the iceman retires

RE: the iceman retires

He has always been my favorite. Kinda sad to see him retire!
RE: the iceman retires

He has turned to making movies...he is in an upcoming movie I saw in trailers recently.

RE: the iceman retires

He should have retired a couple of fights ago, but I understand him not wanting to admit he's over the hill. Helluva fighter and a stand up guy. Hopefully he doesn't pull a Favre.
RE: the iceman retires

Damn. I didn't hear that. That sucks. I liked watching him go toe to toe with guys.
RE: the iceman retires

He got his Ass handed to him a few times!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
RE: the iceman retires

He will pull a Favre if I had to bet on it. The money will be good for him to come back in a year or so. He is a great guy...gave my nephews some time with him just after their Dad died just to bring their spirits up. Met him once at Avila Beach and chatted for a few minutes. He should have retired earlier but who would have thought he would have lost so many towards the end? I sure didn't. He will probably always be the most loved and well-known MMA fighter in history. I'd like to see him fight more but don't think his jaw can handle it. Sorry to see him go.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
RE: the iceman retires

This is on the UFC's website:

Wednesday afternoon marked the end of an era in UFC and mixed martial arts history, as Hall of Famer and former light heavyweight champion Chuck ?The Iceman? Liddell announced his retirement from the sport at the age of 41. Fittingly, the end came in Las Vegas, where he had made his name as a fighting icon, a mohawked bearer of destruction who terrorized the 205-pound weight class for years.

Thankfully, Liddell will still remain in the UFC as the organization?s Executive Vice President of Business Development, but for the moment, it's time to reflect back on the fighting career of ?The Iceman? with a host of his defining moments and what he meant to the sport he helped build into the juggernaut it is today.

RE: the iceman retires

He is a nice guy. I met him when I was stationed at Lemoore a few years ago. He was on base signing autographs and talking with the sailors. Quiet and polite...and answered all the questions and stayed around to shoot the breeze after his contracted time was up.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
RE: the iceman retires

I agree that he is a real nice guy. No "big time" attitude. I met him while I was training here in UT at Jeremy Horns shop. He was great to everyone![/IMG]
RE: the iceman retires

In the not-so-faumous (anymore) words of Maxwell Smart. "One question, who is the Iceman."

John 14:6
RE: the iceman retires

GEE WIZZ........Mixed Marial Arts...get your ass handed to you on a silver platter.


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