The Dallas Cowboys WILL WIN the Superbowl

PPPLLLLLLLEAASE!!!! They will contend but don't have the hosses to go the distance.

AFC - Colts, Pats or Bolts. Take your pick.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Oh, for F**k sakes, this is just gonna be a roll call of the dallas cowsh!t haters.........

personally i think we are more likely to see 13 arrests out of dallas than 13 wins! Now aint that the truth!

tageater, Dammit, the arrests already happened. LOL Criminals can play ball, right? I think Cincy may have the most lawbreakers in the NFL now. mtmuley
"Criminals can play ball, right?"

- apparently yes, they do. And your right i bet the bengels have the most arrests in the last 2 years.

But i dont look at it as a team thing, ie miami has had this many arrests and Denver this many, i look at it from a league wide perspective, and the NFL harbors criminals.

i know not more than any other company. But WAY MORE than any other company that has as many fans of the "product"!

-back to your "prayer"- i hope it works out for the boys.....i'll be the first to admit it if i'm wrong.
I realize the NFL has a problem with players and their conduct. I was not making light of that fact. It amazes me that people that possess such talent and bright futures make such bad decisions. After last years collapse, I guess I am "praying" for the Boys. mtmuley
I really dont wanna hi-jack your thread, but while its still on my brain,

you say:
It amazes me that people that possess such talent and bright futures make such bad decisions

I say:
First they have to be smart enough to realize that what is in front of them is an opportunity, not a birthright that is owed to them with some acrage and a farm critter.

but thats symantics, not worth even mentioning again. thats my rant,i'm done.

tageater, You didn't hijack, You went WAAAY off base man. I was just wanting to talk football. mtmuley
Yeah i guess i did, but thats what hi-jacking is(as far as i know the word) taking someones thread and going into an unrelated topic.

thanks for understanding
i think i have it out out of my system now!

>RM, Sorry, I got exited. Been
>awhile since my team has
>has had a shot. mtmuley

"MY TEAM" Yep, they used to be my team too, and Americas team, but I just know them as "Jerry's team" now. Winning like the Spurs do it (with classy people) = my team. Winning by hiring a bunch of hoodlums, not what I want to support when my kids are watching. JMO.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
There are a lot of jokes posted on this site.

Some of them are way more humorous than this one......a "joke" none the less, it made me laugh pretty good!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-08 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]Bronco Fan here, but I agree 100% that Dallas is not only going to the big show but will be Super Bowl Champions....Barring injury, 16 weeks in the NFL is a long,long time, but barring injury to the main studs of that roster , yeah they will be dominating the NFC IMO....

I don't think Cinci is the team full of law breakers anymore, last week while listening to ESPN radio they said Jacksonville has had 12 arrests from players on thier team in the last 2 1/2 years....

And since I'm here , I HATE THE FRIGGEN RAIDERS!!!!!And chiefs , but damnn it I hate the RAIDERS AND THEIR CRAZY AZZ NATION FOLLOWERS!!!!
I am a cowboys fan all the way. I know as well as anyone they have had some troublemakers, but they also have and have had some very class act players. Jason Witten is one example of a super good guy and does lots of charity stuff. We should recognize that there are also players who are what we would want our kids looking up to and I think even Dallas has a handful of them on their team.
Big D is not as bad as the Viking's they even make the Raiders
look like cheerleaders when they were hoodlums!
Even though it was only the first game of the season, the Cowboys looked pretty unstopable. Not to mention that they were going up against a pretty pathetic Brown D squad.

The Eagles looked pretty damned good also. But again, they were playing a piss poore Rams D. It should be a good battle between the two to decide the NFC imo.
they were the only team this weekend that really looked like champions .... I believe they go all the way and win
hahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Choko Romo will do what he is famous for 8 games in as the pressure builds he will collapse and take the team down with him. T O will complain he isnt gettin the ball Pacman will do his thing and what happens cowboys collapse!!!!!

Wildlife population control specialist
Tony Romo should just focus on teaching his girlfriend the ABC's because the Cowboys will not win the superbowl. Go Broncos.
steelers looked good! the eagles looked good! denver looked good
the bills,packers and bears all played a good game!
so when someone says the cowboys were the only team who looked like champions make me think that person is a jackass and hope it jinks his team!
ya raiders suck ....I had fun at work with raider fanatic' hay Jose did ya watch the game? what was all those noise's that sounded like gun shots? I don't know he said then I said I just thought it was all the raiders fan's where committed suicide!
need some help removing that new bumper sticker...
danny wheres that new raider hat you were wearing all last week?
I told you guys....but no one listens to me!
0 and 3 for a start I said!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-08 AT 08:16PM (MST)[p]It was a good start, I think. Don't care what anyone says, Romo is the real deal. I'd say it if he played anywhere else too. Philly next, a tough team. But, a good start. mtmuley Oh Yeah, What do you guys think the loss of Brady will do to the Pats?
Seems as though I wasn't the only one who thought this thread was some kind of joke.....I'm still laughin'.

Half them Cowboys will violate their bail requirements before midway thru the season.

..."Romo is the real thing" was Brady, until.....whoops, NOW what do we do?
I guess Dallas should pack it in already. No talent, and a team of criminals. I know of one in trouble. nickman, who are the others that make up half the team? mtmuley
The picture rackmaster posted says it all. Romo again will screw it up for his team once the playoffs start. Great regular season QB, whole different story come playoff time. Sorry Cowboys.
I didn't know they still had a team in Dallas, I thought it was just a circus...


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