The homophobic response


Long Time Member
Beware of those that openly and adamently decry homosexuality.

A recent university study suggest that men who vehemently denounce homosexuality are generally repressing their own attraction to the same sex.

Recently we have seen many public figures that loudly promote religion or family values only to be caught in homosexual relationships, drugs-use, or soliciting prostitution.

Ex Gov. Jim McGreevey of New Jersey, along with religious leader Rev. Haggert are prime examples of married men that have been vehemently anti-gay in public. However, in both cases these men have resigned their positions when it was revealed they are involved in secret homosexual relationships.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]Triple K, whatever do you mean? There is no use of expletives or offensive statements. It only refers to a recent university study and is posted in good taste for purely informational purposes.
Well Forwall if you are like the guy in the pic below I would have to agree with your posted article.

However I think you comment about "many examples" is a bit exagerated. Then you only list 2.

On another note I think Homophobia has to broad a definition to fit all. Yea I have some Gay folks that are friends of friends that happen to show up at some of the same scocial functions I do from time to time. I treat them as normal folks. But I don;t want to see them kiss or hold hands, I do not want to hang out with them. I do not care what they do behind closed doors, I just don't want that un-natural crap done in front of me or my kids. So does that make me a closet homosexual? I say no.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 11:44AM (MST)[p]202, I draw no conclusions on this matter, this was a published study and is solely for informational purposes. I only posted 2 recent examples in the public eye, I could have posted multiple examples. I post, you read, and you decide.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 11:15AM (MST)[p]FTW,

What constitutes a recent study of this issue? The date this article was published want Sept of 1996. Do you have any follow up data and/or long term studies to show that this is indeed true or just a one time study response?

Here is one that says males that were sexually abused may develop homophobia.

Maybe the people you mentioned were abused as children. Not really a laughing matter or a reason to make fun of someone and the way they view the world.


Both of the studies we have referred to are from 1996. I would consider 1996 as "recent" as opposed to a study from say the 1950's. I think both studies reveal interesting observations leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions.

Based on my post and follow-up threads I do not understand where you are drawing the conlusion or even an inference that I am making fun of anyone or their view of the world.
If talking about people with an irrational hatred or fear of gays offends you, you might be a homophobe.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 12:05PM (MST)[p]>Nemont,
>Based on my post and follow-up
>threads I do not understand
>where you are drawing the
>conlusion or even an inference
>that I am making fun
>of anyone or their view
>of the world.

If the point of your post isn't to make fun of some guys who, in public, stated that homosexuality was wrong but privately carried on gay affairs then what was it?

You don't know what in people's lives may have occured to make them the human being they are. If their homophobia was a result of sexual abuse as a young person then I give them a pass.

My entire family has had to deal with the issue of someone coming out of the closet. I have come to peace with my stance on the issue.

Also I can find "studies" all day long to support any position I take almost. One study of 64 guys I do not believe is adequate to settle the question for all time.

>Triple K, whatever do you mean?
>There is no use of
>expletives or offensive statements. It
>only refers to a recent
>university study and is posted
>in good taste for purely
>informational purposes.

I know, I know...this subject matter seems to keep getting blasted today though.
dude, what do you consider "irrational hatred"? I am sure not in "fear" of gays, I just would prefer they keep it in the bedroom like straight folks do for the most part. I could careless is you are gay/straight/bi, just don't try and make me 'approve' of your sexual preferences.

Calling someone who disagrees with the gay lifestyle a homophobe is a weak and lame arguement, and cheapens ones stance. If I strongly oppose child molesters, does that mean I am a closet pervert? I don't think so. A study done with an agenda to begin with is meaningless. I thought people were born gay. Now I am being told if you strongly oppose gays, you are gay. WTF?

>Well Forwall if you are like
>the guy in the pic
>below I would have to
>agree with your posted article.

>However I think you comment about
>"many examples" is a bit
>exagerated. Then you only list
>On another note I think Homophobia
>has to broad a definition
>to fit all. Yea I
>have some Gay folks that
>are friends of friends that
>happen to show up at
>some of the same scocial
>functions I do from time
>to time. I treat them
>as normal folks. But I
>don;t want to see them
>kiss or hold hands, I
>do not want to hang
>out with them. I do
>not care what they do
>behind closed doors, I just
>don't want that un-natural crap
>done in front of me
>or my kids. So does
>that make me a closet
>homosexual? I say no.

