The Cowboys Will Win The Superbowl


Long Time Member
That time of year Boys. My yearly prediction. Yep, Football will happen this year, and I, for one, am pretty happy. THIS is the year for the Cowboys. No fudgePacker repeat, no Philly "dream team". The COWBOYS. So, c'mon and tell me why not. Pre-season two days away. mtmuley
why not? its the cowboys.....nuff said

Well MtMuley,

The Road to the Superbowel starts with Denver on Thursday.

P.S. My misspelling of 'Superbowl' is intentional.
Why not. Cowboys have as much a chance as any other team to win the SB. Bedsides, their my team. Go Cowboys!

mtmuley, good to see you're back. Last year you vanished like a fart in a hurricane at week seven.
Of course they will and tomorrow I'll wake up and realize that Obama being president was just a bad dream.
I think I just threw up in my mouth! They cowgirls won't even make the playoffs!

Traditional >>>------->
oh sorry....I should have been easier on you...english being your second language and all...

This thread may hit an all time high on responses due to the fact they will choke it up again. Muley you crack me up bro, thanks for the entertainment.

OK.....Lets start a pool!
Get a "bookie" and lay down some bets.
Put up $50 per entry.
favorite team,
season record,
total score for tie breaker.

100 players is a new custom rifle.

1000 players is,,,,,,A fully guided trip to New Zealand for Red Stag!

".....but by God, I never said a word to a pig!"
Glad to see you're still delirious MT.
Reminds me of a BBQ I was at a couple of weeks ago. This guy has Cowboys EVERYTHING around his house. Later that night, we're watching "The Longest Yard" and my buddy asks "who's that" referring to Michael Irvin. I about fell over laughing so hard. The two of you should get together and talk about how much you dont know about your team.
Ah yes, The regulars are still about with their amusing little comments. But, that's part of the fun. So take your shots now gentleman. I'm confident. Yeah I was last year too, and I ate a $hitload of crow. (I posted up as such some will remember) No crow this year. zekers, your bud must be an idiot. mtmuley
Yeah, he's as sharp as a marble.

At least you have balls...albeit ill advised. Good luck this year trying to have a .500 season!
I think they have as good a shot as anyone else. If Romo stays healthy, they are going to have a good season.Who ever said they wouldnt make the playoffs is kidding themselves.I say they will have 11 wins this year.
I agree
COWBOYS WILL WIN SUPERBOWL DRAFT PICK #1 with another losing season.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Romo lost this game tonight. He has a knack of going brain dead at the worst possible time in a game. I had high hopes for him this season, but after tonight's meltdown, I don't think this guy will ever change.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-11 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]Actually JB, it's my 3rd language. But, that's O.K. I understand you have to be a plick.

Its like the swallows returning to Capistrano. As soon as I see this post I know its time to get serious on archery so I will next weekend. They lost last night by the way. In retrospect you shouldn't feel that bad about them loosing it was in the usual way with Romo fumbling and then throwing a late interception.

I wish I could pattern antelope like I can pattern the Cowboys. Everybody should have a team, I'm glad you do just remember some have to have teams that disappoint their fans.
>Its like the swallows returning to

Don't you mean the salmon of Capistrano? You know, like Aspen - someplace warm where the beer flows like wine and the beautiful women instinctively flock?


The Cowboys have as much of a chance of winning the Superbowl as Lloyd and Harry did of getting on that bus and becoming oil boys. In fact, Harry or Lloyd might do a better job leading that team than FumbleRomo would. But don't let that get you down Mt. Muley - you just keep on believing!!

"So....... you're saying there's a chance!"


EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. ? Tony Romo(notes) sat hunched on a locker room stool, staring down into his cell phone as he scrolled through his messages. He?d just played a starring role in a brutal collapse, a sure-bet Dallas Cowboys victory turning into a 27-24 crushing loss to the New York Jets.

The heat was coming, everyone knew.

?We know that Tony struggles with pressure,? said the Jets? Darrelle Revis(notes), just the kind of statement that will haunt Romo until he proves otherwise.

More From Dan WetzelJags cut Garrard and odds of winning division Sep 6, 2011 Turns out Patriots may need Haynesworth Aug 28, 2011 New season for the Cowboys, same old question about late-game failures. Same old criticism about big-play mistakes for their quarterback.

Dallas was one yard and 8:59 from a statement, show-the-critics-they're-wrong victory over the Jets. ?A very big prize,? said owner Jerry Jones.

