The Moose is Loose



The is a booner out there with my name on him, and next week is the time to begin looking for him. I can't beleive the season is here.
Hey Bone,
What state and what unit are you hunting? I have a good friend that has a Wasatch tag here in Utah. We are looking forward to a great experience too. Good Luck!


Good luck on the hunt. Your a lucky dude to get 2 tags in a lifetime, so you must be experienced! lol Looking forward to a long story and some great pics!
Thanks Falcon. I can't draw a stinkin' deer tag, but two moose permits. I hope the luck holds for a booner. I'm chasing them around up in unit one North Idaho. Gear is packed, one more doubleshift, and I'm out of here for a day or two of "scouting".

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