thank you & well said!
Pro the difference between homo's and all the other comparisons you guys throw out there is we're talking about consenting adults. I agree if I were to see two guys swapping spit that would gross me out, but all you need to dislike them is knowing they do it. I don't fantasize about old fat normal people having relations either, same thing. mind your own business and keep your mind out of the gutter and problem solved. you dislike gays on principal alone, you're off base and it's your problem not theirs. does any of this make you a homophobe? if you just can't stop thinking about them and what they do then it probably does.
See I didn't know that, which church holds the patent rights on AIDS ? have they come up with one for cancer too? maybe cancer harms less people than knowing fags exist? priorities I guess. you can learn a lot around here.
>AIDS....God's cure for homosexuality.
So, with an ignorant statement like this I'm sure you're going to tell us it's also a "cure" for anyone who has sex outside of marriage too, huh?. Are you saying it's a great cure for millions of heterosexuals all over the world and little children who are the unfortunate victims too? Because God doesn't love them at all, does he? Oh and unfortunate drug addicts's God's "cure" for all of that too, huh? Because he doesn't love those people anymore does he? Once you do drugs or decide to become gay or engage in sexual relations outside of marriage, or have multiple partners God doesn't love you anymore does he and wants you to get AIDS, right?? He just wants to wipe you out, right? Yeah...I'm just SURE that's it. God is using a disease to FORCE people to do his will. Hemophiliacs who got it unknowingly in the 80's were just accidental casualties, right?

Man, I really hope you don't believe that. Because if you do, then you better be walking a perfect line and not make a mistake or you could be the next to fall victim to some serious disease, Jodog.

AIDS is not a "gay disease" or a disease that is only affecting one certain race. "in 2004, heterosexual transmission accounted for 35% of all newly-diagnosed AIDS cases in the U.S. - up from 3% in 1985."
Dude, like I said, if they keep it in the bedroom, I could care less what two grown-ups do. It is when they have parades, protests, and tell me if I don't say what they do/have is the same as what I have being a married hetro, that have 'issues'. To say it is the same is a matter of opinion, mine is that it is NOT, but to each their own, just don't try and either guilt me into saying it's okay by calling me a homophobe, nor try and make laws to 'force' me to say it is okay/normal. Deal?

Hey I'm with you when they protest or parade in pants with no seat in them or look like idiots just for attention. so how about if they were allowed to have a civil union with the excact same rights ( or lack there of ) as a normal marriage? if they don't call it marriage does that pass the test? from a legal stand point there is no way to stop a civil union because it's sex discrimination, marriage I guess that might be agrued is for male/female unions only. you can't outlaw homosexuality so what would they do to make you comfortable with what they're going to do anyway? I don't like flaming gay protest but they have the right to ignore your opinion, where is the middle ground between queers and busy bodies to be found? or would you rather just gripe about it for eternity ? this isn't ever going to go away you're going to have to deal with it or ignore it.
Our retarded Governor just made it legal to register as "domestic partners" here in Washington. They did include hetero couple but only if you are over 62 years old. Sounds like preferential treatment instead of equal rights. What about those hetero folks under 62? I guess they dont count. Gay unions are next on the block to be passed here. I am glad that our Governor is spending time on this issue instead of issues that really matter.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]Mark this day on a calender as the day I agreed with 202 and Pro. Just because a person does not approve of, embrace, or desire a homosexual lifestyle for themselves or their children does not make them homophobic. As well, disagreeing over political issues pertaining to homosexuality does not by it's nature deem one as homophobic.

Personally I would not wish that particular lifestyle for my own children, however if they were gay it would not deminish them as people, lessen my love for them, or make me any less proud of them.

My concern would be that there are still those in our society that go out of their way to mistreat them on the sole-basis of their sexual orientation. Denouncing them as less-thans and discounting their contributions to society or their accomplishments for the greater good.

I have a female cousin who denied her sexuality, suffered through 2 miserable marriages until she became self-aware of her orientation and has been in a healthy lesbian relationship for the last 20 years. She is still my cousin, still more than welcomed in my home and her partner is fully embraced as a member of our family.

When people climb to the top of the soapbox and scream to the world denouncing homosexuality, much like the picture of the guy holding up the sign. It makes one wonder why these people are so preoccupied with denouning the sexual orientation of others, over-whelmed with gayanoia, feel the need to convince others to share in their moral elitism, or worst of all start quoting scripture.

My post only takes a look at the response of the these extremist minority, and perhaps what may drive them to be so vocal on the subject. I thought the study Nemont posted by the Silicon Valley Jesuits may also reveal some ample reasoning. To believe that both Adams College and the Silicon Valley Jesuits had the same shared pro-gay agenda is at best ridiculous.
Hey Eel,

You would have been a perfect fit in the ol'days. But you can't bring back matter how hard you try.

