The EXCITEMENT is building!!!!


Long Time Member
I may be just days away from seeing D13er live and in person. Oh how I've been counting the days. We may be attending the same wedding here in beautiful MT and hopefully I will at least get to see him/her in person if not shake his/her hand. Below is a picture of me so you know who to look for D. Anyone else have the pleasure? Was it worth all the excitement? I am having trouble sleeping at night with all this excitement and anxiety. I know he/she is equally excited to meet me as well. Bring it on. Can't wait to swap hunting and sex stories.


thats neat.
aren't you the liberal, pro obama, wolf loving goof from the polotics forum?

i'd say your best bet is to just stay quiet while your in Montana. if you try explaining that same non-sence to a guy who lives there, you might have a rough visit. just sayin'.
The picture is as phoney as Zigga is. Looks like Zigga maybe is having second thoughts about attending that wedding and meeting our famous D-13er. Zigga you better get on your bicycle and ride like hades for the hills to keep D-13er from teaching you a few things behind the old barn.

Come on Zigga!
I've personally met him & he wants to buy you dinner at a nice Steak House!
That's one thing about CUPSY,he likes a good Steak!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I very seriously doubt Zigga eats meat Bessy! As liberal as he is, GREEN tea and leaves would be my guess. I'm sure that D13 will be thrilled. NOT!

It's always an adventure!!!
All bull aside, Jef was nice enough to score some heads for me. I made the 3 hour drive down south. He treated me to lunch, spent the day bs'n, driving a friends ranch, and glassing some Tule elk. Like I suspect most are around here .....he comes of as quite normal offline.....But I'm a fellow conservative so good luck Zigga :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Normal? D13er normal? Are you kidding me? He is a psycho freak. Big guy, 6' 14", weighs 275, mean as hell, hunts bears with a fly swatter. Heck he came to my house and all he brought was some stolen vegetables. Wanted dinner. Harassed me about some of the employees here in my county. Said he was pissed and wanted to meet the road maintenance supervisor. I swear, he's crazy.
Whatever happens Zigga, don't catch your head on fire at the wedding. I'm pretty sure I heard him say he would not piss on it. :)
Seriously, I hope that isn't a picture of you. If it is, I think I know you. The guy in the picture looks just like a punk we had in protective custody. Was that you?


LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 00:27AM (MST)[p]Zigga better pray that D-13, AKA-Jef, does not have any american Indian blood in him. If he does, zigga is in for a great scalping and I know that D-13 has a hillbilly knife that is razor sharp and will do a great job on old ziggy's scalp.

Jef, if you need that knife resharpen, just send it to me and I will do the best job possible in order to see ziggy's scalp on your belt.


When ziggy mentioned about meeting some montana boys, was he referring to some broke back mountain type of guys he wanted to meet?
NO! you can not, I would have to sharpen it for you. A hunter with a dull knife is a sin.

>Whatever happens Zigga, don't catch your
>head on fire at the
>wedding. I'm pretty sure
>I heard him say he
>would not piss on it.
> :)

I'm pretty sure he said teeth. If Ziggas teeth were on fire.
"I very seriously doubt Zigga eats meat Bessy!"

That's not fair..... I'd be willing to bet Zigga has gobbled down a lot of meat in his day...... Terry
What day is the wedding/Meeting. Got to get bail money set aside for it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
D-13er, will you please slap a knot on his head once for me?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-10 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]Zigga's sheep costume finally arrived and he is real excited about wearing if for the Montana boys.... I think he may want to rethink the color though.....



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