The Long Wait Begins

I've been waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting,waiting and waiting...............................
Yeah I'm really hoping to draw , its been two years since I hunted elk , thats a long freakin time , I drew 9 years straight , so I'm wanting it BAD!!!!
What is everyone applying for this year? Dont need to give any hunting units, just what kinda tag and what state.

Deer Permit
Deer B tag
Elk Permit
Elk A9 tag

General Deer
Goat Point

New Mexico-
Coues Deer
WY - Elk (Unsucessful), Deer, and Sheep
UT - Elk and Sheep
CO - Elk, Sheep and Goat
MT - Sheep and Goat
AZ - Sheep, Elk, Deer
WA - Sheep
ME - Moose
NH - Moose
SD, ND, & IA - Deer
PA & KY - Elk
MN - Deer and Moose
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-06 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]Montana
Moose with Bear recurve
Sheep with Mathews Switchback
Elkhorn Bull with Mathews Switchback
Bridger Buck with whatever I can

Here's my 2001 9" November Billy with 257 Weatherby. The snow was passed my knees at 9,500'. Not a good hunt but VERY memorable.


Awesome goat! Hoping to draw a tag for one of those this year. I doubt if I would wait for a pretty furred one like you did. The area I applied for pretty much is over when the snow flies.
I'm already booked for the year with a Colorado Elk hunt (enough points to draw unit) and Kansas whitetail archery hunt (landowner tag if not drawn). For points or the tag I will also apply:
Iowa deer
New Mexico sheep
Idaho sheep
Nevada elk, sheep , antelope, deer
Colorado deer, sheep, antelope
Utah elk, sheep
Arizona elk, deer, sheep, antelope
Montana sheep
Wyoming sheep, elk, deer, antelope, moose

I hope to draw a sheep tag, and I will drop the other hunts if I get it. Otherwise, I want to build points and cash them in a little at a time.
WY-elk (successful), sheep, moose, deer, antelope
NV-elk, deer, California bighorn, mtn. goat, Rocky's
CO-elk (points), deer, sheep
UT-elk, sheep
MT-sheep, mtn. goat, moose
AZ-sheep, deer, elk

Best of luck to all!
Kodiak, AK Goat - Drew!
MT - Elk Combo and then a bonus point hopefully
NM - Antelope for myself and son
NV - Points for all three sheep for myself and son
CO - Deer points for myself and son

Really hope to draw NM antelope. Maybe this will be my "goat" year! Good luck to you all in the draw and in the hunt!

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