The Hillary Report............


> Subject: The Hillary Report
>>>>> This was written by ##### Morris, speech writer for Clinton and knew
>>>>> the
>>>>> Clintons very well. Polls suggest that the leading
>>>>> attributeattracting voters to Hillary's presidential candidacy is her
>>>>> 'experience,' a virtue which contrasts, presumably, with the lackof it
>>>>> in Senator Barack Obama, her chief rival. But a close examination of
>>>>> her record as
>>>>> First Lady and as New York Senator suggeststhat her experience is
>>>>> largely in the avoidance of death by scandal. Were it to be captured
>>>>> ina television series, it would certainly not rise to the level of
>>>>> 'Commander In Chief' ....and
>>>>> probably not even to that of 'The West Wing.' It would find its
>>>>> televised metaphor in the reality series 'Survivor.'
>>>>> Consider what her experience has been. She burst forth on the
>>>>> national stage with two tasks in her husband's administration: The
>>>>> selection of the nation's first female Attorney General and the design
>>>>> and adoption of a comprehensive program of health care reform. Her
>>>>> efforts to designate an Attorney General hamstrung the new
>>>>> Administration for months as two nominees insuccession, had to
>>>>> withdraw their names from
>>>>> consideration.
>>>>> Finally, at the eleventh hour, she urged her husband to appoint
>>>>> Florida's Janet Reno, aselection Bill Clinton would come to describe
>>>>> as'my worst mistake.' In the bargain, she suggested the appointment
>>>>> of Lani Guanier as head of theCivil Rights Division, a job she was
>>>>> shortly forced to relinquish when her radical views became known,
>>>>> another embarrassment for the new Administration. Her other selections
>>>>> for the Justice Department, the White House staff, and the Treasury,
>>>>> were her three law partners: Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William
>>>>> Kennedy, appointments which culminated in one imprisonment, one
>>>>> suicide, and one forced resignation.
>>>>> Her other assignment, health care reform, collapsed in such a debacle
>>>>> that it cost her party control of both houses of Congress, a fate from
>>>>> which it took twelve years to recover.
>>>>> Beyond these initial tasks, her main focus in the Administration
>>>>> was scandal defense. From Jennifer Flowers, to Whitewater, to the FBI
>>>>> file affair, to the travel office firings, to her Commodities Market
>>>>> winnings, to the missing Rose Law Firm billing records, to the Paula
>>>>> Jones scandal, she orchestrated the Administration's defense against
>>>>> scandal allegations. In the process, she almost got herself indicted
>>>>> for perjury and obstruction of justice. And her advice in handling
>>>>> these matters was uniformly bad. It was Hillary who counseled Bill not
>>>>> to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit...even when the plaintiffs called
>>>>> for neither an apology nor payment ...and she who stonewalled the
>>>>> release of Whitewater documents, even when it led to the appointment
>>>>> of a special prosecutor. When the prosecutor, whose appointment she
>>>>> had caused, heard about the depositions in the Paula Jones case she
>>>>> had refused to settle, the Monica Lewinsky scandal eventuated.
>>>>> During the period of 1995-1997, the period of the Clinton
>>>>> Administration's greatest achievements, she was
>>>>> nowhere to be seen, focusing instead on writing 'It Takes A Village'
>>>>> and on dodging criminal inquiry. She did not
>>>>> participate in the formulation of a balanced budget, nor in Welfare
>>>>> Reform legislation, nor in the reduction of
>>>>> crime that stemmed from the 1994 Anti-Crime Bill.
>>>>> Her experience continued when her race for the Senate and its
>>>>> aftermath became, in turn, mired in scandal. The
>>>>> pardon of the FALN terrorists to get Latino support in New York, that
>>>>> of the New Square Hassidim to get Hillary the
>>>>> Jewish support, and the clemency shown toward Hillary's brothers'
>>>>> clients to get them financial support caused her ratings to plunge to
>>>>> their lowest level in March of 2001as she took her Senate seat. The
>>>>> theft of White House gifts, almost $200,000 of which had to be
>>>>> returned, did nothing to endear her to the electorate.
>>>>> Since then, Hillary has done nothing of note in the Senate except
>>>>> to vote for the Iraq War, a position she has
>>>>> since disavowed, and to win the applause of her colleagues for not
>>>>> being partisan and obstinate. Her main efforts have been directed at
>>>>> raising massive sums of money for herself and her colleagues and
>>>>> making a lot writing and selling her memoirs. Her efforts on behalf of
>>>>> New York after 9-11 have been exposed as largely derivative of those
>>>>> of her colleague, the more effective Chuck Schumer.
>>>>> She has passed no important legislation, except for twenty bills
>>>>> renaming post offices and courthouses and
>>>>> congratulating Alexander Hamilton, Shirley Chisolm, Harriet Tubman,
>>>>> the American Republic, and the Syracuse men's and women's Lacrosse
>>>>> team on their respective accomplishments.
>>>>> Is this the experience upon which her candidacy is
>>>>> based ....Did I leave anything out?
I wish I still had the article I read on her heavy Socialist views so I could post it, but I don't. The lady is pretty much a Communist. I hope the voters aren't stupid and elect her president. Bill wasn't all that bad but she would be a nightmare.

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