The Most Boring Time of Year.



LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-11 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]oK, NBA finals (I guess) are over. NHL finals are done. Baseball is into game 40(or so) out of 230 games. Football isn't for awhile. So unless you are a Die Hard Golf fan what is there in the Sporting world to watch?

Help me out- what should I be watching?

Edit: and don't say porn- that's a year round "sport"!

I can't go scouting yet- still way too much snow up on top.

not much, pick up as many mma fights as possible, gthrow in "deadliest catch" but thats kinda going downhill.
now you see why both my kids have march/ april birthdays, not much to do but go lay some pipe:)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-11 AT 10:22PM (MST)[p]Antler growth comes to mind.

Brown Trout on an early morning rise.

Thirty species of whatever doing the Spring thing.

Scooping frog chit out of my front yard grass with a teaspoon on my hands and knees, would be preferable to basketball. Won't lament it's conclusion at all.

Oh, you mean on TV!

Well, you can always watch "Pawn Stars, Detroit".......the players are all the same, so you won't miss any of the intellectual post game stuff.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
My question really revolves around the weekends

I HATE fishing in Utardia(on one of two fishable rivers in the state at this time of year) on the weekends.

MMA- is that a sport? Or a hobby? Beating a guy down the best way you know how. Sounds like a pastime to me.

Anter watching isn't really an option as there is still 5 foot of snow up there- but I am anxious to get out there!

Well, not the most popular sport on here, but nascar usually runs races on both sat. sun. but can get boring. But at least you will get in a good nap.
College Football can't get here soon enough...GO LSU GO!![/IMG] ~Z~
I now see that CBS will be televising Competitive Corn Growning.
-i think I might watch!

Well Tag!

Might be time to revive Velvet Jones?

Place is gettin kinda boring without him!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Hey Tag, MM don't keep you entertain enough?? Stir it up a bit, that's a sport in itself aint that right B-bop??

May I suggest the outdoor national motocross races, fuel tv shows the first moto live on saturdays, speed channel shows the second moto on saturday night or sunday afternoons, NBC will show some of the 450 second motos as well. Here is the tv schedule if interested
Looking forward to football. Hope the Cowboys have a better season and its going to be interesting watching the Utes play in the Pac 12.

The problem with fishing on the weekend is everyone and their half retarded cousins are out there. I'll fish every day of the week, but its like pulling teeth to get me out on a weekend!

So I sit home...watching tv/ tying flies for Monday and Tues on the river.

The suggested: Nascar- I'll watch.
:cycle racing: only if womens bowling isn't on.

I nees to call Velvet soon. I think he forgot his Password.

tageater, maybe it's time to break down and do a little carving on your driftwwod. I bet you would be great at it.

I plan on buying the dremmel with "the works" this week.

My first will be a Westslope Cutthroat...

I have a feeling the shaping won't be as difficult as getting the colors right.

But then I'm in the same boat as before...what to watch while I'm carving these things?!

Just go get you a new girlfriend. Make her get naked. Then chase her around the house for a while. Its been helping me lately!!!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
One word muncher........ PORN!!!!!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Tag said

<<I plan on buying the dremmel with "the works" this week.
My first will be a Westslope Cutthroat...

<<I have a feeling the shaping won't be as difficult as getting the colors right.

<<But then I'm in the same boat as before..."what to watch while I'm carving these things?!"

Please watch your hands! :7


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