The Dems War Problem.


Long Time Member
Here is a question I have: Which is worse, morally, GWB position that this war is necessary and needed so he continues to stubbornly cling to his "strategy" or the Congressional Democrats who believe the war is illegal and wrong but won't stop it because it is bad politics?

Either make me want to Puke at this point

Dems could do far more to end Iraq war

By: Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris
Sep 27, 2007 06:02 AM EST

The vast majority of Democrats in Congress are powerfully clear about what they think about the war in Iraq. It is the greatest strategic blunder of a generation.

It is a lost cause. Above all, it is immoral ? with more men and women dying each day for a war that many Democrats concluded years ago was a terrible mistake.

But clarity gives way to muddle when you pose a simple question to Democrats: After eight months in power on Capitol Hill, why have you not done more to end the war?

Most answers come down to some version of ?There?s nothing we can do.?

?If you don't have the votes, you don't have the votes,? Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) said in an interview. He was citing all the familiar arithmetic.

It takes 60 votes to end debate in the Senate, two-thirds of both chambers to override a presidential veto.

These answers are correct ? and misleading almost to the point of deception.

We?re not in the business of giving politicians advice.

But it's a simple truth, whether you support the war or not: There is a lot more Democrats could do to change, or at least challenge, the politics of the war in Washington, even if they do not have the numbers to impose new policies on President Bush.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) could force a vote a day over Iraq. She could keep the House in session all night, over weekends and through planned vacations.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) could let filibusters run from now till Christmas rather than yield to pro-war Republicans.

Such tactics might or might not be politically sensible, but in their absence, anti-war lawmakers can hardly say they have done everything possible to challenge the war and bring attention to their cause.

Lawmakers over the past generation have threatened and sometimes carried out such extreme parliamentary maneuvers over less consequential matters than dying soldiers.

Republican leaders a few years ago warned they would pursue the ?nuclear option? and rewrite Senate rules if Democrats tried to block Bush?s judicial nominees.

In the 1980s, some Republicans contemplated chaining themselves to pillars of the Capitol to protest a disputed congressional election in Indiana.

Democrats, in on-the-record and on-background interviews, said they do not do these things because they would be bad politics. Democrats in the House and Senate would splinter over such extremist measures.

In closed-door caucus meetings, members say, Democratic leaders like Reps. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) have carried the day by warning that there is no appetite for such tactics in the districts of vulnerable Democrats, upon whom the party?s new majority status depends.

Many of these districts are in red states with rural regions filled with military families.

Above all, Democrats do not wish to open themselves to a charge they believe is demagogic, but effective ? that they are turning their backs on troops in the field.

?People have made the intellectual distinction between the war and the warrior,? one House Democratic leader told us. ?Bush has hidden behind the kids and held us hostage.?

Fair enough. But this calculation does not erase the gaping chasm between the visceral urgency claimed by congressional war opponents and the conventionality of their political strategy in trying to end it.

This is why Democratic activists are growing increasingly agitated.

Galling as it may be to Democrats, Bush still can claim to be acting with more clarity and courage than the congressional majority.

He believes the Iraq war is right and has thrown away things most politicians crave ? approval ratings, and potentially his reputation in history ? to get what he wants.

Democratic leaders believe the war is wrong but have pursued their beliefs with a series of ginger calculations that so far have achieved no substantive changes in policy.

They are acting with the same defensive-mindedness that led many Democrats to swallow deep misgivings and vote five years ago to authorize the war in the first place.

Many Democrats on Capitol Hill are in no mood just now to be lectured by MoveOn, the group whose ad denouncing ?General Betray Us? was widely perceived to have backfired badly.

Whatever one?s view on the merits of the war, however, MoveOn Executive Director Eli Pariser is right that his ostensible Democratic allies have defined themselves by caution.

?Our view is that they are very strong, they have the public?s support at their backs, and they need to use that strength,? he said. ?I think the efforts thus far have been good, but not good enough to put the Republicans on the spot about blocking an end to the war.?

Specifically, he supports forcing Senate Republicans who are trying to block measures to force Bush?s hand on troop withdrawals to back up their filibuster threats in a dramatic showdown on the Senate floor.
?Republicans are effectively filibustering, but no one knows it,? he said. ?One way to demonstrate what's going on is to make them stand there and read the phone book.?