Then Romo fumbled on New York?s 1-yard line. Then the offense stalled, a punt got blocked, and the Jets went on to score. Then Romo threw an easy pick to Revis with 49 seconds left and the Jets went on to score again.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

Disaster. Disaster. Disaster.

And just like that Romo was sitting on that stool in disbelief, seemingly not in a hurry to go anywhere.

?I cost us the football game tonight,? he said
There just isn't anything better than watching that "good QB" choke again, and lose another game for that rotten damned team! The Homo just is not a good quarterback. With that said, I think Green Bay is the team to beat, and will play the Ravens in the SB. Green Bay goes back to back.
Have your fun guys. Romo took the blame but he didn't lose that game alone. Maybe Witten lost it by not getting in the end zone. Maybe the Jets got a lucky punt block. Maybe a lot of things. Romo's easy to blame but hardly the whole problem. I'll tell you what, with a brand new offensive line and a patchwork secondary, the Cowboys gave a team that went to the AFC championship two years running, ALL they could handle. In a game that was supposed to be a blowout. Yep, they lost. Yep, I'm disappointed. The first game of the season. 15 to go. It may not be this year, but with the new coaching and young team.......they're on the way soon. As far as Green Bay...NO DEFENSE in the first game. No Superbowl this year, no way. Again, I love the "haters" nonsense. Makes one wonder how some can focus so much energy into disliking something they have no control over. Bet they win next week. mtmuley

LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-11 AT 10:44PM (MST)[p]What focuses these guys "hatred" is your insistance on posting your yearly prediction.

I'd bet if you quit calling your thread "The Cowboys Will Win The Superbowl" and call it "It may not be this year, but they're on the way to the Superbowl soon." These guys would ease up, and might even agree with you*

*-if they 'boys got rid of the over-hyped choke prone QB

Just my 2cents.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-11 AT 10:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-11 AT 10:27?PM (MST)

>Have your fun guys. Romo took
>the blame but he didn't
>lose that game alone. Maybe
>Witten lost it by not
>getting in the end zone.
>Maybe the Jets got a
>lucky punt block. Maybe a
>lot of things. Romo's easy
>to blame but hardly the
>whole problem.

Easy to blame?? He fumbles going in on the two, he throws an easy pick to Revis which led to the winning field goal. YOU HAVE TO PUT THIS LOSS SQUARELY ON HIS SHOULDERS - IF NOT FOR THOSE TWO THINGS - REGARDLESS OF THE PUNT BLOCK - THE COWBOYS WIN. THERE REALLY IS NO ONE OR NOTHING ELSE TO BLAME!! JUST HIM!!

You need to step back up off that blue and silver starred pipe and get some objectivity. Your nose is so far up "Jerrah's" ying-yang trying to smell the hype that you can't see that this is WHO TONY ROMO IS. This is a PATTERN - IT IS WHAT HE DOES. The Cowboys WILL NOT WIN with him. He chokes and turns the ball over in key situations.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But it ain't gonna happen despite your eternal optimism. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH HATE! It is just SIMPLE OBSERVATION.

It has everything to do with hate. The Cowboys are just like the Lakers and the Yankees. Love em and hate em. You can get creative and point the finger at anyone you want. Phillips could be blamed for missing the block on the punt, Bryant for not running his route right, Garrett for keeping Bryant in the game when he was gimpy, Ryan for not having stopped the Jets offense, or whoever else you want. Romo's mistakes are just more visible because he is the center of attention. The Cowboys QB is likely the visible position in ALL of sports. It has been like that since Staubach. There are articles almost every week about the Cowboys, specifically Romo, that magnify the mistakes they make. That is not because they make more mistakes than everyone else, it's because of the position Romo has. No other QB receives the same kind of attention when mistakes are made than the Cowboys' QB. That is a clear observation. The media writes and airs more about Romo only because people love to hammer that position, and therefore hammer the man.

I hate Lebron, Kobe, Brady and A-Rod for the same reasons you all hate Romo. They get all the media attention, they are on the most famous teams (except for Lebron) and all happen to be talented.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-11 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]No reason to hate Lebron, other than the fact that he is about the only big named pro athlete that is in the same choking level as your dumb ass quarterback.
One of the things I hate most about the Cowboys, is them being named Americas team. That is flat out bull sh#t, unless you want Americas team to be a bunch of coked out wife beating thugs. A la the crack wagon Cowboys of the 90's.
Who's "Homo for Romo" now? Too many other good teams out there. Cowgirls finish 3 at best in the the division.