We're looking sweet on the Trivia Quiz, no more saturday "Who was the Nicaraguan Soccer Goalie at the 1968 Olympics" questions anymore. :) We need to post some sculling questions on there!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 07:36PM (MST)[p]:) Times.....they are changing. I understand.

And like a good sculler, you've worked at the Trivia thing until you excelled! I'm proud!:)

Well, I'm not homophobic but I do have EXIT ONLY tattoed on my butt, I do have a question though isn't the term "healthy lesbian relationship" an oxymoron ?
>:) Times.....they are changing. I understand.
>And like a good sculler, you've
>worked at the Trivia thing
>until you excelled! I'm proud!:)

Whatever boys! It's just cuz I've been out of whack with fires, funerals and festivals in July. I won't be missing any days in August though so you better BRING IT! ;-) lol
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination

So, with an ignorant statement like this I'm sure you're going to tell us it's also a "cure" for anyone who has sex outside of marriage too, huh?. Are you saying it's a great cure for millions of heterosexuals all over the world and little children who are the unfortunate victims too? Because God doesn't love them at all, does he? Oh and unfortunate drug addicts's God's "cure" for all of that too, huh? Because he doesn't love those people anymore does he? Once you do drugs or decide to become gay or engage in sexual relations outside of marriage, or have multiple partners God doesn't love you anymore does he and wants you to get AIDS, right?? He just wants to wipe you out, right? Yeah...I'm just SURE that's it. God is using a disease to FORCE people to do his will. Hemophiliacs who got it unknowingly in the 80's were just accidental casualties, right?.

colateral damage.

Aids, Gods cure for hohosexuality....
I thought Aids was created to kill Africans by the evil whiteman.......

I won't go so far as to say Aids is Gods way of getting rid of gay people, but the gay lifestyle is very high-risk. The average lifespan of a homosexual male is alot lower than a hetro. They are more likely to smoke, do drugs, commit suicide, get aids and other STD's. I consider it survival of the fittest, or thinning of the herd. If one 'CHOOSES' the gay lifestyle, he should be aware of the risks, and I am not talking about spiritual risks, I'll leave that to Sunday School. To each their own, just don't expect a 'thumbs up' from me!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-07 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]Pro you'RE like a Homosexual Expert, a Guru of Gaydom, a Maherajah of Marys, a Professor of Poofs your insight is absolutely 2 snaps up! FAB...U...LOUS :) O --:
>AT 08:20?PM (MST)

>Pro you'RE like a Homosexual Expert,
>a Guru of Gaydom, a
>Maherajah of Marys, a Professor
>of Poofs your insight is
>absolutely 2 snaps up! FAB...U...LOUS
>:) O --:

Spoken like a true dips#%$.

Wow, you give a guy a compliment on his insight, and he calls you derogatory names. Shheeessh (hairy-backed mother flashback)

Well you really one-up'd me with that clever response! But I do enjoy seeing your titled accolades on the screen twice.'re so knowledgable yet so modest and humble, please allow me to bestow you with more well earned titles: You are a Arriero of Felatio, a Rector of Rectums, a Sensei of Sodomy, the Major Domo of Homo, and a true Proctor of Proctology. When it comes to your knowledge of homosexuality and aids you are definitely the Headmaster of head masters.

Uh oh, did I take you back to the Korean Islands...drawing a blank are we? Cat got your tongue lil fella? Come on now, you're a clever guy!

Tell ya what Pro, if you would like to be friends all you have to do is type 3 letters..."Yes" and I will play nice. If not, well...let the games begin!
Noone will ever convince me that being gay in natural.
by definition natural mean:
occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature

Now, in a hypothetical situation, we will do an experiment.
Send all the guy homos to an island and send all the lady homos to another island and send the heteros to yet another island. Occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature, which island is going to survive?

Nothing like guttin' a 6x6 elk at 7:30 in the morning.
Are you kiddin' me? The MEN will survive a lot longer than the women will. Women are like a pride of lionesses....a strong few will take over and drive out, scorn, abuse or kill the others or weak ones they don't like. Then they'll split up into two or three groups and fight each other to the death. The men will probably get along alot better. LOL

I don't think homosexuality is anything natural either, although I do think some people are born with more tendencies than others. And Manny is right, society does perpuate the normalcy of homosexuality. Movies like "Chuck and Larry" certainly do perpuate it and make it seem normal and it does de-sensitize.

