The decline of the trophy mule deer

  • Thread starter 30inchbucks (Guest)
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30inchbucks (Guest)

Before you read this keep in mind I've experienced harrassment taking place on our mule deer herds especially in the desert country of limited entry units in both Utah and Arizona. Believe me it's a highly unethical practice of taking a number of trophy animals out of the herds. Limits do need to be set in order to preserve our resource for years to come. On another forum the suggestion was made to set these limitations on limited entry trophy hunting units only. I'm looking for your thoughts as hunters and other ideas to solve problems of technological advances. Think about this, What's next a heat seeking locator? What's your definition of a trophy buck? Please read and enjoy.

Where are all the big bucks? The fish and game departments will blame it on the drought, predators, or other excuses and leave out the truth. Years ago, I can remember archery hunting with my Dad and little brother looking across a big canyon and seeing anywhere from 10 to 15 mature bucks, all sporting huge racks. We would hike all day just to get into the area to hunt them. We never harvested any of those bucks, but every year we had great stories to tell about the one?s that got away. Now in the same area there are 4-wheeler trails all over and the bucks are gone. Yesterdays hunter had to hike or use horse to get into these areas to find the trophy class bucks. Today these areas are overrun by 4-wheelers and now chute planes. A chute plane is an aircraft that holds 1 to 2 passengers and is able to hover at slow speeds. It uses a parachute for wings, a light-duty engine for power, and is also referred to as an ultralite. They are becoming more and more popular especially among the guides. The bucks are running out of places to hide and the truth of the matter is they can't hide anymore.
The idea of a trophy buck has also changed over the years. A trophy of yesterday is one that was worked for personally with many hours of preseason scouting and then getting lucky enough during the hunt to harvest the trophy class animal. Today the trophy is still one that is worked for, however, there are those that think paying thousands of dollars for a tag and guide for one is still a trophy. Magazines have pictures of huge bucks and stories behind them but they are leaving out the gruesome details. Most of these bucks were purchased with the almighty dollar. Greed is slowly destroying our deer herds.
The fish and game departments of many different states have closed areas down and have made them limited entry units. These areas are supposed to create better opportunities for hunters to harvest mature trophy class animals. But these areas are creating moneymaking opportunities for the guides, landowners, and even the fish and game (Governor Tags). These landowner, conservation, and governor tags are being sold to the rich for prices ranging from four to one hundred thousand dollars! The rich are able to hunt these units every year at the prime times and the rest of us are being left out. The average hunter is lucky to hunt these areas once every ten years and is lucky to find a trophy class animal that hasn't already been pinpointed by guides, landowners, or someone else trying to make a quick buck. With all this money pressure out there to find and locate these big bucks, guides are utilizing every resource they can get their hands on to aid in the process. This is where the chute plane comes into play as a major contributor to eliminating the big bucks.
The desert country of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona has in the past been a trophy mule deer Mecca. The huge country once offered plenty of hiding ground for mule deer to grow huge antlers and escape the average hunter. Chute planes are able to hover just barely over the treetops at slow speeds and there is nothing that can't be found. It is impossible for the deer to hide from them. Currently, these planes can be used until 48 hours before the hunt opens. With a plane and a good GPS these deer don't have a chance. These big bucks are harassed all year long and it's only a matter of time before a good area is wiped out. Affected by this activity is the famed Paunsagunt in Southern Utah, an area that is known for big bucks is now struggling. What once was, is now gone. Every year this unit has produced big bucks and it still does, but today there are very few that get that opportunity. This year 2003 out of 127 public rifle tags there was one buck known of taken that was 30-inches plus. The magazines and books that come out will claim different and show pictures of big bucks taken, but what they don't tell is that the hunter paid big money to harvest it and chute planes were used to locate it. Another area that is known for big bucks is the remote area of the Arizona Strip in Northern Arizona. It is an area that still holds big bucks and guides have moved into the area in the last few years because the other areas have been cleaned out. The strip is in trouble because it will not be able to sustain that kind of pressure. It is similar to the Henry Mountains of Southern Utah where there are very few deer; it took only two years to clean that area out.
There is nothing wrong with guides trying to make an honest living or landowners that need to be compensated for their losses, but things have gotten way out of hand. There needs to be limits set or big bucks will be a thing of the past. The bottom line is that where these big bucks used to hide they can't hide anymore. Just like 4-wheelers, chute planes are becoming more and more popular. What if every hunter that had a 4-wheeler also had a chute plane? If this happens think about this, ?In the beginning God created everything including big bucks, then he created man and they bought chute planes, in the end there was nothing!? We can choose to do one of three things. One, sit back and do nothing or let these wildlife organizations suck our money and do nothing. Two, buy us a chute plane and join them in the task of killing everything. Three, organize as a group the largest ever and petition our legislators, local RAC members, and wildlife board members to change the laws in order to save our valuable resource.
Therefore, we must restrict the operation of chute planes or any other aircraft that hovers at any time of the year that are used to locate or harass any big game animal. Currently the law restricts the use only during the hunt and 48 hours before the hunt opens. By restricting use during any time of the year, everyone would be on a more equal playing field and hard work along with traditional ground methods would be used to locate. The animals could then hide creating the opportunities that we once had. Another thing we can do at a more personal level is not support these activities by purchasing their products. Names will not be mentioned but a lot of them are involved with creating videotapes, books, and magazines. It is tempting to have a look but think about what they are doing. There are plenty of products out there that are good and support the ethical hunter. They might not be as extravagant or loaded with huge racks, but you can have a clear conscience when purchasing them. We?re not after your money; all we're after is your support in order to change what is happening. We need the support of every ethical hunter out there both young and old. All we need is a statement that reads like this, ?I am in full support of amending the law to make it unlawful for any person to use chute planes or any other aircraft that hovers at any time of the year, in order to locate, observe, or harass any big game animal or protected wildlife? along with your name and full address. If every ethical hunter out there would support this we would have the means to get it passed. Please make your voice heard using the contact information below:

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (
Regional Advisory Councils-Chairs

Ernie Perkins, Northern Region
[email protected]
3087 Maxine Drive
Layton, UT 84040-7659
801-479-4010 facsimile

Clay Hamann, Northeastern Region
[email protected]
1673 N 3500 W
Vernal, UT 84078-9736

Ed Kent, Central Region
[email protected]
611 East Taylor Lane
Murray, UT 84107

##### Manus, Southeastern Region
[email protected]
1384 W 300 N
Price, UT 84501

Gregg McGregor, Southern Region
[email protected]
1683 Snow Canyon Dr.
Santa Clara, UT 84765

Utah Legislator Contact Information

Arizona Game and Fish Department

Main Office-Phoenix
2221 W Greenway Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85023-4399
[email protected]

Arizona Legislator Contact Information

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30inch I am completely behind you on this subject. I have only hunted for 5 years and I didn't back when there were big bucks everywhere but my father and uncles did and I have heard stories and I wish that it was back that way. Hunters are becoming very unethical in their pursuit of trophy mule deer. Don't get me wrong there are also many that do it in a fair manner. Our fish and Game Department here in Utah, I feel, has let hunting in this state chaotic. They allow many things such as chute planes to be used in pursuit. And you are correct, GPS along with any aircraft can result in easy hunting. Where in this process could anyone feel any accomplishment for taking a trophy animal? I for one wouldn't feel any accomplishment. I have a friend that lives here in Northern Utah. Last year on the opening day of the general hunt a helicopter was flown to the top of this area in which they were hunting, the proceeded to shoot a large mule deer buck and took it out on the helicopter. This makes me furious. You would THINK that the fish and game would have done something about it. I know she was not the only person up there that day and I know they were called but what did they do? NOTHING! I mean how many helicopters can there be out there that can be used that day to take a deer. I just feel our fish and game department does nothing. I mean that's my two sense. But I"m all behind you 30inchbuck. I am glad that someone stands up for our hunting rights, I hope we all can follow behind him.

While we are at it maybe we could protest scopes for rifles, or possibly even the rifles themselves that will shoot 400+ yards. Maybe we should protest optics that will allow us to see for thousands of yards and have such wonderful light gathering capabilities that they can literally add 30 minutes to each day in the field. What about Gore-Tex? Damn the Gore-Tex for keeping the lazy hunters on 4-wheelers dry, lets outlaw that as well! My grandfather did not have waterproof boots with airbob soles when he was growing up and there were a ton of 30" bucks back then! Damn evolution and technological advances, its all ruining deer hunting! My real problem however is with the damn Elk! You see, Mule Deer are specialists and Elk are opportunists according to Dr. Valerius Geist and he goes on to state in his book that while Elk have a much more varied diet, the first thing they eat is what the Mule Deer thrives on thus moving the mule deer out of the country. Lets just kill all of the elk and while we are at it, maybe we could just burn all of the homes that are being developed in prime wintering grounds that are so crucial for maintaining a healthy deer herd. I guarantee its the same liberal SOBs that want to outlaw hunting that are destroying all of the prime habitat. The devil of the hunting world though are the guys that charge outragous amounts of money to kill "trophy" mule deer. I know, I know, they are killing giant, older age class bucks that have contributed heavily to the gene pool but I cant afford it and it just pisses me off.

