The Last Hunt of October


The grizzled old man hunched his shoulders and pulled the sheepskin collar of his worn coat up around his neck against the chill wind of late October that screamed straight down upon him from the tops of the already snow-packed peaks. Here in the valley, the snow was light, maybe only an inch or two but was falling steadily, the half-dollar flakes fluttering listlessly on the driving wind. He shifted the old .30-30 in the cradle of his arm as his eyes strained into the whiteness for the buck's track or another trace of blood. At first he was sure the hit had been solid, maybe a little far back, but fatal nontheless. Now though he began to wonder as the blood spots had diminished to mere specks only every fifty yeards or so. He looked behind him to maybe see if he could tell how far he had traveled, but could barely make out the faint treeline of the stand of twisted deadfall he had just picked his way through. He was certain the buck would have bedded down by now and normally would have given him more time, but with the snow falling fast, he knew that all traces and tracks would be erased if he didn't make some kind of effort to pursure his wounded quarry. be continued...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hey I'm gettin worried about this guy. Is it too early to call search and rescue? Why cant he just get on the radio and call in the posse to help track? Is his gps working? How big was the buck?

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Ya Roy its dark he should be back by now! Unless he hunts like you....

>Ya Roy its dark he should
>be back by now! Unless
>he hunts like you....

HA! Hey now - that is a million power CAMP light behind the seat of my truck! LOL!

Patience, patience, patience....

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
We might have to rename it 'The first hunt of November'.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
I have been patiently waiting too, this is BS ROY!!!! How long is this damn hunt going for? Is it the sportsmens tag??

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