Or go on a hunger strike. Or send the entire Democratic leadership to protest in the backyards of wavering lawmakers.

?I would rather use my energy to work intellectually to see if we can find common ground that all Democrats? want, to bring home the troops before Bush leaves office, said Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).
?It is not my job to go to members? districts and have sit-ins.?
Some good points made, I think the biggest problem is there is no " end the war now " option that will work. we all know a wholesole pull out would be a disaster , and the whitehouse isn't open to compromise. if the dems went all the way to the mat trying to end the war now not only would it cause a political mess for them it may cause an even worse mess in Iraq. Bush is going to put a dem , probably Hillary in the whitehouse with the war and the dems know it. my guess is they figure it's better for them and the country to not do anything rash until they have control of everything. then they can end the war in a controlled mannor, timing is everything.
What happens if the dems lose the senate in the 2008 election? kind of fools poker to play politics that way. So do you agree with the strategy of let's let Bush continue to bleed the military even though we believe this war is illegal and immoral? Where does one draw the line between what you believe is right and what is politically expediant?

So are you guys saying that this is a HUGE mess?!!

There is no easy answer. It's a mess at this point and I can't wait for the next pres (dem) to get blamed for it.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-07 AT 01:24PM (MST)[p]It's a big mess but politcally neither side can claim superiority in attempting to clean up the big mess. Obviously staying the course has not worked and GWB is a stubborn President who believes he is doing the right thing. Doesn't make Iraq less of a big mess. Burying one's head in the sand and saying it is rosy is not a strategy.

That brings me to what I asked, democratic leadership is on record calling the war in Iraq illegal, immoral and the biggest blunder in our history and they were brought to power in 2006 largely based upon the belief they would end the war. Yet as of this date they have not pulled out every effort to end the war for fear of the political costs.

Which of the two makes you more disgusted? They both make me want to puke. I find it disgusting that no compromise can be reached with the White House and equally or more disgusting that the Democrats leadership is willing to continue on funding a war they believe to be illegal and a blunder for the sake of a few votes.

Neither party is worth a *******

Agreed, your veiw seems to be somewhat moderate, the way it should be. I agree the dems promised to do more and that's why they kicked butt last November, but what would happen in Iraq if they go all out and fight Bush but don't get a full victory? if they cut funding but Bush won't back down what happens? Bush is like a mad man with no compromise in him, what might he do? hold the troops there, feed them porage, arm them with .22s and knives? pay them with IOU's? we really don't know . if the dems did all they could it would be a political blood bath and divide this nation even more than it is now, if that's possible. I'm not sure it's in the countries best interest to go down that path with only a year until the elections. this train wreck can't be fixed overnight, maybe it can't ever be fixed at all by us, the Iraqis may have to do something.

When the dems made most of their promises I don't think they really thought they'ld win enough seats to actually be in the position they are today. not many did , but it shows the mood of the country.

I do hear what you're saying though, it all comes back to extreme politics and the division it's sent through this nation. no good will come of it.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-07 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]> When the dems made most
>of their promises I don't
>think they really thought they'ld
>win enough seats to actually
>be in the position they
>are today.

Typical response. The Dems have had their chance and haven't done anything with it. Just a bunch of empty promises as usually. Now you are saying that there is no easy answer to the Iraq war. DUH!! That's what we have been saying for quite some time now. What happend to the cut and run approach by Democrats? If we could just cut and run without any consequences we would have already done that. The situation in Iraq does not have a simple solution regardless of what political party you belong to. That is why we are still there.
My humble opinion is that the war never was nor will be a priority to the democratic clowns. It was just a vehicle to regain power.


Only in the dems wildest dreams did they think they'ld take the house and senate. polititians make lots of promises, the ones they don't think they'll have a chance to prove up on are the easiest to make. if you want to talk about broken promises and bad predictions look no farther than this administration, the dems are just begining to scratch their way up to that level of incompetence.

Keep in mind the people who pooed in our mess kit can only come up with the " stay the coarse " strategy , deep thinking there huh? that means pass it on to the next guy, or "it" as the case may be. then there's the " The surge " strategy, that means do more of what you've been doing for as long as you can do it, then go back to what you were doing. brilliant, if something isn't working , do more of it.

You want the dems to fix it or else it's their fault, good one . the dems don't have the power to do much of anything but cause Bush trouble, he's got heaping helpings of that , a full blown fight on capitol hill wouldn't help anything right now .