I hope that you notice the "hint" of sarcasm on the above paragraph. If a guy locates a deer with a chute plane well before the season and hunts that particular deer all year, do you honestly think he is the one that is ruining hunting for us? I seriously doubt it. I would much rather someone find a deer that is in all probability an older age class deer with giant antlers and hunt that deer than have a bunch of weekend warriors killing every year and a half old forked horn that may have had the potential to be a tremendous deer in the future. I hate the fact that when a hunter forks out 100K+ of his money to hunt the best units in the best times fellow hunters chastise them and hate them for having "special priveleges" and not thanking them for all of the money they just spent for the conservation and preservation of the animals we all love to hunt. I hate the fact that people that have a complaint about whats going on dont have the gonads enough to post on a forum where people would know who is posting. Its so much easier to place the blame on others than it is to look in the mirror and ask, "what can I do to help?". I am just as guilty as the next guy, I should do more, and intend to do more but I am human and procrastinate just as much as the next guy.

There are many more things than 4 wheelers and chute planes that are contributing to the demise of the mule deer, in fact, in the whole scheme of things I believe that they are a very minor problem. I have a secret I will let everybody in on, ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! The states are managing for quantity and not quality, hunters generate revenue for these small communities out west where these giant deer you talk about live, they also generate BILLIONS of dollars every year for the states out west. What about asking UT and AZ to cut the tags back by half but double the cost of the permit? Oh my god, I just pissed off thousands of people off because I am actually implying that we should make it even more expensive than it already is thus making it more of a rich mans sport and putting it even more out of reach for the "working class man". It would all even out in the long run, instead of hunting every year you might hunt every other year therefore spending the same amout of money on permits. It would also allow the deer in the ares you hunt to get some age on them. Hell, I dont know what the answers are, this is just a suggestion but dont just whine about the problem, come up with the solution. I have found over the years that the ones doing the most complaining are the guys that are too lazy to get off their butts and actually hunt, I love it when guys (and there are a few on this site)go out andd hunt this "horrible" country and continue to harvest mature mule deer by not complaining and hunting hard!

Again, unless we make everyone hunt with open sighted rifles while wearing only wool clothes and non waterproof boots and carrying foggy old 1950 style binoculars and hunting on foot we should focus on the solution and not the problem.

Drummond Lindsey
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-03 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]Well, I had the pleasure of hunting the Strip a couple of times back in the mid '70s. Haven't had a tag since then, but a relative did a few years back. Although two data points probably don't qualify me to make assumptions and blanket statements, nonetheless my impression is the strip is "better" now than it was in the '70s. It's also my impression that the '70's was as bad as got up there. Tell me, how many tags were there from '65 to '75 and say '93 to '03?

