the world.
1- they just don't understand what "no" means.

6- it is like selling someones trash after so many miles and so many years, and they still think it is gold plated.

7- I bought a Toyota Camry with 36K so I don't have to do much more than change the oil and put gas in it.
8. Telemarketers who want to sell mechanical insurance on my car...or some sort of credit card protection stuff.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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