All the dem front runners say they can't promise all troops would be out of Iraq by the time their presidency was up , how do you get cut and run from that? if Bush had used the non partisan B/H report to change the coarse we'ld all be better off and he the most. as the report says there are no good options in Iraq, but some are worse than others, the dems know this. hell no the dems aren't hero's, but Bush has set the bar real low for them.
I believe it was Hitler who wrote in his book Mien Kampf that if something is said long enough and loud enough people will begin to believe it is true no matter what the truth may be. Apperently the Dem strategy taken from Hitler is working on some of you. I just came back from two days of charity event put on for our troops at Ft. Hood. Talked to about 200 different men of all ages. They said what I have said for some time. THE WAR IS NOT LOST. Despite what the Dems say day in and day out. Just because this war is not working for your instant gratification culture does not mean all is lost. Your defeatest attitude is the only thing that can beat us. Think about it. Jesus said your thoughts are what make you. Think about that. One more thing it took 22 years for us to agree on the Constitution. You can not expect Iraq to do it in 4 years.

As for your question. The Dems will say ANYthing to gain power. ANYTHING.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-07 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]202,

I support and continue to support our men and women in the armed services. I have supported this president in regards to the Iraq war for the majority of the time. However there is going to come a day of reckoning shortly when the current strategy has to change. I believe, as most in the military also believe, there has to be a change if for no other reason then that our troops and equipment are stretched too thin. I do no believe GWB is going to change some of the strategy unless forced to do it.

The mess I talk about is the political mess. It is a cluster over there politically and while we have made some nice gains with the Sunni's as of late the Shiites really want no part of the deal. In the Kurdish part of the country we must walk a fine line between supporting the Kurds and keeping Turkey happy. Turkey is a NATO member whom we are pledged to support and defend if attacked. The Kurds are viewed as a terrorist group by Turkey. Turkey has threatened to cross the border to put root out Kurdish terrorist.

Militarily there have been gains and will continue to be gains but if the Politicians don't follow it up with some working form of government then all it for naught. We don't have 22 years to wait for them to get their act together. Comparing them to the U.S. at the time of Framing the Constitution is not a very good comparison.

I think my question was a good one and it should cause some reflection and thinking even among die hard democrats. Do your beliefs and passions line up with your politics? I would say right now that is a difficult question to answer.

Nemont wrote: "I would say right now that is a difficult question to answer."

I don't believe there are very many democrats with enough conviction to answer difficult questions! That requires taking a stand for something, which may 'offend' someone, and what true 'progressive' wants to risk doing that?

>Nemont wrote: "I would say right
>now that is a difficult
>question to answer."
>I don't believe there are very
>many democrats with enough conviction
>to answer difficult questions! That
>requires taking a stand for
>something, which may 'offend' someone,
>and what true 'progressive' wants
>to risk doing that?


Right on the money!

With that shallow thinking we should have nuked Russia back in the cold war days too right? get'em Bubba! if all the answers are so simple why isn't the war already over and Bush a hero?

You guys really need to listen to yourselves once in a while. every expert from every party says there's no military solution for Iraq. so you say the dems reluctant approach to continued military action in Iraq is losing the war. never mind the fact the dems haven't and still aren't calling any of the shots. it's just the bad karma screwing you up right? if only the dems believed it would all be over real soon.

"Stay the coarse" the battle cry of the ignorant.
> With that shallow thinking we
>should have nuked Russia back
>in the cold war days
>too right? get'em Bubba! if
>all the answers are so
>simple why isn't the war
>already over and Bush a
> You guys really need to
>listen to yourselves once in
>a while. every expert from
>every party says there's no
>military solution for Iraq. so
>you say the dems reluctant
>approach to continued military action
>in Iraq is losing the
>war. never mind the fact
>the dems haven't and still
>aren't calling any of the
>shots. it's just the bad
>karma screwing you up right?
>if only the dems believed
>it would all be over
>real soon.
> "Stay the coarse"
>the battle cry of the


Nuke Russia? Does have a nice ring to it at that.

Dude wrote: ""Stay the coarse" the battle cry of the ignorant."

Speaking of ignorant, "coarse", oh the irony!

I guess my spelling is as bad as your politics.

