the last couple days work elk cold



well the last couple of days i think i have had the hardest job in the world. the weather is almost unbearable at -11 and doing a 280 ft walk way in park city with 40" of snow that we had to shovel out because we are doing a nature reserve building and they dont allow us to use equipment because they think we will hurt the weeds also having to pack 4x16 inch beams that are pretty damn heavy, but today was great my guys did all the work because i was too busy looking at the bull elk that came into the field, pretty cool to be workin with elk surrounding you. also it is awesome to see all the elk and deer up parleys, seen a pretty amazing buck yesterday. anyone else have to work in this cold? i dont ever remeber the last couple of winters being this bad, but maybe its because i am out in an open field

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