The day you die


Long Time Member
If you could see months or years into the future of the date on which you would die, would you want to know?
No, I would rather not know when I am going to die. Ignorance is bliss!

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I would definitely want to know as much information about my future death as possible, if possible. Hopefully when that day does come I go out with a bang instead of just falling asleep and not waking up. Maybe a sick crash where I wrap my truck around a big ole tree and the windshield cuts my entire body in half...I dunno gotta be lots of blood though!!

I'm not normal, I know... ;-)

All I want to know is if I will live long enough to draw my Az Desert Sheep tag.

On the other hand knowing the exact date would be usefull. That last year would be full of women, booze and dareing stunts.
Hey TAG, which would ya ride the mostest??

-Z-....that's the dumbest question I've heard in a very long time!

I'd wanna know when I'm gonna die. That would give me time to give my kids as much "worldly" info as I could without freaking them out on why I'm talking about that stuff. Also, if I know what day I'm dying, maybe I can make arrangements to be with my mother in law and teach her a lesson! LOL

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
So I could roll the dices and see if I could come up big with a huge money roll to leave for my family.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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