The Ex


Long Time Member
you live by the sweord you die by the sword! My Ex was always into quick money schemes, and she used way too much of my money trying to get her daughter a singing career ( which has never happened, gee! ) . Lots of dishonesty about tens of thousands being spent.
Well, I see she was ripped off for 35 K in some affinity money scheme. Well, I don't feel too sad for her.

Lucky for me I have a wonderful woman now, and she worships me and I worship her too.
Get rich quick schemes only work if your selling them.

One thing that I will add, there are some pretty sick people who use their church influence to say the spirit prompted them to give her a chance to make money. I wouldn't fall for that but she did.
My faith isn't as strong as it could be but i'm working on it. That said, i've had a problem for years with people i've known well that never would miss a day in church but were crooks and liars when it came to making a dollar. WTF??

>My faith isn't as strong as
>it could be but i'm
>working on it. That said,
>i've had a problem for
>years with people i've known
>well that never would miss
>a day in church but
>were crooks and liars when
>it came to making a
>dollar. WTF??

For some reason people believe that in business you can take advantage of people when you have to be honest in your personal life. This drives me crazy. Honesty is honesty! You should treat people fairly in personal life as well as business.
That's how i feel. My Dad was honest in all his dealings, with his family, with his church, with business, and with his buddies. That is why he was always sought after by employers because of his reputation.
Like my dad always said "You're only as good as your word" or "Your word is your bond" to me that still carrys alot of weight. some folks jsut don't get that meaning.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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