the crocidile hunter


Very Active Member
Steve Irwin, good crocidile hunter, bad father. When you are more dangerous for your kids than michael jackson, you have a problem.

"I was in total control" were Roy and Tim treadwell, IDIOT.

poor parenting, mate.
A parent's first priority is the saftey of kids!
Very irresponsible!
I have a beef with his wife too! She was here in California making appearences to put a stop to Fish and Game's attempt to open hunting seasons on Mountain Lions!
I can't remember seeing any hunter friendly people on the "animal planet"channel.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-04 AT 02:22PM (MST)[p] He fed a chicken to a 12 foot croc with one hand, and held his infant son in the other. Then he "teased" the croc with his baby, Walking him along the ground in front of the hungry crocodile who was in feeding mode.

If you or I jumped into the zoo's croc pit and did this, we would be arrested, but he does it and it's ok?

Don't get me started on his dumb wife!!!
That sounds a little crazy all right.

Please do get started on his wife. I'm kind of bored and this seems interesting.
Both he and his wife are goofier than sh!thouse rats! What a douche to do that to your kid and then act like it is safe and natural.

Life long "vagitarian"
He and his wife pose as such good wildlife experts that are saving wildlife But how is harassing wildlife for the sake of TV ratings, helping wildlife? Do your think all those creatures love to be harrassed? How many of the creatures he "catches" get so stressed that they die as soon as the camera is off? I look at what he does no different than poor winter range ethics. The guy is a FREAK not a crusader for wildlife.
What a bonehead! I sincerely hope that he does not learn the hard way how stupid his actions are.
BCBOY is right!!!
I saw a picture of his wife in her home state of washington, protesting the cougar hunt, while cuddling one of her "pet cougars". What a hipocrit!!! how can she protest the lawfull harvest of these animals, wich has proved to benefit the population as a whole, while she prefers to keep them in cages for her entertainmit and personal benifit, causing them slow unnatural deaths, killing their spirit long before their money making bodies are buried in her back yard.

plus she's ugly.
I must be as nutty as the croc hunter!!!. I think he's an expert and had complete control of the situation...What he did is fine with me...
You never have complete control of a situation. There may be only the slightest chance that anything could or will happen, but even the most minute chance of something happening is too much when an infant is involved. That is what people have a problem with. He could have tripped and that could trigger an accident.
I hope you never take your infant in a car...or give it a bath, or let it sleep next to you, or feed it..It might choke...My point is let the pro's do what they do best and STOP passing judgement on things we no nothing about...People see that big bad scary croc and automatically think it's going to eat everything in it's path...If you want to chastise someone go after Michael "the freak" Jackson hell he hangs his infants off of 3 story balconies by one leg....
I am serious when it comes to the croc hunter... I think he had complete control of the situation. The pot can always use a good stir!!!lol.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-04 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]Roy was in complete control.(pet tiger)

Tim Treadwell and his girlfriend were in control.(gentle bears)

What MJ did was stupid, but it did not involve a WILD animal. You never have control over a wild creature. C'mon kingfish, you can't really compare everyday actions you do for your child to teasing a croc with them. One slip on that wet cement and it's over. The croc doesn't know that he's on tv, or the difference between a chicken and a baby.

If you want to endanger yourself, that's ok. Endangering a baby is not........

I don't know, but isn't kingfish from WA(same area as croc hunter's wife) You aren't being paid off by terry irwin are you????lol
The most amazing moment of the whole episode was when the chute plane flew over the top of Irwin and his infant. It looked suspiciously like either 30" incher or BC BOY.

What an in CONTROL dork.
King- I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I just don't think that risking the life of your child is acceptable no matter how good you are.
i agree with kingfish. i never saw his kid get close enough to worry about. ya gotta raise them kids up tough anyway. when he's old an in a wheel chair his kid can do the same thing to him. i'm always kickin' my ol' man's cane out from under him so's he'll fall down. payin' him back for all the times he roped me when i was kid. if he'da tied a rope to him and trolled around a bit, then maybe he'd be across the line. danglin' a kid in front a croc ain't no big deal. i wasn't much older than that before my ol' man started pourin' lion piss on me and makin' me run around the hill so's he could turn his hounds loose and train em a bit. scars build character. i bet none o' you guys ever tell your kids to blow in the garden hose cuz it's plugged or to hold the spark plug wire on the lawn mower either. man, they gotta learn.
The more I think about it, it's probably just as well if he does do something stupid, the world doesn't need any more Irwins.wahahahaha(evil laugh)
That act is worse than Michael Jackson holding his kid over that railing. I think Jacksons' act was more out of pure excitement but the croc hunters' was pre planned. Idiot.

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