The Good, The Bad n Ugly (guess them_____)


Long Time Member
It's Two'fer Tuesday.


Not many look this good in the stretchy stuff


This picture is Bad and Ugly but she's very cute
1 - Don't know
2 - Was gonna go with Tara also

Success is failure that tried one more time
The top one's easy Feleno kuz I remember at the mm xmas party you bustin out that photo braggin to a couple people it was you personally that took that picture of Michael Jackson...I still can't believe you confused him for and secretly stalked Jessica Alba though?? How freakin lucky is that man!!

And if I'm right about Pam Anderson for the bottom pic then please just LIE TO ME!!

you spent so much time in Stanley's wifes car at the party I don't think you could possibly remember any pictures i might have had with me. And no, its not Pam, and I'm not lying. Good guess though
The top one is Obama with no pants on and the bottom is Hillary. Oh wait, it can't be Hillary, there isn't a set of nads hanging down!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


No guess for the top pic but could the bottom pic be Goldie Hahn? Whoever it is, put some strawberry jam on that cottage cheese!!

>The top one is Obama
>with no pants on and
>the bottom is Hillary.
>Oh wait, it can't be
>Hillary, there isn't a set
>of nads hanging down!

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

That is some funny stuff right there. i dont even want to know who they are. but you guys are probably right its probably a dude in the top photo. The second photos is just nasty.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
both are fine looking females. The first was #1 on a prestigious list recently (hint). The second took a spanking she didnt like.
ok F'er,
time for you to post a mug shot of your better half,
we know she's gotta be hot as damn picky as you are,
just a mug shot though,anything more than that might be a shop-job.
oh,thanks in advance.


#1 is Olivia Wilde from the TV show House (Plays character named 13) She is #1 on the Maxium 100 list.


#2 is Rihanna, good job KKK. She's kind of Michael Jackson black.

I have posted a few of my wifes pics on here in the past. YES, she is hot.
ok F'dude,
guess I missed her pic/pics,
can you please post us a pic?
UsukEmLongtime- I will pm you some pics of Felenos wife that are definately not suitable for the MM forum. I picked 'em up from some bum coming out of the Super 8 Motel. He was selling them pretty cheap...

Isn't Rhianna like 19 or 20 years old? Man to be that young and have that much cheese and no kids to blame it on, she is going to be Jabba the Hutt by the time she is 30!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I think Chris Brown beat the filler out of her. She's got a bit of extra skin there. My parents had my extra skin cut off when I was born! I'm Catholic...

"And the Rabbi said "keep the tip" "

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I figured if I stuck to your "A Team" I'd have good a chance at getting one of them right...but I'm very happy it wasn't pam :)

#2 looks like #2

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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