The hound that didnt go to the pound!


Long Time Member
Took him and my dog out today. Sorry we didn't get any pictures..... He did a great job finding birds, listened well and tracked down a cripple. My dog found and retrieved 4 and he found 3. He needs some work on retrieving.. Overall very happy with him he hunts very hard and minds pretty good but sometimes needs a little reminder from the shock collar.

Hey justr!

One of these days your Wife is gonna put that Collar on you!:D

Glad to hear the Dog has a new home!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
HA HA when I was 12 I got my sister to put one on. Told her I didnt think it was working, said it must have a sensor to tell when its on a dog. She put it on just as my mom walked in... I turned it all the way up and would shock her whenever she went to hit me or take it off LMAO! My mom didnt know who to be mad at, me for shocking her or her for being dumb enough to put it on! One of my finer moments that I got lots of payback in one swoop!

He will make a damn fine dog with a little bit of work!

Justr, wasn't that the same weekend you shot out the back window? And then told everyone it was a ricochet off the tree?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Back Window Story justr?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
What's he doing wrong that you are zapping him for? Send him down, I'll tune him up for your buddy.
Growing up its a good thing our parents love us or we probably wouldn't be here....

I shot the window out of a sliding glass door with my bb gun on accident, don't remember what I was trying to do? But the ricochet off the tree was the best lie I could come up with...

When he gets shocked is when he ducks his head and runs when you tell him to come. When he was doing it I know he wasn't on anything, its very obvious when he is on a bird. Only had to shock him twice, after that the beep on the collar worked good. Never had to hit the beep after about 30 minutes of hunting he listened pretty good.

Work on "come" with him in the yard with a check cord and pinch collar, it won't take long. Sounds like a pretty good pup.
Will he be making the trip this fall.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Good to hear justr,, it was obvious he had good potential, and with a little work he would come around.. but i was still a little worried.
Glad to hear he's settling in with his new home,, poor ol boy was probably getting a little confused by the way he was getting passed around there for awhile.. Bet he's lovin' it now..

Good job justr,, you got some good mojo coming to ya......
I know there's a few guys here that were pretty interested in him and where he ended up so I thought I'd better give an update.

Gator I've mentioned it to his new owner and he is looking into it.

Shummy, he listens good in the yard. Like runamuk said everything is still new to him. I know he is settling in fine and won't really leave their little boy too far without checking in on him every few minutes.

Tell the owner we are looking forward to seeing him in action in SD. Post up some pictures of him in action if you get a chance.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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