The modern liberal


Long Time Member
A Liberal is a believer in many of the following political positions:

* denial of inherent gender differences, leading to things such as wanting men and women to have the same jobs in the military (while quietly holding them to different standards)
* taxpayer-funded abortion
* same-sex marriage
* support of affirmative action
* support of political correctness
* censorship of prayer in classrooms
* compelled taxpayer funding of government schools for nearly all ages
* government-controlled medical care
* labor unions
* elimination of abstinence-only program funding [2]
* income redistribution, usually through progressive taxation
* a "living Constitution" that is reinterpreted rather than an unchanging Constitution as written
* support for gun control
* government programs to rehabilitate criminals
* environmentalism [3]
* disarmament treaties
* globalism
* opposition to a strong American foreign policy [4]
* support of obscenity and pornography as a First Amendment right[5]
* opposition to full private property rights[6]
* limit conservative talk radio by reinstating the Fairness Doctrine

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
100% true.

Percent of Oregonians who would disagree: 98.6%.

Percent of Oregonians would have been diagnosed with mental illness: 112.334%

Percent of people with mental illness who have denied it: 100%.

All that and yet they kicked your butt in the mid terms, go figure. all the latest polls still show Hillary beating everyone so you must be doing something right, yeah the dems are the dumb ones.

Ransom I saw a show on your hometown in Alabama last night, home to the inventor of the toothbrush. if it had been invented anywhere else he would have named it the teethbrush.
I believe it some of those and so did the progressive president you are quoting Teddy Roosevelt. Since you are quoting Roosevelt and he believed in many of those points I understand sylogistically that you are a liberal 202. Congragulations!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-07 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker

Dude is disrespecting Alabamians.
Wouldn't expect anything else from an Oregan.
If that's the first southerner joke Ransom has heard he needs to get out more. I'm picturing Joe Dirt in Alabama sitting on the porch all ticked off right now.
OK 202! I know your thinking to hard I don't want you to strain something.
Liberal according to your post
1. Favors censorship of prayer in classroom. ( I'm against teacher led prayer I did as a coach and got in trouble over it and should have. T.R. Was for taking "In God We Trust" off currency.

2. Favor Labor Unions T.R. first president to actually side with a union in a labor dispute. In the 1902 Coal Miners strike. He got the miners to go back to work by creating a commission which was highly favorable to the miners on getting wage increases and other favorable working conditions and hours.

3. Environmentalism created the U.S.Forest SErvice under Gifford Pinchot 42 million acres of public land by 1908 4. often using eminent domain to take private property to create natural parks and reserves. Also started the Conference of Governors which organized and encouraged the governors to become environmentalist and use resources wisely.

5. Favors disarmament treaties Negotiated the Treaty of Portsmouth of 1905 to end Russo-Japanese war. He won the Nobel Peace prize for this.

6 Favors a living Constitution In almost all instances T.R. favored a loose construction intreptation of the Constitution whic naturally led to the changes of its intepretation.

I could go on but welcome to the fold us liberals according to your deffinition are meeting at Dude's ranch Friday night at 8:eek:o you bring the beer.

TR was a progressive, a label the liberals are attepting to steal. Why are democrats afraid of being liberal?

Neither side can claim TR legacy because he was not a typical politician in any sense other then he knew how to get elected.

Here is a great article on TR and why everyone is trying to claim his record and yet ingore the parts that do not line up with their particular brand of idiocy: either liberal or conservative.

Well said Corn, since childhood TR has been my one and only hero. Teddy was the perfect president and to me the greatest and most selfless American who ever lived. it's also very fair to say he was an environmentalist and a moderate, sometimes even a liberal. what I wouldn't give for someone who was 10% the American he was to run for office today. I wish the Bull Moose party had made it, then us moderates wouldn't have to play with the idiots from the right or left.

I'm not very opinionated or anything but when I'm deciding what stand to take on an issue I always ask myself what would TR say, if you can get it right you never need to back down.
NEMont You are 100% correct I had read that article but I reread it again and enjoyed it just as much thanks. One thing I know for sure Bush is no T.R. but neither is any other politician today. Selfless, devoted to country yes at time self serving but he always stood for something. I have read most everything he wrote and most things about him.
He was a Conservative Progressive which is what I consider myself unfortunately they don't exist anymore you're a liberal or conservative I'm neither. Remember the Republicans hated that dam cowboy as Republican leader Mark Hanna called him but once the people embraced him it was too late. I'm still waiting for something like that to happen again, and to heck with the party leadership which really sets up some candidates to fail and some to have success.
Dude what you wrote is exactly what I myself would have written the man had greatness in every part of his life, family, career, leisure activity and legacy.
OOps! NeMont I'm not sure democrats are afraid of being liberal I just don't think one label can cover a person whole political being. Example I could care less about a politicians sexual orientation as long he's not pulling obscene crap in public restrooms. I don't care what goes on in his bedroom his business, makes me a liberal. I also am for the right to carry, control the borders, stopping the ecoterroism, that makes me a conservative. I also vote for the candidate I like an trust regardless of party. This site is so conservative republican based they can't see a lot of us don't fall in either of the two labels most often used on here.
Corn, I dont think you are right about most of MM being completly right wing. I think most of us are in the middle, its just that the left pick the most outrageous things to support. Im not saying the right are correct all the time ether. I think we need more middle of the road candidets.

