The Forgotten War



Ok, I tried to bait someone into this on another thread but no bites.

Afganistan has had a 5 fold increase in the number of Taliban fighters since we started the failed hunt for Bin Laden according to our government. I've said all along Iraq was a stupid mistake and a distraction from the reason we went to the middle east, this is proof. Bin Laden is still free and the Taliban is thriving under our nose in the place we should have directed all our effort and resources.

Every American including myself was 100% behind the Afgan war and yet with the on going debacle in Iraq Bin Laden and Afganistan are nothing but a little side show, so what's the story here? even if by some chance Iraq calms down ( another 22 killed today by bombs ) what about the Taliban? did Iraq really matter that much? maybe Bush is leaving the important war for somebody more comptent to lead? do we finish it once we pull out of Iraq or leave with our tail tucked? you'll need some hard spin on this one boys.
> Ok, I tried to bait
>someone into this on another
>thread but no bites.

You're worse than I am Dude...............LMAO

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Worse than you 202? I need help then.

Of all people I thought you'ld give me a reason Afganistan going to the terrorist is a good thing and how Iraq helped reach that objective. no fun here I guess.
> Worse than you 202? I
>need help then.
> Of all people I thought
>you'ld give me a reason
>Afganistan going to the terrorist
>is a good thing and
>how Iraq helped reach that
>objective. no fun here I

Actually I am tired of rehashing the war with you Dude. We are polar oposites and we will never change each other minds.
But know this Dude. I am right :)

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
We're not really rehashing the war here, Iraq has been beat to death but Afganistan is not even on the radar screen to most people. since Afganistan is a disaster and there's a glimmer of hope in Iraq I can see why you avoid this conversation. we'll see if we can keep Afganistan on the back burner until the next administration gets it dumped in their lap I suppose.
Please provide something saying there are 5 times more Taliban fighters now then before.

The numbers I see are not accurate apparently because the authority on military matter throughout the world, Jane's, says that while the Taliban have been resurgent in some areas their total number is about 1/5 of their prewar strength.

In addition Afghanistan is not just an American operation, it is led first and foremost by NATO. Are you suggesting that we go back in unilaterally? We have done in Afghanistan exactly what the Iraq war critics have been demanding for Iraq: International forces, UN Mandates, shared responsibilities etc, etc. Now that isn't good enough. I don't get it.

I know you like cheap shots but the current crop of candidates are most likely even less capable of prosecuting a war then GWB.

If they have had that big of increase in fighters, where did they come from? How about the possibility of taliban fighters fleeing from Irag across the border. I am sure that increase is not all from Afganistan.
we are all aware that the taliban and other radical groups has a habit of fleeing from one country to the next when the heat becomes too unbearable for them.

>Please provide something saying there are
>5 times more Taliban fighters
>now then before.
>The numbers I see are not
>accurate apparently because the authority
>on military matter throughout the
>world, Jane's, says that
>while the Taliban have been
>resurgent in some areas their
>total number is about 1/5
>of their prewar strength.
>In addition Afghanistan is not just
>an American operation, it is
>led first and foremost by
>NATO. Are you suggesting
>that we go back in
>unilaterally? We have done
>in Afghanistan exactly what the
>Iraq war critics have been
>demanding for Iraq: International
>forces, UN Mandates, shared responsibilities
>etc, etc. Now that
>isn't good enough. I don't
>get it.
>I know you like cheap shots
>but the current crop of
>candidates are most likely even
>less capable of prosecuting a
>war then GWB.


Does Dude need to give you Oregonian math lessons?????????

1=5 as 5=1 also can be stated as 5/1 = 1/5.

Nemont, it was all over the news a few days ago. in '01 there were an estimated 2500-3500 Taliban in Afghanistan, today the government estimates 15-20,000 so there's no getting around some increase there. I suppose you could argue or intel is the worst in the world and we shouldn't trust anything they say, I guess you have me there if that's your response.

If you say they fled Iraq is why they're there then what now? are they going to lay down arms and take up needle point? or do we still have to fight the war we went there for and then got side tracked from ? don't blame anybody but Bush for the failure in Afghanistan, he didn't need the world behind him to bomb Iraq so he didn't need the entire world to hold his hand in Afghanistan, that's weak even for a Bushie. if you're saying running terrorist out of Iraq has improved the overall stability of the region and reduced the chances of future terrorist attacks then that's the spin I was looking for.
i guess it could have been all over your leftwind news but i dont watch it. I like facts not leftwing spin. Dude you cant have it both ways. Iraq without NATO you hate, Afgan with NATO you hate, Wmd report you hate, yet the new one you luv! Pic a damn side and stick with it. Stop your bs spin.
Now that's the stuff gila, Afghanistan is a mess and it's my fault bringing it up. it was an AP story and the numbers came from the US government, if you don't follow the news it's not my fault.

