The Middle Man



I am looking at trying to buy a landowner voucher (deer) for Colorado for the first time this year. Being new to the game I have looked a little but was wondering if there is a good way to get a tag and avoid the middle man. I understand that this is the best way to probably get a tag but on a budget it would be great if there is a way just to get one from a landowner. Any ideas are appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Do the job of the middle man. You can go door to door at any ranches that are large enough and talk with them. It is possible to find vouchers without using a broker, but it usually takes some work and/or luck.
"Tag Pimps" do work at it. It's not just free money. If it were easy to find vouchers, then there would be no such thing as a "Tag Pimp".

I would bet that if you went over to the unit you want to hunt and knocked on 25 doors where qualifying landowners live, a few will have vouchers available, AND you might get lucky and meet someone who has never registered their land and who might do so next year and you could save a few hundred (or even a thousand) dollars next year.

If you're looking for an easy way to get a cheap voucher, then join the club with the rest of us......well, most of us, excluding the guys who think hunting with a voucher is not fair.

Brian Latturner
Thanks for the reply. I am around a 10 hour drive away from the unit I would like to draw so going door to door is tough with work and family stuff. I had a caribou hunting trip planned and it got canceled yesterday and I am looking at finding a backup plan. I would have done a lot more research before as I think that is half of the fun. I am looking at 62 as my friend and hunting partner drew a third season tag and want to go and have some fun. Any info or help is greatly appreciated and heck I will go even if I can't find a tag and help him pack a buck out if he finds the right one.
Sometimes a voucher is listed for sale in the local newspaper which may list classifieds online. If you can find the name of the local newspapers, you may be in luck.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-10 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]G3,

I've been in your shoes many times. I've held more than few Colorado vouchers.

Think this out, partner. Which form of communication is easier than driving and door-knocking? Hint.....ranchers (for the most part) don't use the internet.

Answer my question, then I'll answer yours.
Well, I can't speak for Colorado, but California DFG has a list of all landowners who have permits to sell, or land within a particular hunt unit.

Ask them for that list and write the landowner.....
Oh , and search the cities in Texas like Dallas , t WOrth, San Antonio, Austin, sometimes they will post ads there so they can sell to the Texas boys that want to hunt or even post your own ad on there looking for landowner vouchers. Its all free so you cant lose
Land ownership is public information you can get with some homework. Who has the tags is not public info. Some landowners use a middle man because they do not want to waste time with phone calls and "harassment" from people wanting tags, which is probably why the list of tags is not made public. I still wonder how the term "tag pimp" came about. I don't call the grocery store owner a "food pimp." Hey he didnt grow it, he didnt make it, he's just the middle man providing a service. That service is worth something to me. If tag pimping was so lucrative why are there only a couple business really pursuing it? If you are willing to keep hunt dates open, the prices on tags drop pretty good a few weeks before the hunt, you just don't have as much of a selection. They are more willing to negotiate at the end. If you have the time you can always do your own homework.
The suspense is killing me, so here is some more.

On both of these LO tag threads, there have been some dang good suggestions put forth on how to locate and obtain landowner tags/vouchers. Still.......I haven't read the method I've used to locate ranchers with these tags many times in Colorado and Utah and Nevada......starting from scratch. It's no big secret. Most voucher holders have telephones, believe it or not.

Here's my question to you all.

Who would be the ONE person easily contacted by phone in each big game unit where these tags are available.......who WILL know which landowners in the unit have applied for, have qualified for, and who might be holding a LO voucher for that unit???
Obama doesn't know whether his a$$ was bored or punched. So, how in the heck would he know which ranchers have landowner vouchers?

Funny guess, tho. the unit bioligist...or even the warden...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Unit 62 tag??? A couple of years ago I saw a 3X5 recipe card on a bulletin board in the Grand Junction Sportsman's Warehouse. Unit #62, 3rd season deer, $600.00. It was 2 days before the season and may have already been sold. Call them in a month or 2 and see if there is anything on their board.

Put an ad in the local paper.

Local in Nautarita told me he could get me a #70 tag, 3rd season every year for $750.00 BUT I'd have to wait til mid-Oct when folks were trying to get rid of them. ME??? I'd rather be guarenteed in June that I'm goin huntin in Nov and pay twice as much.
You can always just buy an OTC elk tag and go hunting with your buddy. I have done that a couple of times when a buddy has drawn deer, and filled the freezer both times...Not a trophy hunt, but adds something to just being just a helper...
" the unit biologist...or even the warden..."

And the winner is.......D13er.

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