Thats my oppinon.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
>OOps! NeMont I'm not sure democrats
>are afraid of being liberal
>I just don't think one
>label can cover a person
>whole political being. Example I
>could care less about a
>politicians sexual orientation as long
>he's not pulling obscene crap
>in public restrooms. I don't
>care what goes on in
>his bedroom his business, makes
>me a liberal. I
>also am for the right
>to carry, control the borders,
>stopping the ecoterroism, that makes
>me a conservative. I also
>vote for the candidate I
>like an trust regardless of
>party. This site is
>so conservative republican based they
>can't see a lot of
>us don't fall in either
>of the two labels most
>often used on here.

99% of democrats give the other 1% a bad name.
Ransom, here's a real number and from your Faux news poll no less. 43% of Americans say they want a dem president on '08 as opposed to 34% for a republican. this is with a couple of tards like Hillary and Obama running. the comical part of this is as bad as the dem contenders are people still prefer them over the republicans offerings, that's pathetic if you think about it. who has the bad name?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-07 AT 09:13AM (MST)[p]Here is what is really interesting about TR.

He went on hunting trips and by his own admission killed hundreds of animals, taking only their tongues in many instances, but is celebrated as great conservationist.

He won a Nobel Prize for diplomacy during the Russo-Japanese War but the treaty he framed was so one sided in Japan's favor that it would lead to the Empire of the Rising Sun military conquest of the Pacific.

He is celebrated as both a warmonger and a peace maker. Many believe he knew about plans for sinking the battleship Maine in Havana harbor but chose to do nothing in order to go to war with Spain.

He believed White Christian people were superior to others:

-"The settler and pioneer have at bottom had justice on their side; this great continent could not have been kept as nothing but a game preserve for squalid savages".
-"The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages".
-"American and Indian, Boer and Zulu, Cossack and Tartar, New Zealander and Maori, ? in each case the victor, horrible though many of his deeds are, has laid deep the foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people".
-" is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant world races".
-"The world would have halted had it not been for the Teutonic conquests in alien lands; but the victories of Moslem over Christian have always proved a curse in the end. Nothing but sheer evil has come from the victories of Turk and Tartar".

Yet acted against Racism in other forms

-"I do not intend to appoint any unfit man to office. So far as I legitimately can, I shall always endeavor to pay regard to the wishes and feelings of the people of each locality; but I cannot consent to take the position that the doorway of hope - the door of opportunity - is to be shut upon any man, no matter how worthy, purely upon the grounds of race or color. Such an attitude would, according to my contentions, be fundamentally wrong."

My point of all of this is that the American people would never elect such a person today. Both sides would attack and in the end his candidacy would not stand. There is no room in American politics today for the middle ground. Neither side wants to compromise or act in bipartisan ways and the left is just as guilty as the right.

"There is no room in American politics today for the middle ground. Neither side wants to compromise or act in bipartisan ways and the left is just as guilty as the right."

Nemont I could not agree more but would add that the right is attempting to cling to traditional American values while the left wishes to lead us down the path of secularism and scocialism. The right has no choice but dig in. The left is constantly mocking Christianity, they have taken consevation to an extreeme, for the most part they despise America and what it stands for, they see Americans as evil and vile and the scourge of the planet. How else is the traditionalist Americans suposed to act like. They are constantly attacked.
White males are the most descriminated against group in this country, not only in opportunity but in scocial values. Watch any TV commercial with a family in it and the father is made to look the fool, the vast majority of sitcoms that potray a family portray the father as the bubling idiot, it is liberals in hollywood that put white males in a bad light in their movies and TV. For example. Have any of you seen the movie Appocalypto? I sat down to watch it the other night. 10 minutes in to the movie I am thinking "ok evil white man is comming to screw these folks over, any moment now" well to my surprise the bad guys were actually other indians. I was impressed, until the end when the indians walk out to the beach only to guessed it evil white man in ships from Europe. Watch the George Lopez show and tell me who the bad guy is in just about every episode.............the white male boss. It is these types of things that may seem subtle but they undermine our scociety. Traditional folks have to side with the right to fight for what they believe to be taken away from them by the far left loons in this country.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
True story.

We can see what just 6 years of full control by the far right has screwed up so let's hope we don't see the same from the far left in the near future. niether side is competent to have full power , this is why I say as screwed up as it is we need the two party system to ride herd on each other. or we could all be moderates with no particular bias or axe to grind, that would be too simple.
Dude the problem with your argument is the far right has no power over the media, hollwood, the rap music industry. None at all. This is all highly leftist controled areas. Then you got the ACLU lefties screwing the US over at every turn. Here again the right has no control over these lefties. The right is our only choice right now to combat these forces.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

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