My side is clear, we all agree trying to kill Bin Laden and his thugs in Afghanistan was and is a reason for war. I think Iraq distracted us from that justified mission with a mistake we're paying for today. are you honestly going to tell me with all of our military and the good will around the world we had going into Afghanistan in 2001 that Bin Laden would still be alive and the Taliban would number many times more today if we had stayed on track? now that we're done screwing up Iraq we have some real work to do in Afghanistan. our military is worn out and we have the real reason we went there yet to deal with only the situation is worse now, understand my position or do I need to draw pictures?

Are we going to finish in Afghanistan or say Iraq was enough fun we're out of here? win ,lose or draw in Iraq if we leave Afghanistan in the state it is today we're losers and the terrorist will see it for what it is. I'm not against war, I just like a reason to wage it is all.
How will we know if and when we've won in Iraq or Afghanistan? Who decides? And what will it mean when we win?

Not trying to be a smarta$$.
Well actually in 2001 there were around 10,000 in the Kandahar province alone. Then the US found another 2,000 in the tora bora mountains so all of your numbers are completely wrong. Keep watching CNN. They will tell you exactly what you want to hear....Even getting involved with such a baseless conversation isnt worth my time. Have a nice day. Justin
All of MY numbers? this is what the government is saying so your numbers are wrong or mine are, they both come from the same source so you decide at what point they are correct. mine are more recent and looking at the past record of our intel in the region I know which ones I'll believe. our government is employed by CNN now? wow you can learn a lot here.

eel, When we win in Afganistan is a matter of opinion. I'd say until Bin Laden is accounted for we have a reason to be there, if we're there anyway we may as well kill any Taliban that get in the way. at this point Bin Laden is mostly a symbolic figure but his head would still be a victory and a show of strength to terrorist, I can't say what price it's worth to get him because again that's a matter of opinion also. much more than anything that will come out of Iraq to me though.
I saw a news report a couple of weeks ago. Don't know if it is the same one that Dude saw. I think it was CNN or something. Some Taliban leader had told Al Jazeera that they were getting increasing support and numbered near 12000. I believe that number has been debunked (think it was the same program). Of course the enemy is going to inflate the count, but the mainstream media took it and ran with it. There is probably a stat somewhere that shows an increase in hostilities, but not an appreciable amount in the increase in Taliban. I'll explain.

After the initial ousting by the US in October of 01, the remaining Taliban lost themselves among the Pashtun of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Reports I've read suggest that this increase in hostilities is a result of scattered cells raising hell in areas that used to be patrolled by the US (most notably So. Afghanistan) but have since been taken over by NATO forces.

Apparently the Taliban can sense that these NATO troops are ill-prepared to do the job the US did, and utilize stupid young men to wear bombs and overtly shoot at Afghan and NATO authorities under their umbrella of "protection" as it were. Remember that the NATO presence over there has some 30+ countries. Language barriers and comm problems abound. Insurgencies capitilize on this.
dude the other day you were asked where these # are. Where are you getting them. Giveme a link. isnt our Gov. it's yours.

You may want to do a little fact checking with outside sources other then AP regarding what the Taliban Strength was in 01 vs today.

In addition you are very inconsistant. You think we need help in Iraq from the rest of the world but that we should ##### backwards on NATO which is leading the fight in Afghanistan.

I do believe that Iraq has distracted us in the pursuit of bin Laden but you cannot have it both was either. I am not a "bushie". I am a tax paying American have my own opinion and I think that NATO is leading the fight in Afghanistan.

It doesn't not matter if we want to get bin Laden as long as Pakistan continues to allow the tribal areas to off limits. Unless you want to invade another sovereign country to do. But you have already said we have no military strength so that option is out.

As I said it was an AP story, I read it on Yahoo and it was on the news a few days ago. I don't print everything I read so google it. what reason would I have to distort the numbers? are you claiming Afghanistan is a done deal and Bin Laden is captured? I suppose the liberal press is just keeping it a secret like they are about Iraq actually being a vacation wonderland. you guys are a riot.
So you're saying let NATO handle it in Afghanistan and keep waisting time in Iraq. why is it everything in Iraq is " we can " and everything in Afghanistan is " we can't " maybe we are the morons the rest of the world says we are.

