The kids are here!!!!


Very Active Member
Well it seems like yesterday when I shared with you all the news about the wife and I having twins! Well they arrived healthy and happy. We have Carter John and Kennedy Elisabeth! She is an hour older the big sister. I am on my cell so I will try to share a pic. If it does not upload I will have a friend post it for me! Now time to start applying for my tags. Boy I am excited about my sheep tags and numerous other tags this fall! Lol (If mom let's me out of the house) It may end up being a points building year since the doc did not sew on an extra set of arms for mom. Can't wait to share the hoodlums growing up with y'all. Thanks Boz
Enjoy every minute! Don't get caught up in thinking work is more important than those little ones. You never know what tomorrow brings.
Whooo hoooo! Gotta allow a "Gun's up" for this one! Congrats man - that is too awesome. May the good Lord bless you all - nothing like doubling your family over night!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Extra set of arms? Who cares about that as long as he tightened up the glory hole while he was down there!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Congrats again Bozzer. Looks like you got a good reason to give up varmit hunting for a while. Great looking little tykes.

Congratulations Boz. They sure are cute.

Have you found out who the Dad is yet ?

THAT is what it is all about! Not much else matters in this world at least not as much.

Boz- I am happy for you but don't envy you! Twins? Ahhhh hell no!! One at a time is hard enough. Seriously, congrats on two beautiful babies.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Thank you all very much! !!! The wife is doing good and they are too. Lmao forky! Yeah I watched and slipped the doc a twenty for an extra stitch :) Roy two guns up for sure! Sage I will be looking for those two custom rifles in the mail. Tag I do have to say they do not look like the hired help. Lol thanks again to all of you and thanks f-er for posting the pic of my two trophies!!! Boz
Yay!!! Congrats!!! That's awesome and they are so adorable....too bad the don't stay little for very long! Congrats to you and your wife.

A big double congrats goes out to you and your wife. my wife and i also have twin that are girls. they are a year old now. People ask us all the time how we do it and i just say "you just do it". Good luck and enjoy every minute of it.
Beutiful beautiful kids! Cute as bugs in a rug - just like Old Dan and Lil' Ann. Welcome to the world John Carter and Kennedy Elisabeth.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Wow, boz! That's awesome. Beautiful babies! Funny how we all feel so involved when "one of our own MMers" has a big life moment. Very nice. Give our best to Momma too.
Congratulations Boz! Nothing like a "Buy one get one free" sale! Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Way Coool!!!!!!
Boy and a girl all in the same doctor visit..Sweeeeet.. Who tought you how to point your toes? Had a buddy show me how to achieve the proper toe angle but my boy and girl took two visits.
Congratulations. would'nt trade those babies for nothin...they do grow fast though. If you don't have a good camera now, you better get one PDQ.

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