The Legend of the Turtle and the Lion


Long Time Member
I have no idea what this means so I posted it for Eel to answer.
"hakuther rewyo hawten whanatay"..... Chief Little Turtle

The Legend of the Turtle and the Lion
Once upon a time, in a land far, faThe Legend of the Turtle and the Lion
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a turtle.

The turtle was young and adventurous, and not very wise. It also didn't like to be alone like so many others, so it settled in Turtle City amongst thousands of others of its kind.

One day, during one of its wanderings to the edge of a nearby jungle, the turtle met a lion. And wonderously, despite their differences, the turtle and the lion became instant friends. They talked about everything in their hearts, laughed together, cried together, played together.

The turtle was delighted to have found a friend like the lion, and suggested the lion come stay with it in Turtle City for a while. The lion agreed, and so they returned to the city together.

After a little while, the turtle started to notice how different the lion was from the other turtles. It suddendly saw that the lion had big sharp claws and great pointy teeth, and fear crept into the turtle's heart that the lion would one day use them to hurt the turtle. So the turtle told the lion to go away, and withdrew its head and flippers into its shell.

The lion was stunned and couldn't believe the turtle would be afraid of it, for the lion's heart was pure and only filled with love and friendship for the turtle. The lion begged and pleaded with the turtle to come back out, and gently tapped on its shell, but that made the turtle only more fearful. It told the lion that it had been wrong in trusting a creature with such mighty claws and teeth. But the lion couldn't hear the turtle, for it had withdrawn so deep into its shell, the turtle's voice was only a faint mumble.

The lion sat next to the turtle and cried bitterly for their lost friendship, and its tears soaked the earth. After a while, the lion couldn't bear anymore to sit and wait for the turtle to reappear, so it left Turtle City and went back to the jungle, its great head hanging to the ground, tail dragging, and with deep sadness and disappointment in its heart.

Long after the lion had left, the turtle finally summoned the courage to stick its head back out of the shell. And as it did, it discovered with wonder that from the tears of the lion, a thick carpet of the most beautiful flowers in all colors of the rainbow had sprung up all around. The turtle then realized that the intentions of the lion had been pure and it had never meant it no harm, for no such beauty could have ever come from a deceitful heart.

The turtle felt foolish and deeply sad, and returned to the place where it had met the lion, calling out for it in the hopes of getting a chance to apologize. But it was too late, for the lion had wandered deep into the jungle where the turtle couldn't follow. And so the turtle returned to Turtle City, where for the rest of its days, it sat amidst the flowers and mourned the loss of the lionr away, there lived a turtle.

The turtle was young and adventurous, and not very wise. It also didn't like to be alone like so many others, so it settled in Turtle City amongst thousands of others of its kind.

One day, during one of its wanderings to the edge of a nearby jungle, the turtle met a lion. And wonderously, despite their differences, the turtle and the lion became instant friends. They talked about everything in their hearts, laughed together, cried together, played together.

The turtle was delighted to have found a friend like the lion, and suggested the lion come stay with it in Turtle City for a while. The lion agreed, and so they returned to the city together.

After a little while, the turtle started to notice how different the lion was from the other turtles. It suddendly saw that the lion had big sharp claws and great pointy teeth, and fear crept into the turtle's heart that the lion would one day use them to hurt the turtle. So the turtle told the lion to go away, and withdrew its head and flippers into its shell.

The lion was stunned and couldn't believe the turtle would be afraid of it, for the lion's heart was pure and only filled with love and friendship for the turtle. The lion begged and pleaded with the turtle to come back out, and gently tapped on its shell, but that made the turtle only more fearful. It told the lion that it had been wrong in trusting a creature with such mighty claws and teeth. But the lion couldn't hear the turtle, for it had withdrawn so deep into its shell, the turtle's voice was only a faint mumble.

The lion sat next to the turtle and cried bitterly for their lost friendship, and its tears soaked the earth. After a while, the lion couldn't bear anymore to sit and wait for the turtle to reappear, so it left Turtle City and went back to the jungle, its great head hanging to the ground, tail dragging, and with deep sadness and disappointment in its heart.