I give up, I advocate war on Bin Laden and terrorist like we started out to do and now I'm too radical. Pakistan is a mess, if we wanted to go into anywhere we wanted it could be done with some effort. what a cop out, when did we give a crap about playing nice.
LOL the New York times? Dude you cant get more leftwing. Email to Friend Printer Friendly Copy
Foreign Taliban numbers on the rise
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Foreign fighters are bolstering the ranks of the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan according to the New York Times.

The influx of foreign fighters are coming not only from surrounding countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan but also from places as far away as Siberia and China. They are the changing the face of the Taliban from a movement of hard line religious students to a group that includes seasoned soldiers, criminals, disgruntled Muslims and violent militants. NATO and Afghan military commanders have said that foreign Taliban are more violent, uncontrollable and extreme than their locally bred allies.

Most of the foreign fighters are entering the country through Pakistan?s northern tribal areas. The region is renown for its lawlessness and for providing a base for al-Qaeda to train new recruits. Their numbers within the Taliban ranks are hard to gage, but American security experts predict that out of a full time Taliban force of around 3,000 men, probably 10 per cent of the force is foreign.

Foreign fighters in Afghanistan serve as mid-level commanders, and provide money and training for local fighters, according to Western analysts. They usually have more money then the average Afghan civilian turned Taliban. While in Pakistan?s tribal areas, foreigners train suicide bombers, create roadside-bomb factories and have vastly increased the number of high-quality Taliban fund-raising and recruiting videos posted online.

The influx of foreign fighters has taken its toll on diplomacy and peace negogiations. Recent offers from the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, to negotiate with the Taliban may be offset by the tireless dedication of the foreign fighters who have no interest in the Afghan community developing or succeeding. Many local Taliban soldiers are more tolerant and have a personal stake in the areas they are fighting in. There have been reports of local Taliban tolerating the existence of schools and community centers while foreign Taliban using violence to close them down.

NATO commanders have recently seen a surge in more deadly tactics used by the Taliban including the use suicide bombs and improvised explosive devices. These are tactics that are more exclusive with foreign forces, similar to the insurgency in Iraq.

But officials pointed out that the reliance on foreigners by the Taliban showed that the group was beggining to run out of its own local fighters. NATO operations have killed thousands of Taliban over the last two years which has greatly depleted their ranks.

Still, the Taliban is the Taliban, regardless of where they are from. Just last week in heavy fighting NATO troops killed 50 Taliban. Officials later announced that most were foreign.
I heard Nato troops today killed 100,001 Talibaners. That would be a 1.7% reduction in their numbers. Taliban soldiers are defecting at a reported rate of 11% daily. Since the war started 187,067,899 taliban have been killed or captured. This would be a 4008% reduction in their numbers since the start of war.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-07 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p] I guess they revised their numbers since October, kind of like they decided Iran didn't have nukes? we'll just leave the Taliban and Bin Laden alone and only worry about Iraq since we can't make up our mind how many Taliban exist. what is the number of Al Qaida and Taliban murderers in the hills of Afganistan it takes to get more attention than 2 bit dictator with no WMD's in Iraq? this is a most interesting crowd around here, if I took your side and downplayed miltary action in Afghanistan you'ld call me a cowardly lib.
OMG Dude

"you'ld call me a cowardly lib." What do you think we've been saying?
By the way I can't believe Baghdad Bobs surname.

You must be drinking tonight Ransom. what part of saying we should have been fighting harder in Afghanistan to kill the actual people responsible for 9/11 is it that makes me a cowardly lib? your recreational war makes you more patriotic than my desire for Bin Ladens head makes me? I'm going to talk to my bird dogs a while, they have a higher aptitude for reasoning.
I think this war on terroists is a war of many fronts. Just a few years ago during 9-11 we had several countries that not only fully supported them, but gave them actual goverment protection.
Two of those countries no longer give them the protection of the goverment. A third country, syria has backed away from their strong standpoint of protection. If that country and Israel can come to a somewhat peaceful solution to their problems, we will see them back up even more.
The leader in Pakistan is in a very difficult position of maintaining his hold and must walk a tight rope to stay in position. This may give us the leverage we need to allow more intrusion into those hill tribal areas to root out Osama and his group that are there just across the border from Afghanistan. If he does not, then we assist his rival to oust him and try to gain consessions from them.
If we keep the pressure up in Iraq and Afghanistan and gain some consessions in Pakistan, the only place that is left for them to go in great numbers is Iran.
That could lead to the downfall of their hardline president if enought pressure is brought to bear on that country.
I think you even will concede the point that if we had not taken out Irag, today osama would be there with his followers after being kicked out of Afghanistan. Saddams hatred for us after Kuwaite was far stonger then his distrust of Osama and his hard core Muslims followers.
This is not just a war to get even with Osama and his group for 9-11. This is a war to change the intire middle East and certain Moslem goverments and stop their radical clerics from having to much power and turning their peoples hatred towards us. We need to change certain goverments over there if we are going to be safe in the future in the long haul. Or put enought fear into those goverments that they will no longer take a active role in supporting and protecting groups like the Taliban and Osama's terrorists.
Our second choice is to draw back and get out and become again a isolationist country as we were before 1941 and wait for the attack. I do not believe that is the right way to go, history tells us too many times that it does not work.

