The elk are vanishing in Idaho....

It's about time hunters started raising a fuss and and quit acting like we're all in this together with the wolf nuts. this crap that we all want the same thing is BS, from day one the hunter was a planned casaulty. our ability to stop it may be limited but it's time to join forces with the stockmen's groups and private landowners to fight, they are our strongest allies. crap like this is why I'm done with the fence riding wolf kissing RMEF.
Holy chit!! Dude finally posted something I agree with. This is the biggest Fish and Wildlife blunder of the millenium, and only after it is too late will the people in charge say "uh-ohh".
We will not see a wolf season. The anti's will fight it in court until my kids have great grand kids. I am seeing the effects and if we have any hope to keep hunting elk in the next 10 years, the wolf problem will have to be settled quietly, with a small caliber hole in the intestinal area. I know Idaho Fish and Game didn't want the damn things. Dude, if you see any running around Oregon, be discreet. Once they settle in, they multiply faster than rabbits and liberals.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-08 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]"Dude, if you see any running around Oregon, be discreet. Once they settle in, they multiply faster than rabbits and liberals."

ROFL, Thats funny right there!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-08 AT 09:24AM (MST)[p] Speaking of liberals where has your 'lil George been on this for the last 7 years? I voted for Bush in 2000 for two main reasons, I though he'd help on the snowmobile ban in Yellowstone and be the best choice to hold the wolf lovers down , I didn't expect him to get rid of the wolves but all he's done is sit on his thumb in both cases. now we're going to have liberals back in the whitehouse, but what difference will it make.
Dude, I am convinced that no matter what party they belong too, they are all full of #####. All the candidates have agendas that don't agree with my standards so really, what the hell difference does it make. The next president may not start an unpopular war, but we will find something to hate him, or (retch, gag, barf) her. I thought the choices of the last election were piss poor. It's worse now.

Candian wolves: The heart is three inches behind the last rib.

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