The Expo Contract Between the DWR and MDF


Long Time Member
As I have spoken with many people regarding the UWC?s proposal to modify the Convention Permit rule to mandate accountability and transparency, I have heard the same excuses from the conservation groups involved and the DWR. The first excuse is that MDF and SFW do not have to provide any accountability or transparency because they are not required to do so under the current version of the rule. In other words, ?we won't because we don't have to.? As explained previously, this argument ignores the fact that this is exactly why the UWC has proposed an amendment to the rule that will fix this glaring problem. If the UWC?s proposed amendment is adopted by the Wildlife Board, SFW and MDF will be required to carefully account for the funds raised from the Convention Permits just as they currently do with Conservation Permits.

The latest excuse that I have been hearing is that the DWR and the conservation groups have signed a 5-year contract and are therefore bound by the terms of that contract. As a result, even if the DWR and the groups wanted to address the problem, they cannot make substantive changes to the Convention Permits until 2017. Every time I hear this explanation, I have the distinct feeling that these groups are using the contract as an excuse to justify their refusal to act. As a result, we requested a copy of the current contract between the DWR and the conservation groups, which is included below. After reviewing this contract, it is fairly clear to me that the DWR and the conservation groups have the power and authority to fix this problem right now if they want to. Let me explain.

Before I get into the specific language of the contract, I should point out that the contract is between the DWR and MDF. Although SFW is not an actual party to the contract, SFW has apparently partnered with MDF for purposes of the Expo. The DWR and MDF entered into the current contract in November of 2010, and it governs the Conservation Permits through 2016. Therefore, if the DWR refuses to address this problem until the current contract expires, the resulting changes will not take effect until 2017---five years from now. That is simply too long to wait. After reviewing the contract, I believe that there are at least 3 separate grounds under which the DWR and MDF (the two actual parties to the contract) can address this problem.

First, the contract states in multiple locations that it was entered into pursuant to Utah Administrative Code R657-55. For instance, Section A.1 states that the Convention Permits will be provided ?annually for five (5) years beginning in 2012, subject to R657-55.? Likewise, in Section B.1, MDF agrees to conduct the Expo and distribute the Convention Permits in accordance with ?the procedures and requirements set forth in R657-55.? R657-55 is the Convention Permit rule and is the very section that the UWC proposal seeks to amend. Therefore, if the Wildlife Board adopts the UWC proposal, the parties to the contract (the DWR and MDF) would be bound by the provisions of the current version of the rule. There is nothing in the contract that prohibits the Wildlife Board from amending or modifying the Convention Permit rule during the term of the contract.

Second, Section A.1 clearly states that the DWR will provide MDF with Convention Permits ?subject to . . . any future stipulations of the Wildlife Board.? This language could not be any clearer. The DWR has agreed to provide the Convention Permits but it made it clear that the Wildlife Board retained the authority and power to impose additional stipulations. Pursuant to this language, the Wildlife Board could certainly adopt to the UWC?s proposal and MDF would be bound by the ?stipulations? set forth in that amendment.

Finally, Section C.1 allows the parties to the contract to amend and modify the contract. It provides as follows: ?This Contract may be amended from time to time as need may arise, provided all such amendments are in writing agreed to by both parties.? Pursuant to this language, the DWR and MDF can agree to modify their contract and fix this problem. Interestingly, SFW does not need to agree to the amendment since it is not a party to the contract.

In summary, the contract between the DWR and MDF does not prevent the parties from addressing the complete lack of transparency and accountability in the current version of the rule. To the contrary, the parties to the contract (the DWR and MDF) have the ability to come together and fix this problem. Furthermore, even of MDF refuses to agree to an amendment that would require it to put a significant portion of the application fees toward actual conservation projects, the Wildlife Board has the power and authority to amend the Conservation Permit rule and to impose such requirements. Despite what these groups might say, their hands are not tied. They can fix this problem right now if they want to. They can do the right thing.

I have included a complete copy of the contract (without the exhibits below).

By the way, the UWC petition just passed 1,000 signatures. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to get involved. We will need your help when this issue comes before the Wildlife Board in August.





Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Good work. Its nice to see somebody put on their big boy pants and get something done instead of just complaining about it.

Good work Hawkeye, this is exactly why we have you on retainer. Your worth every penny and then some. :)

Seriously we do appreciate what your doing.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Lets not forget the meeting we need to attend. Both the RACs and the wildlife board. Good job Jason, way to dig deep.