Dude, you make the mistake in thinking this is a war only on the Taliban, it is a GLOBAL war on islamist fanatics. I read the other day President Bush said we will be in Afghanistan for at LEAST 15 more years. I dare say we will be at war will these nutbags for the rest of my life at a minimum. Nato has taken over in the 'key' country and you say that is a sign of American weakness, yet you say it is a sign of arrogance that we "are going it alone" in Iraq, WTF??? We have not given up nor forgotten Afghanistan, just the media and the liberals have until now.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
RELH that was probably your best post ever, makes a lot of sense but if we had any reason to believe Bin Laden was in Iraq we would have killed him by whatever means we wished. even if Iraq was still under Saddam's rule.

Pro you forget we had the world and I might add the whole country behind us when we entered Afghanistan, you don't honestly think we did everything we could politically or militarily there after Iraq became priority one. we could have pushed the limits in Afghanistan and Pakistan with much less resistance than defying the whole world in Iraq, why is it we're only politically correct when trying to cover up failure.

I realize the war on terror doesn't end in Afghanistan but it would have come closer than it will with the war in Iraq, and we still have a mess in Afghanistan to tend to when we leave Iraq. given the current attitude in this country after years of war I fear we'll leave Afghanistan in the same shape you're affraid to leave Iraq in, yet nobody cares, ironic.
What do you mean "nobody cares"? The difference is the left isn't clamoring for troop withdrawal in Afghanistan like in Iraq, talk about irony. We need/MUST stay in both places until the region is stable, why the rush? Hell, we still 'occupy S Korea, Europe, Cuba, Japan, and many other 'soveriegn' nations. Where is the call form the left for troop withdrawal there?


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
As an outsider looking in, Huntingdude responds to comments like a teacher grading her pupils work, and most of her pupils are smarter than her. I think I'd transfer from your class dude.


DC, here I come.....
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-07 AT 11:42AM (MST)[p]Mr. Mitt

Once you become president would you recall our troops from the following countries?
Please get them out of the countries with plus marks first because of ongoing wars in these nations. Info From Wikipedia.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chad +
Colombia +
Costa Rica
Cote D?lvoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Ethiopia +
Fiji Finland
India +
Israel +
Mali +
Mexico +
New Zealand
Niger +
Nigeria +
North Korea
Pakistan +
Peru +
Philippines +
Saudi Arabia
Senegal +
Serbia and Montenegro
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka +
Thailand +
Trinidad and Tobago
Turkey +
Uganda +
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom

This means that the United States has troops in 70 percent of the world?s countries. The average American could probably not locate half of these 135 countries on a map.

You've got my vote Mitt,

Unfortunately over half the presidential candidates couldn't find most of those countries on a map. Luckily I have a superior Utah education and can locate all but Tunesia and Slovenia. I'll see what I can do, I'll ask the wives.


DC, here I come.....
Ransom , in how many of those countries are engaged in warfare? you're a good Bushie but by nature that makes you a little slow.

Mitt are you CIA ? if so you did a crappy job so far. if not you know little more than I do so get over your superior knowledge thing. even if you were there I'll bet they didn't tell you everything, crap even Bush is always whining he's not in on everything but you are. it's an honor to meet you all knowing one. if you can't debate them discredit them, you're as good of Bushie as Ransom is.

Once in office I'll take a special look at your file. Useful idiots are always convenient to have readily available.



DC, here I come.....
Dude in most of these counties there are only SF there. Why do you think they are there? This war is being fought on many fronts. Too bad the worse fightin needs to be against your people. (moveon, ACLU.)
Mark my words, as president, I will imprison those groups for sedition.