Long after the lion had left, the turtle finally summoned the courage to stick its head back out of the shell. And as it did, it discovered with wonder that from the tears of the lion, a thick carpet of the most beautiful flowers in all colors of the rainbow had sprung up all around. The turtle then realized that the intentions of the lion had been pure and it had never meant it no harm, for no such beauty could have ever come from a deceitful heart.

The turtle felt foolish and deeply sad, and returned to the place where it had met the lion, calling out for it in the hopes of getting a chance to apologize. But it was too late, for the lion had wandered deep into the jungle where the turtle couldn't follow. And so the turtle returned to Turtle City, where for the rest of its days, it sat amidst the flowers and mourned the loss of the lion
Are you kidding me, ransom.? i've read that dang thing 5 times and it still makes no sense. i wanted that dang lion to get his head ripped off for tapping on the shell of a turtle...

i'm lost,again.
Oh...I see it all so clearly now!

The moral of the story is;

When paddeling down the sidewalk and an aligator climbs a lightpole, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse? Six, because baby elephants don't wear shoes in the rain...........?????????
>Are you kidding me, ransom.? i've
>read that dang thing 5
>times and it still makes
>no sense. i wanted that
>dang lion to get his
>head ripped off for tapping
>on the shell of a
>i'm lost,again.

Me too that's why I was asking for Eels help Tag!

>Oh...I see it all so clearly
>The moral of the story is;
> When paddeling down the sidewalk
>and an aligator climbs a
>lightpole, how many pancakes does
>it take to cover a
>doghouse? Six, because baby elephants
>don't wear shoes in the


You see it the same as I do. But waiting for the chief to translate it.


the rest of the story could have been passed down in the verbal history of his people...good idea.

but will he be nice enough to finish the story for us?
we might just have to finish it ourselves

LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-07 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]That is a story that has been passed down for many generations among the Turtlepeople. It has to be repeated evertime it is told because Turtlepeople, by nature, are kind of "slow" if you get my drift!

It's the story of a fair maiden who was gathering berries one day and accidentally ran into a brave from a neighboring tribe. He was so smitten that he decided to forsake his own tribe and came and lived with the Turtlepeople. All was well until the other young ladies became very jealous of the fair maiden and started spreading rumors and putting feelings of doubt into the mind of the fair maiden. The young brave finally could not cope, knowing that he could never fit in, and as an act of true love, just disappeared one night, never to be seen again!

As a follow up:

When the young ladies saw the sorrow they caused they decided to try and cheer up the fair maiden. Since the fair maiden had remaind true to her love, she was still a virgin. That's when the others came up with the "Celebration of the Virgin Turtlepeople". Just trying to cheer her up. The celebration remains to this day!

"hakuther rewyo hawten whanatay" means.... turtles, the givers and the takers of life. (I made a mistake the first time. Kdertn means scarecrow) To which nickman is so painfully aware.



"hakuther rewyo hawten whanatay"..... Chief Little Turtle

Thank you oh wise one who drinks the water of all knowledge. I knew we could count on you to translate the meaning.
How many points should I give up to take the Pats in the Superbowl? Please repond b4 Febuary.

I almost feel bad for every time i ever made fun of a turtle, almost.

thanks for the translation
cann't tell you exactly what it is i'm smoking, but its dipped in turtle and dried first
Jesus wept! That tale could only have come from someone that grew up in Clinton country and moved to Reagan country. No wonder you're so confused Mosnar!

Don't look to eel for help ... He still thinks the mayor of Carmel is a detective in SanFran, when in reality he is Diane Finestine or Sonny Bono ... I forget which.

Crap! that made about as much sense as ransoms post!

>Jesus wept! That tale could only
>have come from someone that
>grew up in Clinton country
>and moved to Reagan country.
>No wonder you're so confused
>Don't look to eel for help
>... He still thinks the
>mayor of Carmel is a
>detective in SanFran, when in
>reality he is Diane Finestine
>or Sonny Bono ... I
>forget which.
>Crap! that made about as much
>sense as ransoms post!


No need to worry, Eel will translate and let us know what you really meant.
See my new little flag I found, you kinda gotta squint amight.



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