FWIW, back in the day, you could drive your jeep anywhere you could take it, and many did. These just might be the good old days.
I'm not saying that this is the only reason that our deer herd is in the shape that it is in, but it is a part of it. Obviously drought, habitat loss, and predators are to blame too, but are you telling me that technology has nothing to do with it! I'm talking about ethics and fair chase here! Why don't you just go down and buy yourselves a heat seeking locating device! There has to be some kind of limitations on what is used to locate animals or things are going to get way out of hand. At first, there was foot and horse, then there was just a motorcycle, then the 3 wheeler, then the 4 wheeler, two-way radios, GPS, and now chute planes. What's next? Don't you think access has something to do with it? How many of you have hiked all day and get into an area that you think nobody is around and then you run into a 4-wheeler parked in the area where there are no roads? I have and the chute plane problem hasn't spread into all areas yet. It as far as I can tell is centralized in the trophy deer units in the desert country of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. I'm not talking about putting limits on things we can't do anything about for example rifles with scopes or 4-wheelers. But we can limit certain things that happen in the future like chute planes. It's not a widespread problem currently, but it will be. It seems like every weekend lately when I've been out on the Arizona strip I've seen someone out there flying. I know who they are, but I'm not going to mention any names. They know themselves it's unethical but they do it any way because it's legal and big money is involved. If you don't think it is a problem then just wait until you draw one of those units and your in competition with their chute plane or you suddenly find there is nothing left like on the Paunsagunt, then maybe you'll understand what I'm talking about!
Well, it isn't hard to make a few guesses about who you're talking about. And I'm not going to sit here and condone the methods you're railing against. But it's nice that you recognize that your post is really an ethics rant, and not about saving the deer by locking them up so nobody can hunt them. It's a long ways horseback down there from St George.;-)
I agree, no type of aircraft should be legal for hunting. But enforcing the law would be difficult. I agree with what huntsonora said about raising license fees. Most western state's resident deer tag prices are ridiculously low, especially when you look at what a non-resident tag is. One of the biggest problems in my opinion is the states giving outfitters guaranteed tags for their clients. Also states giving landowners tags that are then sold to the highest bidder. This is just selling the public's wildlife, and it's not right. What needs to happen is tag fees need to be increased, possibly doubled like huntsonora suggested, and ALL tags need to be by drawing only. Just my opinion, but it's right. :)
I have also noticed a decline in big bucks in Wyo. were I live.
Do to the fact of to many tags being issued every year and the harvesting of young bucks before they can spread there genes. And the major facter in my opionin is the harrassment of deer on the winter ranges.Every year countless bucks die to unethical antler hunters chasing the deer to get them to loose there antlers.Don't get me wrong I love shed hunting as much as the next guy. But in the 20 years I've been shed hunting and photographing deer I have noticed a dramatic drop in deer # and big buck #. And if something is'nt done soon it will be to late.
Correct me if I'm wrong,but dont laws concerning harassing wildlife with an aircraft already exist?? It is ileagle to do so with a Helicopter,fixed wing,chute plane or anything,even an ATV. So pass more laws to cover something already covered? Sounds like big Government to me.I think all states have laws now about flying during a hunt right? Prosicute those who break the law...make more Laws? Give me a break!

Anything that flys does so with permission from the FAA, Concerning Powered Parachutes, they fly (if doing so leagly) with an exemption from the FAA and FAR part 103. I dont think a state can pass a law that interfears with a Federal Law. The UltraLight community as a whole are law abiding fun seeking people. Just like poachers who drive trucks, you CAN'T make it ileagle for all people to drive trucks. I will keep flying as long as I wish, doing so leagly, with my licence from the ASC, governed by the FAA. Anyone who is a lawbreaker needs to be delt with, not all Powered Parachutists are out harassing game....(Shed hunters do alot more harassing!)
havn't posted in a while but I will here. in addition to all the reasons mentioned above, the only way to make better bucks and more of them is to simply DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF HUNTERS KILLING THEM! it's really that simple folks. huntsonora has hit the nail on the head. more tags issued equals more revenue. no one wants to admit this especially hunters. we all ##### and complain when they make "their" area a draw and we wants more opportunities to hunt. me too, but i'm willing to go every other year or so and have a good hunt then go every year and not. just my .02.
Excuse Drummond as he has rich doctor buddys who hire planes to fly for them . So he is biased.
Outstanding post 30 inch buck. In my opinion for hunting to exact any credibility it must be about fair chase. It must be about the hunter out witting the prey on at least a level field , preferbly skewed to the preys advantage. The animal should have the advantage. To compare the use of a low flying, slow flying aircraft to a high powered scope or gortex boots is inaccurate and probably a rationalization to excuse ones own use or the use of friends. The use of chute planes has been effective enough in the harvest of older age class deer to cause the Arizona Game and Fish to consider severly limiting tags on the strip.This cut wont effect the "hunters" using the Quote" scouting tool", it will effect me and you. The guy hoping to hunt it once in his lifetime.A mature , trophy , muledeer buck is truly a rare animal. In a few wild places on this earth he still exists. Do we really want the symbol of our passion, as eveidenced by the very website were on, exposed by mans newest toy and cashed in. True enough these "hunters" are probably hunting the oldest of the bucks. The bucks that have passed on thier genes, but do we really see any honer in cheating the wiley veteran in this manner.It was said that there are many factors causing muledeer numbers to crash. True. This is one nail we can keep out of the coffin.