DC, here I come.....
>Dude in most of these counties
>there are only SF there.
>Why do you think they
>are there? This war is
>being fought on many fronts.
>Too bad the worse fightin
>needs to be against your
>people. (moveon, ACLU, Oregonians)
>Mark my words, as president, I
>will imprison those groups for
>DC, here I come.....

Baseball Mitt your speech the other day was great!
I just emailed my senators and congressmen to please increase the welfare check to huntindude (he admits it) next year so just maybe we wont have to listen to his blathering negativity on so many subjects.
My welfare check as you call it is held up in congress because they can't get their act together on the ag bill. besides, the amount the government gives me wouldn't even pay for a good bird hunt so I really don't care much anyway. $200 hay and $12 wheat is running the price of everything up which means I'll get my money directly out of your pocket bomber , that's much more gratifying anyway.

I'm negative you say? you're the ones saying Afghanistan and Bin Laden don't matter, forget them , let NATO deal with it, too scary to go it alone, we have troops in Canada why not a few in Afghanistan, blah blah blah. just because you've failed and I haven't ignored it doesn't make me negative, it just means I'm not turning a blind ignorant eye to a mess we neglected into a larger mess. Afghanistan is a big pile of doo doo to sweep under the rug, but I'll give you credit for trying.
So, according to dude, we have failed in Afghanistan AND Iraq. What is your definition of failure? Is it failure how MORE children in Afghanistan go to school than pre-war? Is it the ability of women there to vote, get jobs, go to school, teach school? Is it the fact the Taliban has gone underground and have NOT attacked America on our soil since we took them out of power? Is it because we listened to the libs and turned the reins over to NATO, and are ALLOWING the world to step up and do their part? How is it that NATO/UN is incompetent in one country but is needed/desired in another? You talk in more circles than Al Franken. He is NOT funny, but he is compared to your ramblings. I seriously doubt America under a Republican Admin could EVER do anything that would warrant your support, because your hatred/contempt for conservatives over-powers your ability to see ANYTHING positive going on.

Some of the far-left loons in Congress admit the surge is working, from John "cold blooded killer" Murtha, to Turbin Durbin, yet good old 'patriot' dude says it is a failed mission. You and Reid from Nevada refuse to see any good under the Bush Admin.

Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
We don't have Bin Laden and according to OUR government there are more Taliban in Afghanistan than there were before. how is that any type of positive shift to any rational mind? Iraq is far from a success so wait a while before tooting your horn there also. Where did I say we shouldn't have UN/Nato help in Afghanistan? I think it's great but why do we need to rely on them there but defy the world and tell them to shove it in Iraq? you can't decide what you think. I'm not advocating a major offensive in Afghanistan I'm saying it's been bungled and we still have a war to fight there, yet everyone including the dems act as if Iraq is the only war we have going and when it's finished all our troops come home. both sides are morons, they both ignore Afghanistan but for different political reasons.

All you guys are doing is trying to shift attention away from Afghanistan and Bin Laden and say a victory in Iraq will solve everthing, I don't buy it at all, never did. thanks for playing.
I am not going to shift attention from Afghanistan as you are accusing us of doing. Lets talk about Afghanistan. I do not know where you are getting your news reports about there being more Taliban in Afghanistan then there was before. The news reports I am reading are saying the direct opposite to what you are saying. No! this is not news reports from Fox News, but from AP, Time Life and CNN, your favorite liberal news people.
There is on going strikes in the Helmand province around Mausa Qala which has been a home base for the Taliban. 12 were killed today in a strike by Gov. forces.
The village elders there had asked the Taliban to leave their area, but the Taliban refused to leave and the Elders sought help from their Gov. and gave up information that led to the strikes on Taliban fighters. Sounds like a good case of winning the minds and hearts of the local people to me. Same thing is going on in Iraq if I remember right.
In the report from Time life, a reporter investigated the possibility of the Taliban increasing their numbers. What he found was the direct opposite. Former Taliban officials told him that the Taliban is beginning to look like a spent force compared to their strenght a year ago. The Taliban had been sneaking in to Afganistan from their hideouts in Pakinstan in groups of 60-100 fighters a year or more ago. Now the Taliban come in 5 or less fighters at a time.
The area Taliban commander is mullah Omar. He was last seen out of Afganistan over two months ago in Pakinstan. The strikes on his fighters, and the attempts to kill him have led to him directing strikes by cell phone from his hideout. Sounds like he is too scared of getting his a$$ blown off.
One of the phone calls were intercepted by intelligence, and the person talking to Mullah Omar stated, "Omar where are you, why have you forsaken us?" Sounds like great morale for the Taliban fighters.
This is a fight on many fronts as I said before, and it looks like it is making headway on those different fronts, including Afganistan. Maybe you need to get a new source of information, it appears the one you are using is not very trustworthy on it's information. You did mentioned that your information came from our goverment, could that be members like Reid, Clinton. I do not think it will include Murtha since he has jumped that sinking ship and turned a new leaf in his reports.