Thanks for the spell check, considering you like Bush I didn't worry much about spelling or the use of the English language.
Wow, what a good comeback! Of "coarse" I should expect as much from someone who spends most of his time on

I haven't looked at Moveon to be honest, if you get a break from your gay porn sites check it out and let me know if moveon looks like something I'd like.
Nemont welcome to the Quandry Hotel, I've been waiting for you to check in for the last 6 months. There is no doubt the scumbag GOP machine wants nothing better than to place a bow on the war and gift it to the Dems. The Dems realize the GOP in typical fashion will spew it's predictable rhetoric of "We were so close to victory until the Dems made us lose the war". A predictable disconnect which seems to embody the supporters of the current administration.

These elephant patridiots are the same ones still proclaiming how great their party is today. One only needs to look at the archives on this site to see how blind and mindless the partisan proponents of this war are. Of course leading that charge would be 202 who thinks flagging his posts with Teddy Roosevelt quotes is somehow going to lend a ounce of credibility to his posts.

For the first 3 years if you didn't support the war, you didn't support the troops. We all should be well aquainted with the Whitehouse spin cycle where bad equals progress, good equals victory, and questioning the administration equals America bashing or being unpatriotic.

Like a horse that's been smacked too many times the Dems are head shy and in reality whose to blame them. You certainly don't hear anyone screaming as to why their Republican representatives are not pulling out all the stops to end the war. Those that do speak up are instantly thrown under the bus. When good people leave the administration and feel it's safe to divulge their displeasure with the war and it's handling...they are thrown under the bus as the elephant patridiots applaud.

The latest was Greenspan, but he is just one of many in a long line that George's cult followers dismiss with a desire to sell books or any irrational excuse other than reality. Afterall, it's always something according to these self-proclaimed republican prognosticators of politics, it's just never the truth if it criticizes lil George.

This is what happens when a political party is hijacked and an idiot has hand picked his crew of yes-men. Republican...what the hell does that even mean anymore! Please tell me what the Republican Party stands for today, better yet tell me what the Dems stand for. You and I have breached this exact subject months ago Nemont.

Here we all are fingers crossed waiting for a bunch of souless haiji's to put together a viable government when we don't have one ourselves.

To answer your question I think the Bush Admin. is hands down the most vile and putrid of our 2 party system. The whole thought of pre-emptive war goes against the very essence of the Republican Party, a party I may add I was once proud to be a member of.

Stand back and take a good look at the last 5 years of this administration, it's agenda, it's followers and I believe given time you will agree.

On a sidenote: Pro, don't be a grammar snob, you know it will only come back to haunt you! :) Nice to be back!
FTW, well said, glad to see you back.

The spelling police tick me off, I can save anyone the trouble of trying to catch me on bad grammer. I make plenty of mistakes like 90% of the rest of the post here do, I'll admit it so enough already. Pro seldom sticks with the topic and presents facts or logic to back his claims up, so when in Rome.
I made the 'spelling' error reference because I saw humor in a comment about 'idiots' with a mis-spleeled word in it, I saw it as irony and just made a little jab. If you can't handle it to bad. It was meant as a way to keep this from being overly serious, nothing more. Lighten up!

Yet another instance of irony, YOU accusing me of changing the subject, yet here YOU are doing the EXACT thing, hmmm.

FTW, you make the assertion that the current Admin is the worst ever, I disagree and only have to go back to the previous one to debunk your theory, then I can say without hesitation both the Carter and LBJadmins had muych worse long-term ramifications on the American way of life. I agreed with the need to go into Iraq, and I STILL think it is where we should be!

Pro you're the one who turned this into Mrs. Bing Belles English class, but enough on that.

Back to the subect. you're wrong.

We seem to line up politically on current events. I would like to share something my 87 year old father said about the war, a lifelong Democrat I would add. He said how can removing the worst mass murderer of our current time have been wrong. He served in the US Army during WWII so he knows the horror of war. He thinks that the Islamos are now our biggest threat. That keeping weapons of mass destruction out of their hands is a top priority.
It was also my father who taught me to always be polite to people even if you don't agree. This is not a slight to you or anyone else here a MM just a explanation why I'm not bombastic about things I believe in with others who don't.


PS Still can't believe I haven't gotten chit about my Southern Cross.

> Pro you're the one who
>turned this into Mrs. Bing
>Belles English class, but enough
>on that.
> Back to the subect. you're


Who the heck is Mrs Bing Belles? I must be dense.


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