The Don makes his point known


Long Time Member
Was reading through an article that appeared out of Alaska about the effor that is underway to change wildlife ownership from public to private. Amazingly, the DON and Byron Bateman are quoted about how sucessful the CWMU program in Utah is, and how landowners should own the wildlife because it would be good for animals and hunters. The DON even pointed out how socialistic it is that the public owns the wildlife. GENTELMEN, if you are still drinking the cool aid, please look into this. SFW, and the DON are cutting your throats while you sleep, all the while telling you how much better it will be if you loose some blood. Check it out for yourself!!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-12 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]Nick really! Are you just a bitter man that has CWMU envy:). I'm amazed how you always manage to find some way to take a jab at the CWMU program. Honestly, it gets old:(.

You said "the DON and Byron Bateman are quoted about how sucessful (actually spelled successful) the CWMU program in Utah is". If you are going to quote someone, do it correctly, that's why its called a quote.

The CWMU program is not even mentioned in the article anywhere. Utah has many private landowner programs (the CWMU program is just one of them) and nearly every western state does. At least they have recognize the role private lands play in wildlife management.

Lastly, like it or not (and I'm not defending him), Don is spot on with the socialism context when it comes to his statement about wildlife in the west. I don't even see you can argue that based on the definition of the word--but maybe you don't know what it means.

>AT 10:01?PM (MST)

>Nick really! Are you
>just a bitter man that
>has CWMU envy:). I'm
>amazed how you always manage
>to find some way to
>take a jab at the
>CWMU program. Honestly, it
>gets old:(.
>You said "the DON and Byron
>Bateman are quoted about how
>sucessful (actually spelled successful) the
>CWMU program in Utah is".
> If you are going
>to quote someone, do it
>correctly, that's why its called
>a quote.
>The CWMU program is not even
>mentioned in the article anywhere.
> Utah has many
>private landowner programs (the CWMU
>program is just one of
>them) and nearly every western
>state does. At least
>they have recognize the role
>private lands play in wildlife
>Lastly, like it or not (and
>I'm not defending him), Don
>is spot on with the
>socialism context when it comes
>to his statement about wildlife
>in the west. I
>don't even see you can
>argue that based on the
>definition of the word--but maybe
>you don't know what it


Since you want to get personal, I guess at USU they don't teach reading comprehension? I read the article, linked from another site, and it did quote Mr. Bateman directly, and he did discuss how utah and its CWMU has opened up opurtunities for hunters in Utah to hunt land they would not otherwise have the chance to. Utah Wildlife Forum.

Second. Socialism, yes public equal public ownership of animals would be socialism. Am I really to believe that THE DON is genually concerned with the plight of the poor native landowners in Alaska? Did I miss his organization called Landowners for fish and wildlife? Exactly how is making the landowner the authority for all things living on his land good for wildlife? Does every landowner who owns big game land a biologist? If they are only concerned about the well being of their wildlife, do they need either SFW to sell tags, or the State to run hunting on their ground? Todd we can argue all day but you still have never explained why the CWMU program can't run independent of the STATE via trespass fees, OTHER than without the special rules, regs, and seasons, the prices would be not near where they are now. You have also never explained why it is good for wildlife that a guy like Denny Austad can pay his way around draws and waithing periods(I get why it is good for the CWMU).

Lastly, as for my spelling, you got me! I spell poorly! I type poorly. Boy I sure feel stupid now!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
>Apparently you didn't notice the thread
>with over 60 replies on
>the same subject.

Yeah, got pissed and didn't scroll downto see the other post.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!

In the interest of fairness I went back and read the article. YES I WAS RIGHT!! FEEL FREE TO EXPRESS HOW I CAN'T SPELL, BUT YOU CAN'T READ.

Byron Bateman, interviewed via phone as stated in the article, "landowner permits in his state have increased the opportunity for the ordinary citizen to be able to hunt some of these private lands that they would not have been able to afford". Further, "Utah has been a model as to how we manage all of our wildlife in the west. We've increased a lot of different populations".

Hopefully I put the quotation marks in the right place, but I am pretty sure the above paragraph is A QUOTE DONE RIGHT.
So Todd am I still just a bitter man with CWMU envy, who injected the CWMU program into this discussion? Or could it be that you do what you always do, interpret what you want to hear, paying no attention to the facts. If your gonna call me an idiot, your not the first, but at least know WHY your calling me an idiot!

Guess what, I still can't spell, but now we know you can't read. Should we stay in the sandbox calling each other names, or perhaps we should discuss the elephant in the room. SFW, CWMU, and Todd Black are for restricted access, fewer tags, and only the wealthy paricipating. I am not. But I am honest enough to let you know what I really believe and don't couch it as "its good for wildlife", or "without the CWMU and landowners there would be no wildlife", bs, even in a state where 70% of the land is public ground. Todd I can do math, and that doesn't jive.

In short Todd, market hunting drove every western big game species to the brink of extiction. That is the very reason we manage game the way we do, and short of mule deer it has been enormouly successful in increasing the populations of game animals, point blank. THE DON, and you apparently don't know your history, or geography. His vision is Europe. Read the following signature, your now the last sentence.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
If you owned 30,000 prime acres in Utah, i'm sure you'd leave your gates open to the public on opening morning of the deer hunt. I can't wait to see the look on your face as you drive through your property and look at all the trash that the public left where their trailers were parked, not to mention all the deer slaughtered off your land.
One thing i WILL assure you my friend is that CWMU's SAVE wildlife through proper management practices, which WILL bleed over on to public land.
You can thank all the northern CWMU's for there being any deer at all up there after those harsh winters we had a few years back ;-)
Yeah, Rulon Jones has been a godsend!! Not all CWMUs are equal!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
>Yeah, Rulon Jones has been a
>godsend!! Not all CWMUs
>are equal!
>When they came for the road
>hunters I was not one
>so I said nothing.
>When they came for the
>oppurtunists I was not one
>so I said nothing.
>When they came for the
>public land hunters I was
>not one so I said
>nothing. When they came
>for me there was no
>one left to say anything!

hoss you got screwed and the whole program sucks? i did some research drew a cwmu tag and had a hell of a great hunt. live and learn! private land is still private at least for a few more years!
Didn't get screwed, have never put in for a CWMU, not a hypocrite. Google Rulon Jones, moose poaching, you will get what I meant. Then go read the article about THE DONS vision. In his vision, you ain't drawing that tag chief, your buying it. And the land owner sets ALL the season rules and regs, no biology needed. I don't like the CWMU system, mainly the guranteed tags and no wait, but THE DON wants to shut down public access PERIOD, don't drink the cool-aid man. glad you had fun, thats what hunting should be, and thats NOT what THE DON cares about, he cares about ELITISM, and you and me better get WAYYYY better jobs if he gets his way.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!

i remember reading a post about someone who got screwed by rulon. glad to hear it was not you .i can not control what land owners do with their land . that is why i like the cwmu program. if dons trying to change the current program then i would be against it. all i was saying is that i got to hunt on land that would be closed in other states.

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