I do not condone the use of an aircraft (or for that matter any powered vehicle) to assist in the taking of an animal. That said, I just want to raise a point before you get to vocal over this point. The idea of outlawing scopes, rifles, boots is logical. For example, if they decide to outlaw machine-guns, ok... I don't need one, but the next step to semi-autos becomes easier... ok, I can use a bolt... but now it is the rifle itself that is banned and this has happened before you know it. Make wure that you make the distinction between using an item to BREAK THE LAW and using it in a questionable manner. We need to keep this in mind or we might end up shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot. I would hate to help the antis out.
Some interesting posts and I must admit, that I didn't read through them all. However, I did read the first post and must admit some interesting points were brought up.

Having limited my deer hunting to Idaho and Utah I will only express my opinion as to the decline of our deer herd(in Utah) The decline in my opinion is as follows:

1- Utah Fish and Game

2- Not enough public land/loss of winter range

4- Too many access roads

5- Predators

6- Increased elk herd

I rank these in order, from most impact to least. I am sure I will get hell for it but that is my opinion.

There is no question in my opinion that the Fish and Game needs to shoulder more of the blame on the deer herd decline. More needs to be done to preserve the deer winter range. I would be happy if they doubled the deer tag prices in Utah (as long as the money was put to use FOR the DEER).

They need to shut down more access roads (and yes I do own a 4-wheeler).

After hunting this past year, I have seen more deer kills than I have ever seen. Hopefully, fur prices will rise and put more pressure on the coyotes.

And last, I believe that with so much emphasis on the elk herds, they have increased to the point where they are running of the deer. The Fish and Game realizes there is more value in a deer than an elk. I know I will get grief for saying this (and I do like to hunt elk), but I don't think the herds (elk and deer) are balanced.

I keep hearing that the "Sportsman" are accountable. And I must admit; yes, to a point we are. But the FISH and GAME are getting paid to do a job, and need to make changes.

Do you really think that 10 elk = -30 deer? If so then explain why when Ive been elk hunting I have encountered as many deer as elk. You can have balance in places like your home, office, school, church but as far as mother nature is concerned it is alot less attainable, no matter what we rule for or against. I dont see anyone here blaming someone/something for the few bighorn sheep that we have the pleasure of walking our mountains. Where is the equality there?

Why is it then that there seems to be more whitetails than in previous years in states like Pennsylvania, Illinois, Minnesota ect... with less and less land for these animals to inhabit? If whitetails are that hardy of a species, then why not transplant 500,000 of those things through out the western US and just hunt them..........with my tuff skin jeans and chuck taylor sneakers and tote nothing more than a marlin lever action 30-30. LOL hehehehe

Those are some great points! The fish and game are suppose to be biologists! How long did they have to go to school for that designation. I wonder if any of them have ever hunted! I agree just give out some more tags maybe they can just kill everything and then we won't have to worry about it anymore!!!!!! They need few more hunts too!!!!!! Let's close some more areas down and then open them too early and then give out too many tags and destroy everything in sight!!!! As far as the chute planes let's give everyone the opportunity to get one and make more lenient laws so we can chase them down and throw grenades out of it!!!!! Sounds great!!! Seriously this crap needs to stop now!!!! Let's make our voices heard!!!!
The answer is easy the reson why there arent a lot of trophy deer left is people go out and shoot a 2 point the first day and if it where me i wouldnt shoot a deer if i had to shoot a 2 point. this year i had chances at 2x2 and 2x3 with a bow but i decided to pass and iam glad i did because the first saterday of the muzzloader i taged a good 4x5. All that iam saying is if you give these 2 points and three points a chance to grow they will be great bucks some day.
To all, If you look at most of the files charged by game and fish authorities alot of them have to due with animal herasment!
But I do believe a person flying high enough to locate animals it not a crime,but running them down with a plane is and should be taken seroiusly.
Now lets get to the rich people.
For all you people that may know or not the Governors tag moneys goes to the animal specific orginazation not the Game and Fish The Game and Fish has rules and regulations of what can be done with that money IE( water hole projects-game relocation-and a whole lot of other things) the state does NOT use that money in it's internal organization.The people that big on those tags due get a Awsome opportunity to harvest a real trophy due the the time and areas of the hunt but those people also pay a hefty price in Arizona the deer auction tags go for over 100,000,00 dollars each and maybe chump change for them,it helps so many other deer in Arizona due to the Arizona Deer Association put that money to great use for the herds in Arizona.

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