RELH, Dude and the left are way to invested in defeat. I have asked Dude twice where he got the # and he wont say. Thats where Baghdad dude came from.

Thanks for the update, now I know the reason you tagged him with that moniker, just jive and smoke to stir up the pot.

Ransom here goes operation extreme redundancy, for the tenth time I told you it was an AP story on Yahoo and on the news earlier this week. I searched Yahoo for it and there's 159,000 Taliban stories and proving my point just isn't worth going through them to me. put it this way, if things are as sweet in Afghanistan as you guys say we don't need to stay there any longer so lets bug out, who cares. I did see a new story about growing support for the Taliban within Afghanistan and another about Al Qaida becoming more active as well, but it's all good we've got'er handled. if we're still there fighting and Bin Laden is still making movies during the next administration then you're full of crap, if we're done then I'll admit we had all the forces there we needed and I over reacted, deal?

I think you have mixed me up with one or more of the others. Maybe Gila? I'm only on the percentages, remember. LOL. I forgive you though for your harsh tone.

> Ransom here goes operation extreme
>redundancy, for the tenth time
>I told you it was
>an AP story on Yahoo
>and on the news earlier
>this week. I searched Yahoo
>for it and there's 159,000
>Taliban stories and proving my
>point just isn't worth going
>through them to me. put
>it this way, if things
>are as sweet in Afghanistan
>as you guys say we
>don't need to stay there
>any longer so lets bug
>out, who cares. I
>did see a new story
>about growing support for the
>Taliban within Afghanistan and another
>about Al Qaida becoming more
>active as well, but it's
>all good we've got'er handled.
>if we're still there fighting
>and Bin Laden is still
>making movies during the next
>administration then you're full of
>crap, if we're done then
>I'll admit we had all
>the forces there we needed
>and I over reacted, deal?
lol Dude I posted that info for you. Nice that you only used the parts that suit and support your side. If you cant see the trees for the forest get some 15x60 binos and put them on a tripod.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-07 AT 02:13AM (MST)[p]Gilamonster8;

I think Dude is getting flustered, does'nt know one guy from the next, just like his stories he keeps preaching and forgetting where they came from so we can not check them.
Time for him to crawl back under the rock and get his thoughts straight. Funny how his AP story is in direct conflict with the one I read and posted about.
OOPS!!! His story was from earlier this week, mine was from today, guess AP changes their stories like Dude changes his underwear.
Dude in case your inquiring mind wants to know. The two reports I mentioned were written by AP reporters Noor and Khan, and the story on the Taliban Fading away was written by Times reporter Tim McGirk. I would not want you to think I fabricated the reports.


I have a hypothetical question for you. Lets say after the 9/11 terrorist attacks a terrorist training facility was discovered, lets also say that at that camp terroists were trained as airplane hijackers. What should our country do in response to that finding? Should we ignore it or destroy it?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-07 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]Dude

Now your not being funny. Personal attacks now?
Wow! Sent U a PM.

Well since you both have the same IP and you sound like twins talking, it looks fishy. but I'll admit I don't know for sure what an IP is so if you say your not living together I'll take your word for it. what are the IP's listed as additional anyway? I have 5 or 6 and I can assure you I only have one MM name. this tech crap gives me a headache.

Ransom you're too sensitive, cowboy up. look at the personal crap us " evil libs " endure here all the time when you're feeling abused. it's just internet entertainment nobody gets hurt or proves anything, I know I'm a tard for participating in anything so usless but it's still fun.
Mr Percentages

I'll take that as a half hearted apology. LOL Dude this site has some screwed up automatic record keeping I assure you as there is another mistake besides that one in the #'s.
Like I have said before only politicians will get my full abuse not MM members. Lets all keep it good natured not personal.


PS I gave up on the buck photo, I've come to the conclusion your a earthfirster or peta or something.
Baghdad Dude


Ransom-overton-rocky-kilibornand 20 others but I like this pic best of him

As you can see we are not the same person, I'm the good looking one he's the alittle out there.

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