It's always an adventure!!!
>AT 09:26?PM (MST)

>No reason to hate Lebron, other
>than the fact that he
>is about the only big
>named pro athlete that is
>in the same choking level
>as your dumb ass quarterback.
>One of the things I hate
>most about the Cowboys, is
>them being named Americas team.
> That is flat out
>bull sh#t, unless you want
>Americas team to be a
>bunch of coked out wife
>beating thugs. A la
>the crack wagon Cowboys of
>the 90's.

Thanks for helping me make my point.
Hey, I became a Cowboy fan a LONG time ago. Back in the Landry Schramm era. I was a little kid and I stayed loyal. Same as some of you guys and your favorite team I bet. The "America's Team" crap and arrogance of Jones don't mean much to me, which probably has a lot to do with some folks dislike. Although, a man that built the 2nd most valuable sports franchise in the world has my respect. Success breeds resentment. (See Lakers and Yankees haters) As far as my yearly prediction, SO WHAT? I have great expectations for the team every year. The teams of the past are just that, the past. It amazes me every year to read the responces and name calling. I don't think Romo is the "dumb ass." mtmuley
Alright,the dumb ass comment is over the top, I deserve that comment from mtmuley. I also admit that any sort of name calling is childish, and will try and refrain from such actions in the future.
50 years ago I wore Packers Pjammas looking at the picture man was I a cute kid. I was a fan all through the lean years and now it is our time. Mt. Muley I'm sure the Cowboys time will come, stick with them. I'm not sure that Romo is going to be the guy to lead them to any championships. From personal and observational sports experience it takes that special leader to get to the top level. IE. Brees-Saints, Manning-Colts, Rodgers-Packers, Brady-Patriots, Lewis-Ravens. I don't believe Romo falls into that level.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-11 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-11 AT 10:05?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-11 AT 10:05?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-11 AT 10:04?AM (MST)

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LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-11 AT 10:02?AM (MST)

Well good luck to the Boys - they are going to need it. I just can hear what you are saying mtmuley and it is the same thing all these Texans are saying on the radio all day long about the 'Boys. Not a lot of objectivity.

Yeah but I have a feeling that things are changing for the better.They have gotten rid of some older players and replaced with youth,and that trend seems to work in the NFL.Maybe Garret can do it,he just needs more game experience,but I am losing hope that Romo will ever be able too.
"the cowboys will win the superbowl"

thats like say'n the utah jizz will take the NBA title.....

purty funny stuff,

hope never_satisfied don't see this,he'll kick me in the nuts for bag'n on his utah jizz.

Yeah, I'm gonna stick with em. Have for over 35 years. Roy, I am objective. Just cause I post it up that the Boys will win it every year don't mean I really believe it. But, the team is young and the coaches are good. I do believe they will win more than six games this year. In a year or two...who knows. With the advent of the salary cap and players jumping ship for the best cash, it gets tough to call every year. Besides, I get all the stimulating conversation from you guys. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-11 AT 04:42PM (MST)[p]The Cowboys are again unraveling with poor QB and secondary play.
If Romo is out for any significant time and Kitna can't pick up the slack,
then this team is in for another long and likely disappointing season.

Impressive comeback against a good S.F. team, but will Romo be able to hold up for the rest of the season with a fractured rib?

Awful tough injury to play with. There was never any question that he is tough. Guess we'll see just how tough he is. mtmuley
I just read Romo played with the fractured rib and a punctured lung. Guess I have to give him props for toughness. Wish Cutler had that kind of moxy.
I will ditto that. They could barely beat my worthless 49ers,so how the *%** are they going to win the big game. Take some advice and stop drinking,it's fogging your brain.
Romo played with a fractured rib and a punctured lung.......why do I doubt that bit of media hype?

I question that he would play with a torn Achilles toenail!!!!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-11 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]Lol, that punctured lung has healed right up according to the ct scan! Romo is one hell of a quick healer!
It's not uncommon to develop a pneumothorax, especially as the result of trauma to the chest or lungs. Depending upon the degree of tear, most pneumothorax heal rather quickly. I'm more worried about the fractured rib and the health risk it could pose if subjected to further trauma.

For Christ's sake. The guy does something decent and it's all media "hype." If any other QB in the NFL would have done it, he would be annointed a Saint. Romo can play. 4th best all time passer rating. 8th best completion percentage. (As of week 2) Favre lost an assload of games through fumbles and interceptions and he's considered one of the best? According to a few ex-players that KNOW, it took balls for Romo to get back in the game with his injury, much less win it. The injuries are mounting fast, but if the rest of the team plays with the kind of nards Romo showed,I'll be happy. The $hitty thing is, I'll be working way long hours next week on a fast restaurant re-model and I'll miss the game on Monday. Any of you smart asses wanna text me updates? mtmuley
Tony Homo absolutely will never be my hero.....but I give him all credit due, I mean playing about half a game of 8 man football against an 11 man team.