I'm not giving a thumbs up to anyone who chooses a gay lifestyle either, but I certainly don't dislike someone just because he or she chooses that. I try to be friends with everyone and not judge. I just like people.
>Wow, you give a guy a
>compliment on his insight, and
>he calls you derogatory names.
>Shheeessh (hairy-backed mother flashback)
>Well you really one-up'd me with
>that clever response! But I
>do enjoy seeing your titled
>accolades on the screen twice.
>'re so knowledgable yet so modest
>and humble, please allow me
>to bestow you with more
>well earned titles: You are
>a Arriero of Felatio, a
>Rector of Rectums, a Sensei
>of Sodomy, the Major Domo
>of Homo, and a true
>Proctor of Proctology. When it
>comes to your knowledge of
>homosexuality and aids you are
>definitely the Headmaster of head
>Uh oh, did I take you
>back to the Korean Islands...drawing
>a blank are we? Cat
>got your tongue lil fella?
>Come on now, you're a
>clever guy!
>Tell ya what Pro, if you
>would like to be friends
>all you have to do
>is type 3 letters..."Yes" and
>I will play nice. If
>not, well...let the games begin!

Help me out Mr Pedaso, yes to what?

So, tell me Stu, yes that you are an arrogant pri#$? Yes to while I don't claim to be an expert on gaydom, I'll leave that to all you pillow biters, that I could carfeless if you like your stool pushed in? Which is it? Pray tell oh mighty wise one w/o flaws.

Pro you've gone from ignorant to childish, a sure sign you've lost another debate.

All you've come up with is your opinion about gays, no legal or constitutional grounds to outlaw gaydom or their practices. this is a battle you couldn't win before you started.
> Pro you've gone from ignorant
>to childish, a sure sign
>you've lost another debate.
> All you've come up with
>is your opinion about gays,
>no legal or constitutional grounds
>to outlaw gaydom or their
>practices. this is a
>battle you couldn't win before
>you started.

Dude, when exactly did I state I was in favor of "outlawing gaydom or their practices"? I said, and I'll say it again for you, I could care less if someone 'chooses' to live the gay lifestyle, just do NOT mandate I say it is the same as a hetro relationship, nor that it is normal. What you do with consenting adults or your sheep is none of my concern, I DO NOT CARE! It is the gay community and the SP's who are trying to force their views and 'values' on the rest of us, not the other way around.

You calling me childish and making up things shows how weak YOUR stance is. Try again.

Stu Pedaso..that's it, really, that's the best you could do? I give up Huntindude I was hoping for better out of Pro. It isn't even a challenge and thus no longer entertaining, guess that leaves you off the hook Pro. Where's 202? hehehehe

Dude, you know what is challenging is finding a word to go along with cunnulingus, it's like trying to find something that rhymes with orange.

Triple K, you crack me up! Love your observation about the ladies island.

I'm not sure about establishing normalcy, perhaps, but it seems more like society just saying they're here, it's a part of every society in the world, no reason for it being taboo. It's a little like when Milton Burle would dress up as woman. Agenda, I don't think so. Anyways, did you see Eel and I took 1st and 2nd yesterday...Ya Babe!

One last one...Drillmaster of drill masters! I couldn't resist :)
I have more, but that would just get this thread nuked. Kinda of fun though, seeing you call me all your pet names.

Again, I don't care that you make no noise when you fart, just don't tell me it is the same as what straight folks do. Liberals are MUCH more likely to 'force' their values on others than conservatives, but listening to all you tulip tiptoers and the media, you would think is the opposite. ANOTHER example of media biased.

Oh yeah, I am taking my 14 yr old daughter to see the movie tomorrow night, hope that doesn't make me a hypocrite, oh wait, it won't since I never advocating boycotting it to begin with.

Relax Pro,

I told you not to be mean to Rus or Bessie or I'd get ya. Look in all seriousness I already told you I agree with you. And I promise to play long as you do.

I just want you to know I never implied you were gay, those little quips by definition only state a person with knowledge that's all.

I have a feeling we're gonna get along just fine from now on PRO.

Hope you and your daughter enjoy the movie!

No hard feelings, no pun intended! Now where is 202? :)
Anyways, did
>you see Eel and I
>took 1st and 2nd yesterday...Ya
Well look who's in 1st today! WOOHOO! Raise the roof! Raise the Roof! long as Roy is stuck at work and doesn't come along and beat my time, I'm gold.......
Yeah, I saw...who is this Jrook anyways? :) I gotta feeling Roy is going to be in August Cup. I got stuck with some question about Rugby, isn't that some type child's doll?
Ftw, fair enough. As I have said many times, 90% of what I post is sarcassam and in jest.

I do enjoy a good debate anytime, anywhere. As Scooby would say, "Just keepin it real".


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