I still find it interesting that the DWR and SFW are the ones that are all over this and finding excuses for 1 thing and another but yet its all done by MDF. They are SILENT. I gues letting SFW take the heat. AND THEY ARE. AND EVEN THIER MEMBERS ARE TAKEING HEAT.

Nicely done Hawkeye, nicely done.
Is not MDF a group created by SFW's administering board, they are closely related yet for legal charity and bussiness purposes seperate from each other? Miles Morietti(?) should now be coming to the forefront and address this issue.Either way, ,if SFW is not getting the money from the convention permits, then MDF is and why does SFW defend MDF and why haven't we heard anything from MDF? I shall go to MDF's website and have a look see, where they have spent their money.

Please keep up the good work Hawkeye, and make sure to keep us in the loop for the next board meetings and RAC meetings where we can try to make a difference.
Good work Hawkeye, appreciate your expertise in the matter.

Lets show up to the WB in force when we have the chance.

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-12 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]Just to be clear guys, SFW and MDF are two separate entities with separate management and agendas. SFW and MDF put on the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo together as a joint partnership. However, R657-55-3(2) requires that the Convention Permits be issued to a single conservation organization. Therefore, the permits are issued in the name of MDF, and MDF then partners up with SFW to put on the Expo. It is my understanding the MDF and SFW split the profits raised at the Expo. As a result, both entities are responsible for the Convention Permits and have an obligation to the public to account for that public resource. However, only MDF is a party to the contract with the DWR.

While I agree that we need to push MDF for answers, I believe that SFW is real decision maker. I did, however, send Miles Moretti an email last week asking for MDF's official position regarding the proposed rule change. To date, I have not received a response. I will let you know if I hear anything.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
While I agree that we need to push MDF for answers, I believe that SFW is real decision maker. I did, however, send Miles Moretti an email last week asking for MDF's official position regarding the proposed rule change. To date, I have not received a response. I will let you know if I hear anything.


***He is probably a very busy guy like DP and will get back to you in a year or two, LOL!
Good work Hawk your a bulldog but it's going to be hard to get those guys to give up their "Christmas bonus".

You are right. We still have a major battle ahead of us. Even if the wildlife board puts this issue on it's August meeting agenda, we will need a massive showing from sportsmen to get their attention. I truly believe that we can fix this problem but it is going to take all of us to get it done.

Stay tuned.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Also, doesn't the wildlife commision have the authority to reduce the nubmer of permits as they see fit? If so, that is a strong bargaining chip: Agree to transparency or we cut your tag numbers.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Thanks Hawkeye.

But after the Mr. Jim K---(Don Peay written??) Respones to RMEF...

We all know The $$$ is with-in that small 'protect u$' group.

It will take a law suit--UDWR--State of Utah--- to finally get these rip-offs to open up the 'Check Book Register' of whom is on the payroll.

So very sad...

Nice work. These issues take continued effort, not just a quick emotional response. Let's keep this issue visible, and continue to apply pressure to MDF, SFW and DWR.
Lets just keep patting each other on the back guys. Most on this site don't give a chit about the wildlife conservation. All they want is to draw their tag every year even if it means turning in their neighbor.
looks like the MDF is the latest victim in this witch hunt for you tree huggers that aren't your own way.
For our wildlife's sake be careful what what you wish for.
I see the Kid is back with his usual mindless BS and drivel! You don't know squat regarding what "most" of us give a chit about and if MDF is found to be dishonest you dang betcha they'll end up a victim and it's no "witch hunt". Incidentally, I can tell you something I just wished for and if it came true you wouldn't like it!
Otter get a clue, heaven forbid that expo $ go to wildlife. Yea we better be careful, we DONT know where the $ is going dumbazz.
I totally disagree. We "know" where it's going. We just don't have the documented proof and won't until SFW lifts up their dress to the neck.
>Lets just keep patting each other
>on the back guys. Most
>on this site don't give
>a chit about the wildlife
>conservation. All they want
>is to draw their tag
>every year even if it
>means turning in their neighbor.
>looks like the MDF is the
>latest victim in this witch
>hunt for you tree huggers
>that aren't your own way.
>For our wildlife's sake be careful
>what what you wish for.

That is the most igorant and arrogant post on this subject ever on any site. What azz.

All we know is SFW and MDF need to come clean with their books. Trust us , the money goes where the wildlife need it the most. Done trusting! Hawkeye, have you heard back from Miles on his stance with the pending(we hope) amendment? I have yet to get a response from my State Rep. I am going to hit him up again with another E-mail and then call him after waiting a little. My vote will absolutely count this year!
How bout yours?

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