Don't the Cowboys practice?

Are those guys so drugged up they can't remember the plays?

It was an ugly win, but Washington should have walked off with it and they didn't......all things considered, they played worse than Dallas.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Not bad for a team with numerous injuries and a patchwork offensive line. Romo, Jones, and the D won tonight. The 'Boys will be looking to go 3-1 before the bye. They sure could use the week off to rest and heal.

So does Romo play better with broken ribs, or does Romo play better on pain drugs ?
A win is a win, but I can't wait till they are healthy.
I can't say $hit the Vikes have been ahead every game at Half and have lost all 3 games.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I was out of town and working late till last night and didn't see the game. Sounds like it was sloppy on both sides, but a W is a W. And after last year, any W is good. mtmuley
Maybe I spoke too soon.
Dallas is self destructing, 2 Romo Ints, and the defense is falling apart.
10 minuets ago, 27 to 30 Dallas
Now, 30 to 24 Dallas by the skin of there teeth.
Colossal collapse by Romo in the 2nd half. His brain farts have cost the team 2 victories so far this season and at what point does it become difficult to defend the guy?

THIS ONE hurt. Absolutely kicking the $hit outta Detroit, and then.... Thing is, Romo put em up by 24, then tore them down. The new young guys are playing really well though. Sometimes it's tough to be a fan. mtmuley
>THIS ONE hurt. Absolutely kicking the
>$hit outta Detroit, and then....
>Thing is, Romo put em
>up by 24, then tore
>them down. The new young
>guys are playing really well
>though. Sometimes it's tough to
>be a fan. mtmuley

It does help to be delusional, and you certainly seem to be with regard to the Cowboys.
MtMuley I respect your support of your team although I'm not a cowboys fan. I think you might be correct and they have a lot going for them. It is unfortunate that the franchise quarterback continually self-destructs the team with his mistakes. The pressure of the 4th quarter always seems to get to him.

I went through bleak years with the Packers and now with the Huskers it makes the good years sweeter.
The lack of a running game sunk the Cowboys today. They don't have a bruising runner that can score in close from the goal line or that can eat up yards and control the clock.
Both Chance and Jones are not big and durable enough for the required task. Something the Cowboys need to address in the off season.

Jerry Jones is fuming at Jason Garrett's conservative play calling in the last 6 minutes of the game. Garrett's lack of faith in Romo to preserve the win was very telling and perhaps his undoing as coach of the Cowboys.

You are my kind of fan MtMuley, my respect. Keep up the predictions you will be correct eventually I guarantee it.
Well, I've not been on MM since last week. The Cowboys again ripped my heart out. Toe to toe for 58 minutes with one of the premier (some call the best) team in the AFC, and a loss. (Brady with the ball and that much time, Damn) At least this weekend I'll be chasing muleys (albeit on a general tag). Probably miss the game, but if I get in cell service, I'll try to get updates. (no one took me up on the update thing last time.) Soooooo, if I dare say it, the Cowboys MIGHT win this weekend. Montana's rifle season starts tommorrow, hope you guys are hunting too. mtmuley
Apparently, the Eagles are not impressed by your prediction.....and the Eagles mostly suck so far this year!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
I'm still in awe that they beat the 49ers............ :)

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
Heck look at my team we are in the running for a #1 draft pick, We just might get lucky and get Luck at QB.
Come on Minnesota don't blow the draft pick too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-11 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]Icing your own kicker????


If it ain't Romo it's Jason Garrett in December.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-11 AT 09:25PM (MST)[p]Garrett has a lot to be desired as a coach. He will likely be released at the end of this season.

Garret was practicing for the time when he has to ice the other teams kicker. It should be clear sailing now he knows how to do it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-11 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]You armchair guys are funny. As much as I hate to admit it, what Garrett did shows no faith in his offense, yeah, particularly Romo. Regardless of how the man has played in a couple bad games, in that situation you gotta turn him loose. A bad loss, but a win this weekend, and the playoffs are very close. Aside from one ass kicking, they have been pretty competitive. Get in the platoffs and who knows what will happen. As a fan, I'm fairly happy so far. At least I don't back the Colts. mtmuley Also I will put out a shameless plug for you guys to check out my bull in the Montana forum.

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